Chapter 631

Chapter 630 Both Level Up

Xue Jian nodded and went back to the backyard accompanied by Xiaocao and Liang Shuang.Of course, Mother Tang followed along.Now the master's injury can't be careless.In the house, Mother Tang still moved the quilt on the bed, and let Xue Jian gently bend down and lie on her stomach.Otherwise, it will press the wound on the back.

After Xue Jian lay down, Liang Shuang stepped forward and covered her with a quilt lightly, Xue Jian glanced at her and said:

"Sister Shuang, you have to be careful."

Liang Shuang blushed, poohed and said:

"Little girl, what are you talking about?"

Xuejian swept his eyes and said:

"Is there?"

Liang Shuang blushed even more and said:

"Yeah, how old are you? What do you know? Don't tell your brat about this."

"I don't understand? If you don't ask, when my aunt was pregnant with my little cousin last time, it was probably something I suggested to pay attention to."

Xue Jian smirked, Liang Shuang stepped back and sat on a chair beside her, looked at the people in the room, and then said softly:
"Girl, you belong to a ghost. Yes, you saw it. I only discovered it."

Xue Jian frowned and said:
"Sister Shuang, you are still young, didn't you just do that after you agreed?"

Liang Shuang smiled shyly:
"Well, yes, I would like to."

Xue Jian sighed and said:

"I'm afraid Mrs. Jiang is very happy."

Liang Shuang looked around and whispered:

"She doesn't know yet. Originally, after we found out, we went back and talked about it. I was packing up at home, and someone came to report that something happened to you. Your brother-in-law and I rushed to the villa, and everyone cried It was a mess, and I forgot about it. Later, my uncle asked someone to go back and report the letter. My father-in-law arrived in the evening to help with some things. The next day, my mother-in-law also came early in the morning. But I didn’t Thinking about this matter, everyone is sad for you. Then in the afternoon, Mr. Chou arrived and said that you are fine. Think about how Shenjia Village can live with so many people. Also, every family has a family So my father-in-law and the others got into the carriage and sent two or three carts away. My mother-in-law followed and went back, saying that the land at home was in a hurry these days, and my father stayed here. Mother went back to have a look, and then we forgot to mention it. Until today you came back."

Xue Jian's eyes widened, can this also be forgotten?Well, it's because you care too much about yourself.Xue Jian was moved and said:

"First, you have to pay attention to your body and don't catch a cold easily. Second, you have to be mentally prepared. If you tell this matter, your mother-in-law might beat up your cousin-in-law."

"Why did you beat him?"

Liang Shuang asked.Xuejian rolled her eyes and said:

"Your mother-in-law will definitely not dare to beat you. If you don't talk about such a big matter, then you have to beat your cousin."

Liang Shuang secretly smiled after thinking about it, what Xueer said was entirely possible.Xuejian thought about it and said:
"Then have you told your aunt?"

Liang Shuang was stunned for a moment and said:

"Still haven't said."

Xuejian raised her hand and patted the bed, but she immediately tore the wound.Cracked his mouth, then smiled:
"Sister Cao'er, you'd better go and call the eldest aunt in right away. Ask the eldest cousin to tell the eldest aunt, otherwise, the longer the delay, the more you two will be scolded. This time, it is said that you are worried about me, so let this matter I forgot. Oh my mother. My little nephew will blame me in the future. I have to prepare a generous gift to coax him."

Xiaocao on one side really stood up to call someone, and when Xuejian said this, he laughed out loud!On the other hand, Mother Tang stepped forward and said with a smile:
"Where is my master, you have to be careful not to open the wound again."

"Understood, don't worry, mama, you are tired these days too. Ask Ban Xia to accompany you to rest. I have older sisters here, I just talk to them."

Nanny Tang is a smart person, the master is concerned about himself, but also wants to have some private conversations with the sisters.Then you don't have to stay here.Not to mention, the old waist really couldn't bear it.

Xuejian asked Banxia to find a few girls from Menghe, and asked them to make arrangements, leaving someone outside the door to take care of Tang Nanny, and Banxia had to go to sleep, Xuejian knew Along the way, Banxia was frightened and crying, and was also tired.

It is said that Xiaocao went out to call the eldest aunt, but alarmed the second aunt, the younger aunt and others.In the end, all the women came, thinking something happened to Cher.As a result, Mimi saw Xueer obediently lying there smiling.And Liang Shuang sat on the side blushing.

Da Hu stepped forward and asked:
"Xue Er, are you alright?"

So many people came at once, the little girl hurried out with some stools or pillows.Because there is floor heating, you can sit on the ground.Xue Jian smiled and said:

"Just in time, everyone is here. I'm fine, it's her who has trouble!"

Xue Jian raised her finger and pointed at Liang Shuang.Everyone turned their heads to look at Liang Shuang, Liang Shuang spat on Xue Jian with a blushing face and said:

"Bah, Crow's Mouth. What's wrong with me!"

Xue Jian hurriedly poohed three times and said:
"Oh, I said the wrong thing. Tongyan Wuji!"

Zhang smiled and said:

"What kind of riddle are you two playing?"

"Grandma, you're going to be the great ancestor! My eldest aunt is going to be a grandma. I'm going to be an aunt too! They're all promoted!"

The people in the room were dazed by Xue Jian's words, and they only thought of it after turning around.

"Shuang'er, do you have it?"

Da Hu stretched out his hand, but he didn't dare to touch his daughter, but he was very happy!

"Yes, it's rumored that we found out about Xue'er's accident the day it happened. We originally told you about it, but as soon as everyone was busy with Xue'er's incident, we forgot about it. I even forgot to tell my mother-in-law."

Zhang immediately stood up and said:

"It's your fault, no, I have to go out and tell my in-laws right away, otherwise, I'm afraid your mother-in-law will be unhappy."

Zhang Shi is a neat person.About to go out and say it soon, Xue Jian tut-tsk said:

"Look, this person who is going to be the great ancestor is really agile!"

Zhang turned her head and glared at Xue Jian with a smile, while everyone in the room was amused by Xue Jian and laughed.

Mrs. Zhang came out and went directly to the front hall. Everyone was still discussing what to do about the banquet, and Mr. Jiang was also sitting there.Mrs. Zhang hurried in, went directly to Mr. Jiang and said:
"Father-in-law, these two babies should be beaten!"

Talking and smiling, he pulled Jiang Youpeng over and pretended to hit him twice, saying:
"In-laws, congratulations, you are going to be a grandfather!"

Mr. Jiang originally thought that his son had done something wrong to attract Mrs. Zhang to beat him, but he was overjoyed!Surprised, Mr. Jiang stood up and asked:


Jiang Youpeng just remembered the same thing, and smiled a little embarrassedly:

"I forgot to mention this. Seriously. The day before yesterday, Shuang'er vomited badly and couldn't eat. I asked the doctor to take a look, and it turned out that there was a happy event. We were afraid that there was a mistake, so another doctor looked at it and said It’s a joy. Originally, we were packing up our things and going back to report the news, but it turned out that something happened to Xue’er. Didn’t we just forget to mention it in a hurry!”

Master Jiang laughed loudly and said:
"It really should be fought, it should be fought! Why didn't you say anything about such a big matter when we were all together? Now your mother has gone back. No, I have to go back. His uncle, in-laws. You discuss it first, I'll go back right away on horseback, maybe we have to rush back at night."

(End of this chapter)

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