farmer's daughter

Chapter 608 Their Swords Are Poisonous

Chapter 608 Their Swords Are Poisonous

Chapter [-] Poisonous on their swords

Fu Jinghao couldn't do anything with the girl in front of him. Because of the fever, he was a little confused. He waved his hands while talking, and he was injured. Fu Jinghao had to hug her in a hurry. He was afraid of pressing her injury, so he had to move gently.

This is what the queen saw when she came in. Fu Jinghao reminded softly:
"Be careful. Don't scratch, there is a wound here, don't pull the wound. Be good, what do you want?"

While constantly taking handkerchiefs from a little girl next to her, she wiped Xuejian's face and neck gently, with pity in her eyes. When she saw the queen and princess coming in, Fu Jing Hao also ignored it, just glanced at it, nodded his head, and immediately lowered his head to hold Xuejian's waving hand again.

Then he put a piece of jade on one side into Xuejian's hand, and Xuejian didn't wave again.Fu Jinghao said softly:
"She is uncomfortable and has a fever. Give her something cold and she will feel better. It should not be too cold for fear of hurting her body."

Only then did the queen and princess know why he wiped Xuejian's face with a handkerchief. It was cold water, and the jade given to Xuejian was also cold jade.

But Xue Jian's heat still didn't go down.It was a bit uncomfortable and grabbed the clothes.Presumably there was some pain or discomfort in the wound.

Fu Jinghao comforted him softly again. Seeing Xue Jian suffering all this, the princess couldn't help crying on the sidelines.The queen was also a little choked up.

Old man Mo came in, and he just went to see Murong Xing. Murong Xing didn't have a fever, but because of the excessive bleeding from the wound, he didn't have any energy at all, and he was asleep now.

Old man Mo looked at Xuejian's situation and said:

"Let's all go out, Ah Hao, stay and hug her, I'll give her an injection, Nanny Tang, go and prepare some handkerchiefs. Use some ice water. Give your lady a gentle wipe and see if you can Fever."

Princess Road:
"Do you want me to help you change the medicine?"

Empress Wei also expressed that she would like to help, old man Mo looked at the two of them and said:
"The princess should stay and help, it's better for the queen not to see this kind of injury today."

The princess also ordered a girl to help the queen out of Xuejian's room, and went forward to take off Xuejian's coat with Madam Tang. Sure enough, because Xuejian kept moving, the wound on her shoulder Soaked in blood again.The blood stuck to the cloth covering the wound again, and it was difficult to untie it.

Fu Jinghao never left. He was worried about seeing him, and he didn't care about the difference between men and women. Maybe it was because he had a sense of stability.Xuejian always leaned towards him involuntarily, and finally, Nanny Tang said:
"Mr. Fu, you should lie down as before, and let the master lean on you. This way we can take the medicine."

Fu Jinghao lay down again, and there was a thin Xue Jian in his arms.She thought she was a big girl when she was wearing clothes, but when she took it off, she was so thin.As small as a cat.

Fu Jinghao put another piece of jade into Xuejian's anxious hand, and she became quiet again.Only then did Nanny Tang and the princess step forward, took a pair of scissors, and carefully cut off the bloody cloth slowly. Finally, when the wound was pulled lightly, it would bleed, and Nanny Tang couldn't bear to pull it away. up.But old man Mo came over and stretched out his hand, and the blood overflowed. Old man Mo tapped a few times immediately, and the blood stopped again.

Old Man Mo frowned and said:
"Why can't the bleeding from each wound stop?"

Fu Jinghao suddenly said:

"Master, is there poison on their swords?"

Old man Mo's eyes dimmed, and he flew out.He came in again after a while, and this time his face was really darkened. It seemed that Fu Jinghao had guessed it.That sword is really poisonous!This trick is so vicious!

The poison can't kill a person instantly, but the place where there is an injury is bleeding. How much blood does a person have?How long can it stand the flow?Even if old man Mo can tap acupuncture points, he can't do it for a long time, it will damage people's meridians!

It's a bit difficult for old man Mo now.When it comes to detoxification, he is really not as good as old man Qin.Old man Qin did some research on these back then, but now old man Qin is gone again, I don't know where he went.

Old man Mo came out and said to Lian Quchen:

"Send a letter to the second child, let him grow up to old man Qin, and tell old man Qin to come right away. Ah Xing and Xue'er were poisoned, not ordinary injuries. The wound has been bleeding, can't stop, and the flow is not fast, anyway. It’s been flowing all the time, Ah Xing now I can only touch the acupuncture point, but it will cause great damage to the meridian after a long time.”

The emperor and queen, who were waiting for news outside, were even more surprised when they heard that they had been poisoned. Who must put Xue Jian to death?The emperor looked at Lian Quchen and said:

"Is there a trial?"

Lian Quchen said:

"What can I get out of the trial? One by one, I would rather die than be afraid. If the master didn't grab it quickly, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to grab a living one. I put poison in my own teeth, and then bit them open. It's almost here. You are defenseless!"

Old man Mo changed Xuejian to another medicine to stop the bleeding, and really speeded up to make the needle and thread that Xuejian said could be sewn together, wondering if it would be better to sew.After Madam Tang and the princess wiped Xue Jian's body twice, Xue Jian finally became a little quiet, saying that she had fallen asleep.Also don't move her anymore.Fu Jinghao was suppressed like this.

The princess comes out.Neither the emperor nor the queen left yet.The princess wiped the tears from her face and said:

"It's time for the emperor and queen to go back to the palace, and it's getting late at night."

"How is Prince Rui?"

"I'm asleep now. But I don't know if I'll wake up later. She has a fever and is a little confused. She is always talking nonsense. She keeps moving around. So the wound is bleeding again and again. .”

The emperor said:
"I'll go back to the palace right away and ask the palace to bring the best medicine. What medicine do you need?"

Old man Mo thought about it:

"Let's go, I'll take you back to the palace, and I'll find the medicine myself."

Well, it seems that what old man Mo meant was that the Royal Hospital was his, so he can find whatever he wants.The emperor also acquiesced, and brought the queen back to the palace with the escort of old man Mo.

The entire capital became turbulent because of the assassination during the day, and there was a tense atmosphere everywhere.The capital city in the night became quiet.It seems that all the animals knew that tonight would be different, so they all closed their mouths. One donkey seemed to have eaten too much, and accidentally hiccupped, making a loud noise in the dark night, which scared the donkey itself. One jump, two quick steps.Looking back nervously.

There was a man sitting on the donkey, but he was still awake in the middle of the night, driving the donkey forward.All the streets and alleys left a series of donkeys' pattering footsteps.From time to time, there was the sound of someone driving a donkey.

"Whoa, you bastard! Go this way!"

This person and donkey are walking slowly towards Prince Rong's mansion!

(End of this chapter)

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