farmer's daughter

Chapter 629 Don't Scare the Elderly

Chapter 629 Don't Scare the Elderly

Chapter 630 Don't Scare the Elderly

It seems that it is true that Xuejian is a fairy descending to earth, otherwise how could this fairy save her life time and time again by such a coincidence!
No matter what everyone thinks, it's better to go home first.There are still five miles to go back.Xuejian brought the younger ones into her carriage, Jun Lin got into the carriage and had a chance to talk to Xuejian and said:
"Xue'er, who wants to kill you?"

Jun Lin's words were like asking everyone's heart. Everyone wanted to know, such a good Xue'er, how could someone want to kill her?
Xue Jian said in a low voice:

"It's not people from our dynasty, but people from other dynasties. Looking at the farm tools I made, they are afraid that our dynasty will have food and become stronger. They are afraid. So, thinking that I made these things, Just wanted to give me a warning."

Chengwen was next to his sister, and said angrily when he heard the words:

"Hmph! Sister, they are so hateful. We need more money in the future to make the Eastern Dynasty the richest dynasty, then we will use the money to buy everything in their house. Let them only keep money, and starve to death!"

Because Xuejian talked about economic wars with Chengwen from time to time, Jun Lin felt that it was impossible for Chengwen to say this, and said:
"It's not enough to have money. Someone has to go to war. Otherwise they'll rob us."

"Ah, yes, sister, we will go to war then, don't be afraid, Wu'er and I will protect you when we grow up."

When Chengwen heard it, yes.You have to protect your own things.

Xuejian laughed loudly and said:
"Okay, but what Junlin said is right, we need to become stronger. We must also be able to protect ourselves."

The carriage drove to Youran Villa, and as soon as Xue Jian got out of the carriage, she saw a crowd of people standing on such a big drying dam in front of the villa!The gate of the villa.Xiaocao supported Liang Chengfang and was looking this way.Seeing Xue Jian standing up.Liang Chengfang ran over in two steps in three steps, hugged Xuejian and shouted:
"My son! You scared my mother to death!"

Xuejian leaned obediently in her mother's arms, comforting softly:
"Mom, I'm fine. Look, I'm really fine now!"

Xuejian's consolation didn't work.It would be even more uncomfortable for Liang Chengfang not to cry out his depressed mood these days.So Xue Jian waited for her to cry for a while.Grandma and grandma were also helped over, and everyone cried into a ball.

Seeing that everyone surrounded Xue Jian, and Liang Chengfang was still hugging Xue Jian tightly, Fu Jinghao was a little worried. Xue Jian's injury was not completely healed yet.I'm afraid it will open the wound again.

Fu Jinghao led Chengwen forward and said:
"Grandma, grandma, mother, Xue'er's injury is not healed yet. Let her go into the room to rest."

Well, even Xueer's consolation didn't work, Fu Jinghao said that Xue'er's injury is still not healed.Everyone let go.Liang Chengfang asked in a hoarse voice:

"My son, where is the injury?"

Just now I hugged him very tightly, and now I don't know where to put my hands.Afraid of running into Xue Jian's injury.Xue Jian gave Fu Jinghao a white look.Blame him for not frightening them by saying that.

Xuejian said again:

"Mom, I'm much better. I'm really fine. You see, I got out of the carriage by myself."

Then he turned around and looked at grandma and grandma. The two old people were obviously older, maybe they were worried that something might happen to Xue Jian.

Xuejian bowed to the two elders and said:

"Don't worry. Grandma, grandma, I'm really fine. See if I'm back. Let's go back to the house. It's still a bit cold outside."

Liang Xia supported Mrs. Zhang, and Mrs. Yueyin supported Mrs. Wang. Everyone walked towards the house with red eyes. When they reached the gate, Xue Jian turned around and bowed to the tenants and some neighbors who were still standing in the dam. , loudly said:
"Thank you for your concern. I'm fine. Please go back. In two days, I will hold a banquet here to thank you all!"

When the villagers saw that Xuejian had returned in good health, they were all relieved. They bowed their hands one by one in return, smiled and went home first.As long as Xue Jian is here, their interests will be guaranteed, and now they can go back with peace of mind.

Xuejian was also surrounded by her sisters and went back to the mansion.Entering the house, there are still a group of people inside.Naturally, it was Liang Zhongqiu, Old Shen Touer, and Lao Niu.Seeing that Xue Jian was really alive, Liang Zhongqiu stood up and looked him up and down, then reached out and patted Xue Jian on the shoulder.

Fu Jinghao who was following beside him gently pulled Xuejian back.Then bowed to Liang Zhongqiu and said:

"Grandpa, Xue'er's shoulder injury is a bit serious."

Xuejian gave Fu Jinghao a blank look again, and said:
"Grandpa, I'm fine. I'm really fine. Look, I'm fine."

Liang Sheng frowned and stood up:
"Don't hold on, just look at your face and you'll know that you're definitely not well."

Because there was floor heating in the room, Madam Tang stepped forward and took off Xue Jian's big cloak.He didn't want to see a red patch on Xue Jian's shoulder as soon as he took off the big cloak.Tang Nanny said anxiously:

"My master, why don't you tell me that the wound is open, and see if the blood is soaking out again."

I don't know why, but the other wounds on Xue Jian's body are healed, but the wound on this shoulder is a bit big, and it may be because of the poison.Anyway, this wound is good and bad.Before Ran Jisheng left, he checked Xuejian's pulse and said that there was no more poison from them.

It seems that everyone's hugs and Xue Jian didn't pay attention to me just now, and the wound opened again.I used to wear a pink dress, but now there is a big red on the shoulders.

Fu Jinghao's complexion is not good.The most worrying thing is that Xueer's injury is not healed.Now it's cracked again.Xuejian didn't care and looked back.With a sigh:
"It's okay, I'll go and change my medicine, and I'll come when I change my clothes. Brother Jing Hao, tell everyone what we've been through, talk it out, and don't scare the old man."

Then Xuejian went to the backyard to change her medicine with the support of Tang Nanny.Originally, Fu Jinghao wanted to follow, or hug Xue'er, but Xue'er rolled his eyes at him.He had no choice but to watch it off.

Xueer went to change her dressing.Fu Jinghao naturally followed Xue'er's instructions and told everyone what happened to them in Beijing.Even when he heard that Xue'er was assassinated in the capital, if Murong Xing and Hu's prince hadn't sacrificed their lives to save her, Liang Zhongqiu's eyes would turn red!
Everyone saw the scenery of Xuejian, but no one saw the risks that Xuejian took.Or just my own family.That's why I'm really worried about Xuejian.All the people sitting here are Xuejian's close relatives, and everyone is sighing when they hear it!

I also heard that Xue Jian's wound was not good, and at the end she had a high fever and talked nonsense, everyone's hearts were lifted.But I heard that the monk came to rescue Xuejian again.Everyone was very surprised. Didn't expect the monk to still be there?
(End of this chapter)

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