farmer's daughter

Chapter 620 Here Comes an Expert to Help

Chapter 620 Here Comes an Expert to Help
Chapter 620 Here Comes an Expert to Help

Although the people standing in front did not report anything unusual, everyone cheered up and walked through Huya Mountain with extreme caution. After passing the first ravine, there was a bend. To the booming sound.Lian Quchen shouted:

"Be careful, there are rolling stones!"

Fu Jinghao jumped onto the carriage directly, and hugged Xuejian with his arms, saying:

"Don't forget, you are a patient, I have to carry you down."

Fu Jinghao carried Xue Jian out of the carriage, and Eunuch Gu rushed in and embraced Nanny Tang with one hand, and took Pinellia away with the other.There was only an old man Mo in the car.But when Eunuch Gu got out of the carriage, old man Mo followed behind him and got out of the carriage like a person. If others were dazzled, they would not have seen how many people got out of the carriage.

After getting off the carriage, everyone hid beside the big trees in some flat places. Even Quchen looked at the direction of the rolling stones and reminded everyone how to hide, but Duan Fei and the carriage also tried their best to avoid the rolling stones.I still hope that the carriage can be preserved intact.Following him to hide from Rolling Stone were three other carriages. Fortunately, these coachmen were all Duan Fei's people, and they all had a tacit understanding to avoid Rolling Stone.Finally let them hide, and then parked the carriage there, leaving two people watching, Duan Fei and one of them flew back to pick them up.

But when he looked back, he saw that behind the rolling stone was the rain of arrows.The rain of arrows came down one after another, making them somewhat at a loss as to where to hide.The dust whisk in Gu Gonggong's hand danced impenetrably.In the end, he didn't let an arrow go through him, because behind him were Xuejian, Tang Nanny and Banxia. No matter how sensible Banxia was, she was still a child, and now she was really scared and fainted.

Old man Mo hid on this tree, snapping his fingers from time to time, shooting down some arrows that might have missed, but in the eyes of outsiders, it was Eunuch Gu who knocked them down.Knowing that there was an old man Mo behind him, Eunuch Gu felt more at ease.

Fu Jinghao also protected the other side. Not to mention that Fu Jinghao didn't follow the old man Xiao for a long time. Fortunately, he was influenced by his father before and started practicing martial arts since he was a child, but he didn't receive long-term guidance and professional training from his father. guide.So if you practice it yourself, you will strengthen your body.In those days following old man Xiao, it was considered to have skyrocketed.Then he went to the barracks to hone his skills, so the current Fu Jinghao is considered pretty good in old man Mo's eyes.

With old man Mo on top, Eunuch Gu in front, and Fu Jinghao in the back, Xue Jian considered it safe here.So Lian Quchen flew up the mountain with a few people and Duan Fei.Go up against the rain of arrows.Because they are all masters among masters.After a while they found the person in ambush on the mountain.

The people in ambush on the mountain were startled when they saw a few people approaching. They didn't expect these people to be so fearless.Actually rushed up the mountain.If they are face to face, then fight hand to hand and fight directly.Duan Fei's martial arts is naturally the best among these people. With a sweep of his sword, two people fell down.These archery people pushing stones here are naturally not very high martial arts people.After killing half of them in one breath, Duan Fei shouted:

"Eldest brother, you stand here, I'll go down and have a look."

Duan Fei felt wrong.Because even if they came to assassinate, they couldn't all be people with poor martial arts. It seems that there are still ambushes underneath.

It really made Duan Fei talk.He turned back down the mountain, and before he reached the foot of the mountain, he heard the sound of weapons clashing.Duan Fei speeded up and flew over, it was okay.Only a few people came to besiege, and the master didn't show up. Eunuch Gu looked really good, a whisk in his hand was like a thousand swords.Every whisk silk is a sharp sword.

Duan Fei saw that both Fu Jinghao and Gu Gonggong could handle it easily, and there was still a master who didn't make a move.Duan Fei didn't join in.Instead, turn around and look around to see if there are other ambushes!
Sure enough, Duan Fei felt that his luck was really good today.There are still a few people leaning on the trees on the other side. When Duan Fei passed by, he suddenly felt someone on the tree, and immediately retreated and shouted:
"There are still people here!"

And since the people on the tree were discovered, they would no longer hide.Naturally, they all showed up and rushed towards Duan Fei, and these people were obviously better in martial arts than the previous ones. It would be a bit difficult for Duan Fei to deal with it alone, and Duan Fei couldn't beat these people and let them go. Fu Jinghao's pressure also threatened Xue'er and others.

Duan Fei struggled hard against these people, when suddenly a person fell from the sky and directly joined the battle circle, helping Duan Fei as soon as he made a move.And the few people on Duan Fei's side were shocked away by that man's one move.

Duan Fei took a closer look and found that it was Senior Xiao whom he had met at Xuejian last time!
Duan Fei exclaimed with great joy:

"Senior Xiao, you came just in time!"

Old man Xiao snorted coldly and said:

"Look at your current martial arts, what have you been doing all these years? You can't get rid of such a few people!"

Well, I was complained a lot, but Duan Fei won't be angry.Instead, he laughed loudly and said:
"Senior Xiao, my master once said that it's better for me to follow your path. The master said that he doesn't even want to see me anymore."

These two people!While fighting and chatting.This caused those who fought hard with them to drift past the black line.Do you have to fight seriously!
Well, even if there are only two people in the family, and the two of them are still chatting, the seven people on my side still can't handle this matter well.If they really got serious about this, they might have nothing to do with them.

I was thinking about it here, but Fu Jinghao over there called out:
"Second senior brother, how is your side? Would you like me to go over and support you?"

Because of the distance, Fu Jinghao didn't see Master coming.I heard the second senior brother roar, there is someone over here.Then Ruoyou heard the sound of fighting, Fu Jinghao was a little worried that the second senior brother would meet a strong opponent.So he stepped up the offensive on his side, and then solved the three people who were fighting with him.I was free, but I dare not leave this side for the time being, there are five people with Eunuch Gu.

So Fu Jinghao could only pay attention to Duan Fei verbally.Duan Fei smiled and replied:

"No need. An expert is here to help."

Seeing that Fu Jinghao had settled the matter, Gu Gonggong himself was busy solving the problem at hand, but he was fighting five by himself, so he didn't have time to make a move for a while.Moreover, these five people seem to know a kind of formation to protect each other in an impenetrable way.Fu Jinghao was also afraid of someone sneaking up from behind, so he could only pick up the stones on the ground and flick a stone from time to time to disturb them.Sure enough, this move helped Eunuch Gu.Gu Gonggong took a chance and strangled one of them with a whisk.Without one person, the formation would be incomplete.It can be regarded as breaking this formation.Then, the momentum was overwhelming, and after a while, all five people were resolved.

(End of this chapter)

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