farmer's daughter

Chapter 607 coma

Chapter 607 coma
Chapter [-] Coma
Xue Jian was drowsy and fell into Fu Jinghao's arms.Fu Jinghao was so anxious that he jumped to the ground. Madam Tang hurriedly followed the old man Mo's instructions to boil the potion again.Fu Jinghao was in a hurry, took a sip of the potion, put it in his mouth, and fed it to Xuejian, the corner of Xuejian's mouth flowed a little.Fu Jinghao wiped it clean and came back again, and he finished feeding half a bowl of medicine in a short while.

Nanny Tang turned her head to look at the servants in the room, only Ban Xia and Ting Lian, who were Xue Jian's close girls.But Mother Tang still warned the two of them not to spread the news about General Fu feeding the medicine just now.

The two girls were in tears, so how could they spread the word? Today, after changing the young lady's clothes covered in blood, and seeing the young lady's whole body covered in red wounds, the two girls kept crying, even though they It's a girl, but even they are served by someone.Because every big girl is taken care of by a little girl or an old lady.If they were injured even a little bit, it would be excruciatingly painful. Looking at the wounds on the master's body, every opening was long and deep, and the bones inside could be seen in several places.How painful it is!

Because most of Xuejian's injuries are on her back, she can't be allowed to lie down, she can only lie on her stomach, but people will feel uncomfortable if she lies on her stomach for a long time. Dare to say it casually, Fu Jinghao just sat on the pavement and asked Xue Jian to sleep on top of him, so that her two most serious injuries, which were on her back, would not be crushed.

Everyone in the Prince's Mansion is very nervous today. The little prince was assassinated. Who knows if someone will come to assassinate him again?So the guards also strengthened their guards.Guards have been added inside and outside the courtyards of Xuejian and the prince of Hu, and the girls and women who want to go in and out have to get the consent of the people inside before they can go in.If old man Mo was watching Murong Xing himself, then old man Mo would not be able to see many people, and the guards would just watch from the outside.

And in the palace, because of the assassination of Prince Rui in the morning, the people in the palace were also discussing quietly. The people from the families of the princes and princes who participated in the palace banquet also gathered together, and the atmosphere seemed very heavy. What's the matter? ?In recent years, the Eastern Dynasty has been relatively stable. Even in the case of Prince Shangzi, there has never been such an assassination incident in the capital.

Besides, everyone knows that although Prince Rui is a prince, he is still a child. What threat is a girl?Why do you want to assassinate Prince Rui?The farming tools that Prince Rui helped to make were of great use in this year's spring plowing.Although it has not been launched by the whole dynasty, those are used by the big families.Among the land of this dynasty, the rich families accounted for half, that is to say, half of the land was used for this farming supplies.This is the credit of Prince Rui.

Could it be because of these things that someone killed Prince Rui?

Everyone is guessing, but the emperor's big wedding hasn't finished yet. At the palace banquet in the evening, there are fewer officials, but more relatives of the emperor and the new empress.The scene that was supposed to be very celebratory also felt a little heavy, and the emperor even announced that there would be no more singing and dancing performances. Everyone just had a meal, and the ceremony was over, and a wedding banquet was over.

As soon as he returned to the harem, the emperor waved away the people around him, and only said to the queen:
"I'm going out of the palace to see Xue Jian. I heard that he was seriously injured, and there is also the prince of the Hu country. Now there is only such a prince in the Hu country, and he is also very precious. If he comes out of our place It's hard to say what accident happened."

Empress Wei nodded, got up and personally waited for the emperor to change into casual clothes and said:

"Why don't I go with you. Xue'er is a girl, so it's better for me to go."

The emperor thought for a while, nodded, and stretched out his hand to beckon, a man in black came in outside, this is the leader of the emperor's dark guard, the emperor ordered:

"Get ready, the queen and I are going out of the palace to visit the Prince's Mansion."

Then the emperor and empress changed into unremarkable casual clothes, and went out of the palace together in the dark with these relatives of the royal family, without making a fuss, the two carriages went directly to the prince's mansion.When he arrived at the gate of the Prince's Mansion, Eunuch Li got out of the carriage to knock on the door first. Now the guards in the Prince's Mansion are very vigilant. Hearing the sound of knocking on the door, a person came out and saw Eunuch Li. He knew him.Hearing Eunuch Li's whisper, the person who opened the door quickly opened the door, and at the same time sent someone a message to go inside.

The person who received the letter was Lian Quchen, and today he and the princess came back early from the dinner.I just sat down to find out about the situation of a few injured people, and I heard that Xue Jian had a fever, which is not a good sign.Frowning and trying to think of a way, someone came to report that the emperor and queen had arrived.

Even Quchen was surprised, this couple is getting married today, and they ran out without regard to etiquette, so they should pay attention to safety.Just after the assassination today, although General Mu immediately investigated the capital, if there were still people lurking, wouldn't this force the rabbit to bite people twice, and even go out of the palace like this, even Quchen hurriedly greeted them.

When he came out, he saw that the emperor was helping the queen to get off the carriage.Even Qu Chen hurried forward with the Princess to salute.The emperor said softly:

"No, let's just take a look quietly, don't attract other people's attention."

Lian Quchen nodded and walked in with the emperor.Then I talked about the situation in this mansion, and said that Xuejian was still awake in the afternoon, but now she is in a coma because of a fever. In this era, fever after injury is not a good thing, and it is generally not easy to save.The emperor also frowned and said:
"I have called all the imperial physicians to come, have you come?"

"Come here, and guard the three of them separately. Prince Batu of the Hu Kingdom is fine. Although he was injured, he didn't have a fever and recovered well. He even fell asleep after dinner. Mr. Murong is a bit troublesome. Prince Rong said that he bled too much and his meridians were damaged, even if he revived his body, he would not be as good as before, and he would have to practice martial arts again in the future."

"And Xuejian was fine in the afternoon, and went to see Ah Xing after wrapping up the wound. Ah Xing was woken up by her, but she started to have a fever during dinner, and now she is in a semi-comatose state. Prince Rong and General Fu are in a coma It's guarding inside."

The emperor frowned and said:

"Then let's go to see the prince of the Hu country first. Queen, you and the princess should go to the prince's side first, and we will come over later."

Empress Wei nodded. She had a good personal relationship with the princess, so she immediately held the princess's hand, and the two walked in together. When the princess talked about seeing each other, she still cried as soon as she said it, thinking about the injury.Empress Wei listened to the princess's talk about giving Xuejian medicine, and heard that the injury was so severe that her bones could be seen. Think about how that delicate little girl endured such pain!Thinking about it, her eyes were red, and when she entered Xuejian's yard, she saw that the girl who came out to greet the door had her eyes swollen from crying.

Empress Wei stopped the people to salute, and went directly into the back room with the princess. The lights in the back room were bright, Fu Jinghao was still half lying and half leaning on the side of the bed, Xue Jian was leaning over him, his two little cheeks were still flushed, it seemed The heat hasn't gone away yet!

Not only did he not lose his enthusiasm, but he also started talking nonsense.

"Don't cry! Don't cry!."

"No, no"

"No, I don't want to."

(End of this chapter)

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