Chapter 632
Chapter 630 Three Great Joys

Everyone in the room was excited by the good news.Master Jiang said he wanted to leave, Shen Sanzhu hurriedly got up and went to prepare his horse.This is a great joy.It is right for Mr. Jiang to go back.

Master Jiang rode away.Zhang smiled and went back to the backyard.Thinking of a few problems, I have to tell Liang Shuang to pay attention, this person is still young, and she is pregnant for the first time, so I am afraid that she will make a mistake.

Zhang Shi walked away with a smile, thinking about what to wear, eat, and use for the children.I am so happy that I can't close my mouth from ear to ear.Originally Liang Junlei of the Liang family should be the first eldest grandson to get married and have children first, but all the boys in the Liang family regard Liang Shengyue as a role model and Xue Jian's words as an imperial decree, and they always think of setting a marriage for Jun Lei. It's a matter of relatives, what Jun Lei means is to wait until he has established a career first, no, we have to wait until he takes the exam next year!Fortunately, Mrs. Hu was not in a hurry, saying that he could be free for two years without his grandson, but he would not be free if he had a grandson.It really is!

While thinking about it, Zhang quickly returned to Xuejian's room. The people in Xuejian's room no longer had the expression of worrying about Xuejian, and everyone was teaching Liang Shuang their experience.It made Liang Xia and Yue Yin sisters who were standing aside feel embarrassed.

Mrs. Zhang came in cheerfully and told about Mr. Jiang going home to report immediately.Everyone was having fun again.Mrs. Hu looked at Xue Jian and said with a smile:
"I think we'd better go to another room and let Xue Jian sleep for a while. She has been injured and hunted down in the past few days, and she is still in the carriage. Xueer must not have had a good rest."

Da Hu and Chen Lan also laughed and said:

"Yes, yes, let's go out first."

Liang Chengfang said:

"Go sit in the living room of the small building. It's warmer over there."

So everyone moved to the other side, surrounded by Liang Shuang.Leaving a few little girls here at Xuejian, Xuejian saw Yuelian hiding behind Yueyin, and said with a smile:

"Why are you getting more and more timid? But why are you getting thinner?"

Yue Lian didn't speak, Yue Yin smiled and said:

"I don't know why, but since last year, she stopped looking for food everywhere. She gradually lost weight."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"There is food now. My stomach is full, so why would I want to find something to eat. Look, we have another little beauty in our family. It's just that I don't talk anymore. Didn't I talk a lot before?"

Yue Yin pushed her sister, Yue Lian just smiled, but still didn't speak.Xiaocao said:

"It's been a long time since we've seen each other. We're still sisters. Have you forgotten that we all huddled together in that thatched hut and ate sweet potatoes quietly?"

Speaking of this, Yue Lian burst out laughing, and then said softly:
"The third uncle came back that time, and we thought it was the bad guy. I was so scared that I swallowed it in one gulp, and almost got stuck."

Speaking of the past, everyone has a trace of joy in their eyes, but when it comes to the bad guy, everyone thinks of the dead second brother.After a long time, Xiaocao sighed and said:

"He was also doing it back then! Otherwise, if life is better now, there must be some benefits from him."

Xue Jian was silent for a moment, then said:
"By the way, sister, when I came back, I saw that elder brother was among the people who came to pick us up. Why is elder brother also here?"

Xiao Cao sorted out the burden that Xue Jian brought back, and then said:
"He, now he knows how to work hard. I heard that he was admitted to the scholar examination in our mansion years ago, and he and Chengye brother both passed the examination. But he gave up and continued to study. The uncle found the second uncle, and then said to let him I went to the school in our village to teach those children, but Murakami’s reputation is not very good. The second uncle told my father, and my father thought, don’t you want to build a school in the tenant village? Let him teach for enlightenment or Yes. So, Dad brought him out. Not only him, maybe you didn’t see it, the Cheng family also came. The uncle didn’t say anything. He just stayed in that old house. The Cheng family couldn’t read, but I went to learn how to farm with my elder brother-in-law. It’s a good thing, I didn’t bully people like that anymore. I heard that I was beaten up by my elder brother, so I became obedient.”

Xuejian could see that when Xiaocao said these words, she was paying attention to her face, afraid that she would be unhappy in something.

For the uncle's family, Xue Jian has no more opinions.When people walked out of that village, their vision became wider and higher.Those little things are no longer on my mind.Some things cannot stand the test of time.Besides, it is always a good thing for a person to become better.For example, the big brother can pick up the book again and pass the scholar exam.That was really hard work.

Therefore, although Xuejian still has some grudges about the past, the main villain is dead.And these people are slowly getting better, so what is unforgivable?Xuejian would not take the initiative to arrange for them, but if her father arranged it, Xuejian would naturally not lose face to her father.Just pretend you don't know.

After talking about the big brother's family, Xue Jian asked about the sister-in-law's family again.It's been almost a year since I went back.I don't know the situation of my aunt and aunt's house.

Yue Yin knows this best, Yue Yin can be regarded as a capable girl at home now.After being rescued from the accident last time, some people were pointing and talking about her at first, Yue Yin Po La.So she is not afraid of people saying, as long as she knows, she dares to go back face to face.Even the people in Xingni's family now regret selling Xingni to Xuejian.Especially when Xingni's two older brothers came back from working in the capital and found out about this, they scolded their wife and mother.Then she personally came to pick up Xing Ni, but Xing Ni didn't want to go back.

Because of these, plus Yue Yin and Lan's took over the embroidery workshop established by Xue Jian.The daughters-in-law and girls in the village have to come to Lan's to learn, and gradually, Yueyin is in charge.So no matter what, they didn't dare to offend Yueyin.

So now Yueyin still has a little right to speak in Shenjia Village, some people have a quarrel or something, and some people go to Yueyin to mediate.Xuejian once heard from Xiaocao that Yueyin's uncle's family wanted to come and order Yueyin away, but Yueyin resolutely disagreed because she had heard that close relatives could not get married.Her uncle's family was still angry about it.

But I also heard that Yueyin was taken by Mrs. Jiang.The reason is that Yue Yin is quite aggressive!The Jiang family has an eldest daughter-in-law, Liang Shuang, but Liang Shuang and his wife are both quiet people.And now I live in Fucheng, and I decided not to go back to the countryside to start some business.Then these family properties in the countryside have to be given to the youngest son.To manage such a large farm well, a woman without a little bit of courage will definitely not be able to do it.So Mrs. Jiang looked left and right. Although Yueying was still a year older than her youngest son, she already had this thought.

Yue Yin stepped forward and sat down, and talked to Xuejian about the affairs of the sister-in-law and the elder sister-in-law's house, and now the sister-in-law's house is well.The winery business in the town borrowed Xuejian's reputation, and now the business is getting bigger and bigger.Even the aunt and the couple went to help.The eldest uncle helped the younger uncle deliver the wine, and drove back and forth in a carriage every day, and the neighbors from the neighboring counties and houses thought they couldn't deliver.Also came to pull by himself.

And the little uncle has a strange temper, even if he is too busy with business.He has to make good wine before selling it, and he never adds water or anything.This convinced some buyers!I would rather wait a day or two longer than pull other people's goods.

My sister-in-law helps my uncle most of the time, and my aunt helps with cooking and cleaning. There are two other children who are still studying, and my aunt takes care of them.The eldest cousin really became the shopkeeper, and even made an appointment with relatives. I heard that Hongfu introduced him.You can't go wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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