farmer's daughter

Chapter 619 The first dangerous place

Chapter 619 The First Dangerous Landing
Chapter 620 The first dangerous place
Prince Rui's car drove out of the capital, and the next thing the people talked about was that the eldest son of the Fu family, who was said to be dead, was actually alive.But it's also a bad luck.I just heard that I was engaged to Prince Rui, no, Prince Rui will die soon.Is this because his horoscope is a bit big and his fate is not good?Or could it be said that his fate was so hard to kill his parents and this fiancée?

For a while, there was everything in the capital.Xue Jian naturally didn't hear it, because the development of the matter was a bit beyond her expectation.Originally, I thought about pretending to be dead.I don't want so many people to value themselves so much.This moved Xue Jian very much, and also felt that by doing this, did he hurt the hearts of the people?Xuejian felt that she was very panicked now, was she wrong?But the arrow is on the string, and I have to send it out. This is the beginning, and it has to end no matter what!
In Xuejian's frame, apart from Xuejian, there is Tang Nanny's Pinellia.There is also old man Mo who has been leaning on one side with his eyes closed to rest his mind.On the contrary, this carriage is very big, and several people don't feel crowded in this carriage.Xue Jian, who had been lying ill all this time, came out of the city gate.After being tapped a few times by old man Mo, he regained his composure.

Because the acupoints cannot be tapped for a long time.As soon as Xuejian's acupoints were released, the person slowly recovered, and when she saw Xuejian opened her eyes, Banxia screamed.She was so happy to see her master wake up.Tang Nanny immediately covered Ban Xia's mouth and said softly:
"Don't raise your voice."

Ban Xia nodded, and the mother let go of Ban Xia, and Ban Xia immediately rushed over, lying on Xuejian's lap and crying.Xuejian patted her on the head lightly and said:
"Don't cry, I'm feigning death. Because of some things, I have to feign death. You have to pretend that you don't know. Don't let others see it!"

Banxia has followed Xuejian for these years, and has been taught by Shi Chun and Madam Tang, so she understands many things.She is very clever, so now Xuejian takes her with her wherever she goes, and Xuejian wants to train her to be like his right-hand man.

Ban Xia nodded understandingly, but she was still happy because Miss died and came back to life.According to Xuejian, she didn't want to sit back in her seat, so she sat cross-legged at Xuejian's feet.

Xue Jian didn't care about her, anyway, there was a fire cabinet under the carriage, and the carriage was warm.

The carriage was driving very fast, and there were people in front of them rushing to send messages to the state capitals, so all the places were moving forward unimpeded. That night, I stayed in a small town. The main way, so it seems very lively here.There are also many people on the street.Because of the sharpening in advance, the people in front have rented a manor house and made some simple arrangements, waiting for the arrival of Xuejian and his party.

When the people came, the Prince Xue Jian drove directly into the yard in a carriage. Because the gate of this yard was small, the people who came earlier demolished some of the gate and wall of the yard.Anyway, as I said, the prince will not get out of the carriage.

Everyone was a little tired after riding in the carriage for a long time, and they all got off the carriage one after another to take a walk. Naturally, the first thing Lian Quchen and Fu Jinghao did after getting off the horse was to come to the carriage to see Xue Jian, who was pretending to be dead.But seeing Xuejian eating and teaching Banxia how to play cards.It provoked old man Mo to join him.Lian Quchen smiled wryly, and resigned himself to getting out of the carriage to arrange everything.

The first thing to do is to be prepared.It was necessary to investigate the surrounding situation, so a young man beside Fu Jinghao went to the back kitchen and watched them cook incognito.

Lian Quchen walked around for a while, came back with a wry smile and said:

"The location of this yard is very good. If their people come to attack, we can't hide. It seems that our top-notch people really think that we are going home to attend the funeral. They found us a quiet and peaceful place." place to live."

Xuejian smiled mischievously and said:

"Don't worry, I don't think you will come tonight."

Fu Jinghao looked up at Xuejian and said:

"how do you know?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"First, we thought of this move on the spur of the moment. Their people may not have time to react. There must be a time to discuss it. Then we gathered people together. Knowing that you are all there, one or two people come. No, secondly, although it is hundreds of miles away from Beijing, it is still close to Beijing. Anyway, this is not the best place."

Lian Quchen nodded after thinking about it:
"Yes, it makes sense! When you say that, I really think it makes sense."

"Of course, what did I say that didn't make sense? Don't think about it. We have searched like that in the capital. It is unlikely that there are many of them in the capital. Even if there are, it is only one or two people who stay there." The person who came to report the letter, secondly, Brother Jing Hao’s people have searched some places outside the capital, so within a radius of tens of miles, there is no place where they gather. When they get together, they need to discuss and inform They won't be able to come up with a decision on these things before midnight tonight."

Xuejian talked freely while eating.Hearing this, Fu Jinghao and Lian Quchen nodded repeatedly.Xueer's analysis is indeed reasonable.Moreover, according to the news from the people left in Beijing, everything in Beijing is normal, and there is no abnormal performance. The two princes are still playing in Beijing under the hospitality of the Ministry of Rites, and the prince of Hu State was taken into the palace. I went to the hospital.Said it was for medical treatment.Murong Xing was carried back by Murong's family.

Sure enough, nothing happened overnight.Everyone packed up and set off again before dawn.It's another fast ride all the way.It also stopped twice on the way, saying that it was to give the prince medicine, otherwise she might not be able to live home.

Because of the help of the people who hit the front station in front, they have always prepared horses in front, so they change horses every day, so they run very fast. In the afternoon of the next day, they will reach Huya Mountain in front.

Huya Mountain is the first dangerous place to go back from the capital.There are high mountains and dense forests, many dangerous cliffs and Shaanxi roads.It is indeed a bit difficult for a carriage to pass, but because there is an army guarding in front, a support is driven or a mountain road is opened, so that the carriage can pass.But because this is a dangerous place, Lian Quchen and Fu Jinghao were guarding around the carriage when they were approaching here.Don't be sloppy at all.

In their convoy, the escorts were Fu Jinghao's men and horses, Lian Quchen, and a few coachmen, these coachmen were not small people.They were all changed last night, and they were all from Duan Fei's Fengyinglou.Duan Fei sat in front of the carriage that Xue Jian was riding with Gu Gonggong and became a coachman.

A group of people arrived in the mountains nervously, Xue Jian sat up, and said softly to Mother Liang Tang and Ban Xia:
"Both of you, be careful. If someone comes later, just think about protecting yourself. Don't think about protecting me. It will make us mess up instead, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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