farmer's daughter

Chapter 609 Can He Really Save Xueer?

Chapter 609 Can He Really Save Xueer?
Chapter 610 Can He Really Save Xueer?
In the middle of the night, it was dark outside.The lights of every house were also extinguished, only in Prince Rong's mansion, no one seemed to be asleep, the lights were brightly lit, and from time to time people could see people passing by in a hurry, everyone lowered their voices and footsteps.For fear of waking up the night.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a loud knock on the gate of Prince Rong's mansion, and the sound spread far away in such a quiet night.The person who opened the door was a little annoyed.Because everyone knows that the master is injured now, and everyone in the mansion is suppressed. Isn't it looking for trouble to knock on the door like this in the middle of the night?

The door was heavy and difficult to open, the person who opened it only opened a small door next to it, and stretched his head out to see who had knocked on the door.But he didn't want to be sprayed with hot air by a donkey as soon as he stretched out his head.It also stinks badly. At first glance, the donkey seemed to be yawning, and turned away a little unhappy.

The door opener got angry and stood up and said:
"Who knocked on the door in the middle of the night?"

"Amitabha, you are a poor monk!"

"Who is the poor monk?"

The janitor was probably in a daze of sleep, so he just answered the sentence.Then he took a closer look and saw an old man with a head of white hair standing behind the donkey, although he was wearing a monk's robe, but the clothes were shabby.No, it can't be called an old man, because he doesn't look old, but his hair is white, and he looks old.

The janitor got angry, pointed at the card above and said:

"Can you read? This is Prince Rong's mansion, not a temple. Monk, you have gone to the wrong place. Hurry up, hurry up, the mansion is bothering you, don't cause trouble!"

The monk also looked along the gatekeeper's hand, the light on the lantern was not very bright, but he could clearly see the four characters of "Prince Rong's Mansion".The monk read it again:

"That's right, this is Prince Rong's Mansion, little blackie, we went right."

As he spoke, he patted the black donkey's butt. The donkey didn't seem to like him patting it, but it didn't dare to kick him, so it had to turn around, turn sideways and then kick back to express its anger.

The gatekeeper was stunned for a moment, and then said:

"Let's go, monk, I won't talk about you because you are a monk, just go. This is not where you should come."

"No, this is the place I should come to. If you don't come, your master will die. If you don't let me in, tomorrow the house will do white things."

The janitor was very angry. He came here to curse his master, not to mention that the master is really not very good now.The porter snorted, turned and went in, and slammed the little door behind him.Don't cause trouble for the master, it's better to be tempered at this time, otherwise, since he is Prince Rong's gatekeeper, he will be afraid of a beggar monk!
He turned around and went into the porter's room. Just as he sat down, he heard a "bang bang bang" knock on the door.The janitor is angry, is this person still reluctant?
Just as he was about to drive him away with a stick, Manager Cheng came.Manager Cheng has been busy all day, and he hasn't taken a break until now, and he dare not take a break if he wants to. Now the master's situation is getting worse and worse.Mr. Murong Xing passed out again.The prince of Hu country also started bleeding from his wound and started to have a fever, but his own master was even more troubled. He no longer bled, but something like clear water, and he didn't have any energy at all, and the fever didn't go away.Mr. Fu could only hold his master and cry, and the old master also scratched his hair. He didn't know what to do, and Nanny Tang was planning for the worst.

And this doorkeeper, he didn't worry too much, the sound of bang bang bang came in, and anyone who heard it wanted to get angry.

Manager Cheng said:

"Who's knocking?"

The janitor happened to be holding a stick, and said angrily:

"There is a crazy monk with a donkey, saying that he is not allowed to come in, and tomorrow we will have a white job in the house. I will go and drive him away."

The gatekeeper picked up the stick and opened the small door. Manager Cheng came back to his senses, and hurried forward and said:

"Wait. Let me see."

Manager Cheng stood up and saw that he was indeed a crazy monk.Cheng general pipeline:
"Dare to ask the mage to come for alms in the middle of the night?"

"No, no, no, I'm not here for alms, I'm here to pay off the debt. I still owe your master a life, and I'm here to pay back!"

Manager Cheng was a little taken aback when he heard this, but then he thought about it, everyone in the house is messed up, this person said he was going to pay back the master's life, maybe he really has something to do.Besides, now that the old master is here, if he is really a bad guy, he will not be allowed to escape in the mansion.

After thinking about it, Manager Cheng bowed and said:

"The mage came in time. My master is asking for help, so he asked the mage to come in with me."


The monk didn't talk much, and was about to enter the mansion with the donkey. When passing by the gatekeeper, he handed the donkey to him and said:
"Give it to me, and I'll ask you for a donkey later!"

Even if the gatekeeper was unwilling, he had no choice but to let the donkey go first.Manager Cheng was also uneasy, wondering if the one he welcomed in was someone who could really cure the little master.

Director Cheng led them into the yard, and saw Lian Quchen, old man Mo, and the princess were also here.Everyone's face was dark and their brows were locked.

I saw Manager Cheng bring a monk in.Listen to Manager Cheng tell me what happened at the door.Lian Quchen jumped up and said:
"Teacher, is it you? Did you save Xue'er?"


Lian Quchen looked up to the sky and laughed loudly:

"Hahaha, hahaha, God has eyes! Teacher, father, save Xueer, she is still young."

The monk clasped his palms together and said:
"It is destined to be a calamity! There must be someone who can resolve it. Now the person who resolves it is here. Amitabha!"

Old man Mo was most annoyed by this kind of courtesy, he stepped forward and said:

"Can he really save Xue'er?"

Lian Quchen nodded and said in a low voice:

"Master, if he cannot be saved, no one in the whole world can."

Then Lian Quchen sent a voice transmission to old man Mo and said:

"He is the one who saved Xue'er."

Old man Mo's eyes widened. Is this the legendary fairy who saved Xue'er?

So, is Xueer saved?If Xue'er can save Xing'er, will she be saved?

Old man Mo looked at this monk, and the more he looked at it, the more confused he became. He was obviously a very handsome person, so how come the more he looked at it, the more he couldn't see what he looked like?

Lian Quchen didn't care so much, he just brought the man into the back room. Seeing that Lord Hou brought in a sloppy monk, Tang Mama wanted to stop him, but it seemed that even Lord Hou was very respectful to this person, so I don't know what the source is.You can only step back and let them pass.

In the room, Xuejian was still half-lying on Fu Jinghao's body and fell asleep.And a pinellia and another girl were using some cotton cloth to gently wipe some of the water that flowed out of her, and a basin on one side was filled with a basin of cloth.But the water seemed to have been wiped and flowed out again.

I saw Master Lian and a monk coming in.Ban Xia hurriedly pulled up the master's clothes.Lian Quchen looked at Ban Xia and the others and said:
"You all go out first."

Ban Xia looked at Fu Jinghao, Fu Jinghao also looked at Lian Quchen suspiciously, but believed that Lian Quchen would not harm Xueer, so he nodded, and Ban Xia retreated.

As soon as the monk came in, it was as if he didn't see anyone else, only the thin little man lying on his stomach.If Fu Jinghao looked carefully, he would see that there were many incomprehensible things in his eyes when he saw Xue Jian, and he also had the same pampering as when he saw Xue Jian!

Even Quchen, who was standing aside, could only hear the monk sigh deeply!
(End of this chapter)

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