farmer's daughter

Chapter 621 Is the Best Place to Assassinate

Chapter 621 Is the Best Place to Assassinate

Chapter 620 The second is the best place to assassinate

Once the problem here was solved, Eunuch Gu looked at the tree, and said to Fu Jinghao:

"You can go and see what's going on with Mr. Duan. There's no problem here."

While talking, Eunuch Gu brought Ban Xia, who had fainted at the corner of the tree, to Xue Jian's side.Xue Jian still pretended to be unconscious, and was hugged by Madam Tang and sat against the tree.

After putting the three together.Eunuch Gu also sat cross-legged beside them.Fu Jinghao took a look and knew that there was no problem.He turned and jumped to the other side.

And here.Duan Fei was the one who beat him.It's just that there was an old man with white hair who kept pointing and cursing after a while:

"Look, you just follow that old man Mo to learn some fancy moves, it's not practical at all, it would be great if you just sweep this move."

"Then I'll do it again."

However, everyone knows that in sparring, distraction and the use of the same moves are the most taboo.But Duan Fei was obviously not afraid anymore.It was still difficult to deal with these few people before, but Senior Xiao came and restrained one person, obviously, he restrained one of their leaders.And without this person, the other few people would not have such great attack power.

Duan Fei often walks in the rivers and lakes. In fact, he knew that these people used formations after a while, so it was difficult for him to resist alone, but now it seems that he can still deal with it. Flying is a learning opportunity.

No, if you say do it again, you will do it again, just use the same move again, but according to what old man Xiao said, you don't pull the sword flower, but just sweep it away.Sure enough, where his sword went, people groaned, obviously two people were injured.

It seems that it is indeed not bad to change the direction of the same move.Duan Fei was originally a martial arts prodigy, and after reaping such a benefit, coupled with his own little comprehension, it was like opening another window in his mind, and it became brighter all at once.

Duan Fei stopped talking and used all his moves again.Only this time, he used all the moves in reverse.This makes the opponent a little flustered.After using this set of sword skills, two of the four opponents fell down, and the remaining two were also injured.

Duan Feiyue fought harder and shouted at his opponent:
"Come on, come on again. I'll practice again"

Fu Jinghao, who happened to arrive just in time, heard Duan Fei's words, looked helplessly at Duan Fei flying around in the arena, and shouted excitedly, it seemed that he regarded these opponents as his opponents in sword training.

Fu Jinghao smiled, and was about to speak, but saw a person sitting cross-legged under the tree over there, it was Shigong.Fu Jinghao exclaimed happily:
"Master, why are you here?"

Old man Xiao looked up at Fu Jinghao quietly, with a trace of doubt in his eyes, and then said:

"Are you going with me too? How is Xue Er?"

As soon as he heard Shigong's question, Fu Jinghao knew that Shigong came here after hearing the news that Xue'er was not well.He hurriedly stepped forward to salute and said softly:
"Master, Xue'er is over there, and Senior Mo is also here. Xue'er is fine. This is just a plan for us to lure these people out."

Old man Xiao stared at Fu Jinghao in astonishment.Fu Jinghao scratched his head and said:

"This is what Xueer came up with, so we just do what she says. I don't know why, these people are all here for Xueer."

Old man Xiao nodded, then got up and said:

"I just passed by the northwest side and heard that the girl is not well. I rushed here. I wanted to go to the capital, but on the way I heard that Prince Rui was going back to his hometown. That's why I rushed here."

The remaining two were dealt with within two moves. Duan Fei couldn't get enough of it now, so he ran over excitedly, bowed to Old Man Xiao and said:

"Thank you Senior Xiao for your guidance."

Old man Xiao didn't say anything, and stood up after being saluted.Looking at the few people lying on the ground, he frowned and said:

"Who are these people?"

Fu Jinghao stepped forward and gently lifted the clothes of these people, and sure enough, they were still wearing Wu Liguo's underwear.

Fu Jinghao followed behind the master, and said as he walked:
"These people look like people from our dynasty, but all of them are wearing Wuli country's underwear. I don't know if they are really from Wuli country, or they just dressed up like this to frame Wuli country."

The three of them went back to the big tree here while talking, but a few people came back, exactly two or three of the few people that Lian Quchen brought back.Lian Quchen and the others got rid of the archers, and took two more people to search along some marks.Want to see how these people got here.

Old man Xiao's arrival was a surprise.Old man Mo was making sure that there was no one around, and then he jumped off the tree and said:

"How did you come?"

Xuejian also stood up and bowed to old man Xiao, now that she had to be called Master, Xuejian bowed politely, and then everyone sat down.Eunuch Gu went to check around again as before, and there were indeed no one there.

Even Quchen chased him for a while, but found nothing, so he had to bring these two people back again.Everyone got together, said a few words, and then moved on.

Only this time, there was another old man in the carriage.

Huya Mountain's risk is over.After passing Huya Mountain, you have left the boundary of the capital city and entered the boundary of another prefecture city.

The carriages of this line did not enter the town to live again, but found some places that were a little bit out of the way.Stop when it gets dark, and leave before dawn.On the morning of the third day, they came to the second dangerous pass that Lian Quchen had calculated.

This place is indeed dangerous, because there is a natural moat here, and there are high mountains on both sides of the official road. This place is like being in a ravine, and the distance between this ravine is a bit far, and it may be nearly ten miles in length. The land was blocked by both sides of the government many years ago, coupled with the encirclement and suppression of tens of thousands of officers and soldiers, it was considered that the banditry here was eliminated.Everyone was relieved when they walked through this official road.Even so, there are officers and soldiers on both sides.

Although there are officers and soldiers stationed here, in Lian Quchen's view, those few soldiers are no match for these Jianghu people.In addition, these soldiers are only stationed on both sides, and no one cares about the middle, and the middle is the best place to assassinate.

When the carriage arrived at the place where the officers and soldiers were stationed, the official came forward to salute, and said that he had sent a small team to pass first.I think there is no problem.

Even Quchen said that he would remember him, and this petty official was as happy as anything.The carriage did not slow down because of the danger here, and everyone continued to move forward at the original speed.

(End of this chapter)

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