farmer's daughter

Chapter 628 He Saved Me Again

Chapter 628 He Saved Me Again

Chapter 620 IX He Saved Me Again

What's interesting is that in the end, the chefs were actually a few people brought by Fu Jinghao. These people followed Fu Jinghao out of the barracks, arrived at Youran Villa, and then went all the way to the capital. The most important thing was to learn to cook some food at Youran Villa .These boys memorized some of Xuejian's eating methods by heart.

In this match, the old monster in Caiyi naturally won.After winning, the boss laughed and cried.Then it calmed down, after lunch.The old monster came over and said:
"Little girl, I like you very much. If you have time, you can come to our mountain to have a look. But you have to be careful recently, you are too good, someone wants to get rid of you."

Xue Jian frowned and said:
"Then can you tell me who it is?"

The old monster shook his head and said:
"The people we came here today are all from me. I happened to meet your master here, and I made a lifetime wish. I really didn't know you were his disciple before. Now I guarantee that we, the people of the Yueshan sect, will not I will come to hunt you down again. But I don’t guarantee that there will be no one else.”

Xue Jian understood.Co-authoring, he still looks at the face of the master.It can be seen how much pressure the master put on him back then. In fact, his martial arts may be higher than the master now, but he dare not really fight the master.The way he proposed may have made him let go of a knot in his heart and helped him find a way to break through.

As Xue Jian thought, Ran Jisheng had indeed let go of this big burden in his mind, but he was still sober, not as confused as before!
Xue Jian also thanked him for the reminder, and said:
"Senior, if you are free, come to Qingyang to find me. I promise to cook some delicious food for you when you recover."

"Hehe, good! It's a deal, the old man has to go back to the mountain gate to clean up some people. Everyone, leave!"

"Wait a minute, senior!"

Duan Fei shouted anxiously.

"Senior, junior asked one thing, did those people who killed people in our martial arts recently come from the mountains?"

"I only sent people into Beijing to assassinate the little girl, and the people you met at the previous station. The other old men didn't send people down the mountain."

The implication is that these people who took the opportunity to kill in the martial arts of the Eastern Dynasty were not from the Yueshan sect.Duan Fei also understood.Those people who dress up like that may just want to blame the Yueshan faction!
The people from the Yueshan faction left, and the assassination was over.Old man Mo sighed.Maybe he didn't expect that he had fought with Ran Jisheng from east to west, but left Ran Jisheng with such a big knot in his heart.But thinking about what he said, not only his people would come, but also people would come to assassinate Xue'er, old man Mo felt a little annoyed.

Xue Jian and his group also packed their things and were ready to set off again.But before leaving, Mother Tang changed Xuejian's medicine again.Without the poison, Xue Jian's wound has healed.

Old man Mo said to Lian Quchen:

"You were also injured, so you don't want to go any further with us. Go back to the capital, there is still a baby at home. Also, go back and see how Ah Xing is doing. I still don't trust him."

Even Quchen nodded after thinking about it, there are still a few princes in the capital.The emperor will definitely use him.After meeting with Xue, and exhorting Fu Jinghao a few more times, Duan Fei needless to say.Duan Fei also sent two people to escort Lian Quchen back to Beijing.

Xuejian and his party hadn't left the ravine when a group of horses galloped towards them.After bumping into Xue Jian's convoy, the man got off his horse and shouted:

"Xueer, Xueer!"

Duan Fei was still driving Xuejian's carriage, and smiled when he saw the person coming.It was Qiu Yuan who came.

Xuejian also opened the car door to have a look and said:
"Three Senior Brothers!"

Seeing a living Xue Jian, Qiu Yuan was finally relieved, and asked anxiously while hanging by the carriage:
"Xue'er, are you okay? There are rumors that you are not well. The house is in chaos. I rushed to see."

Xuejian slapped her head, oh, why did I forget to send a letter to my family.It seems that this rumor is going faster than his own carriage.Xue Jian hurriedly said:
"Third senior brother, I was not well a few days ago, but I'm fine now. I'm fine, and I'm heading home. You'd better get on your horse and go back with us."

Seeing that Xue Jian was really all right, Qiu Yuan was relieved, and said:

"It's better for me to hit the horse and go first, and go back to report a letter. Your carriage should be slower. Your mother and the others gathered together, thinking that you really can't do it."

Xuejian said angrily and funnyly:

"Then let's go back soon, I'm afraid the house will be a mess."

A group of people quickened their pace and moved forward.I didn’t meet any assassins along the way, but Duan Fei’s friends in the martial arts always came to deliver letters, saying that those masked men appeared again, and there were a few in the Jiangnan area. Know where to hide.

On the morning of the fifth day, Xuejian and his party entered Qingyang Mansion, and arrived at Qingyang Mansion City an hour later, but Xuejian still chose to take another road instead of entering Fucheng, but this road was still five miles away from home. I saw the people who came to greet me.The first ones are Shen Sanzhu and the sons of the Shen family.

Seeing Xuejian's carriage approaching.Shen Chengwen stood in the middle of the road to signal to stop, and as soon as the car stopped, Shen Chengwen ran over quickly on short legs and shouted:
"elder sister."

After calling twice, Chengwen started to cry.Xuejian jumped out of the carriage, hugged Chengwen and said:
"Sister is fine, look, sister is fine."

Chengwen also felt that sister was really fine. Did he feel ashamed just now, but he didn't cry anymore, but just buried his face in Xuejian's hands, refusing to show it.Xue Jian knew that this younger brother had always been serious, and it was he who showed his true feelings just now.It was his own brother who cared so much for him.Xue Jian patted his younger brother lightly and said:

"Come on, let's go back."

Xuejian took her younger brother by the hand, bowed to her father, and bowed to her brothers, cousins ​​and uncles who came to welcome her:
"Thank you, uncles, uncles, cousins, and brothers. Thank you for coming to pick up Xuejian. Xuejian is fine. Look, I'm really fine. I just got hurt a few days ago. I'm fine now."

Shen Sanzhu also said with tears in his eyes:

"Xue'er, you worried us to death. Your mother fainted from crying. Both your grandma and grandma's eyes are swollen from crying."

Xue Jian reached out and hugged Shen Sanzhu,

"Father, I'm sorry to make you worry. I'm fine."

Looking at the people behind his father one by one, the three uncles were all here, as well as the second uncle, several cousins, and even He Yuan.What surprised Xuejian the most was that the lobby brother Chengzu was also there.Seeing Xueer looking over, she smiled uncomfortably.

Chengye was also there, seeing Xuejian, he smiled and said:

"Xue'er, it's good to see that you are really well. A few days ago, there were rumors that you were dying. It was said that the imperial decree gave you to return to your hometown. Almost all the people from Shenjia Village came. They are all in Leisure Villa Waiting for you, Mr. Chou came back yesterday and said that you are all right, so my father arranged to send some people from Shenjia Village away. Those who stay still want to see if you are really all right."

Xue Jian was also moved by everyone's concern for her, and bowed deeply:
"Thank you everyone. I was injured at first, but then I met the master who saved me. He saved me again. So, I'm fine now."

Hearing that Xue Jian met that master again, everyone felt amazing!
(End of this chapter)

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