Chapter 635

Chapter 630 My Heart Distressed After Seeing It
Sure enough, by the time Xuejian woke up after a full sleep this time, it was almost midnight.Because Wu Lin and others are here.Fu Jinghao also had to start his work.So last night, after making sure that Xue'er was just asleep and had no other problems, Fu Jinghao took a few people to find Chen Shoubei.

No matter what, Chen Shoubei is the commander of the largest army here, and Fu Jinghao had to contact him before he could start.Although Chen Shoubei knew about this earlier, Fu Jinghao's people hadn't really entered the team here yet.So Fu Jinghao took the few people he brought and the few people Wu Lin brought with him, and went to the defense after dinner.I plan to arrange some personnel down tonight.

Cheng Qiang just came home.It just so happens that my family is here, so Cheng Qiang will not go back to Shenjia Village now.But when he heard that Fu Jinghao was going to take him away, Cheng Qiang wanted to go with him, but Fu Jinghao kept him, saying that he would rest for two days before going.

Cheng Qiang originally wanted to wait and see Xueer, but Xueer has been sleeping, so he had to go to rest early and see Xueer again tomorrow.

When Xuejian woke up in the middle of the night, Cao'er was still napping next to Xuejian's bed.Nanny Tang and Ting Lian were sleeping on the couch outside the screen.Xuejian was so moved to see her sister that she vaguely heard her mother telling her to go to bed first in her sleep.But Sister Cao'er didn't leave, saying that if she had been closer to Xue'er, maybe Xue'er's injury would heal faster.

Although Xuejian still doesn't believe in the topic of the connection between the fate of two people and Yuncheng, she has to say that she is very grateful to her sister for her kindness to her all the time!Xuejian raised her hand and gently touched Xiaocao, and Xiaocao woke up with a start.Immediately looked at Xuejian, saw that Xuejian had woken up, and whispered happily:
"Xue'er, are you awake? Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?"

It's good not to mention eating, but when it comes to eating, Xue'er's stomach growls in disappointment.When Xiaocao heard it, she smiled knowingly and said:

"Sister, I'm going to make you something to eat. Don't move. I'll ask Nanny Tang to change your medicine."

"Master woke up? The servant fell asleep, and the lady is so tired!"

Behind Xiaocao, Mother Tang's voice sounded.Suddenly the lights came on.Tinglian also got up.Thinking of changing the medicine for the master, he turned on the light a little.

Cao'er went to prepare food for Xuejian, and Madam Tang and Tinglian changed Xuejian's dressing.Uncovering the cloth covering the wound, Mother Tang called out:

"Amitabha! Master, it seems that you still need to rest well. You see that your wound hasn't healed well all the way. After returning home and resting for half a day, your mouth is dry. There should be a scar."

Xue Jian nodded, running around and doing things all the way, and the carriage is not as comfortable as her own bedroom.Therefore, there is a reason why it is not good on the road.

Xueer loves to eat noodles, so Caoer prepared a bowl of noodles for Xueer.When she went to the kitchen, there was a noise.Shi Shi came.After Shi and Xiaomu got married, they were still used to shifting with another cook to be on duty the next day, and it happened that she was on duty today, so when she heard that she was going to make noodles for Xueer, she immediately asked Caoer to sit aside, and she do it.

Cao'er knows that Shi Shi has always been very kind to Xue'er, and knows Xue'er's taste.Just wait aside.When she was done, Xiaocao brought it to her younger sister to eat.

After eating the noodles and changing her medicine, Xue Jian couldn't lie down anymore, she stood up and walked to her desk, Ting Lian hurriedly brought the lamp over.Xue Jian said:

"You all go to sleep, it's still the same as before. Although I was injured a little, I can still move. I don't like people shaking here when I do things."

Tinglian is older than Xuejian, but she is still a quiet girl. Hearing Xuejian's words, she stepped back and said yes, and then went to remake Xuejian's bed.Make it convenient for Xuejian to lie on her stomach again.Then he and Mammy withdrew and went to sleep on the couch again.

Xiaocao fetched some hot water for her sister.After washing her face and scalding her feet, Xuejian giggled and said:
"Sister, you really don't need to do this. I am recuperating at home now, and the wound will heal. You should go to sleep first. Don't you have to go to Fucheng to see the situation in the store tomorrow? Sister Shuang is pregnant now. . She must not be allowed to do things anymore. So everything in the shop depends on you."

Xiaocao's eyes turned red all at once, and she choked up and said:

"Xue'er, you didn't have eyes in the back and didn't see it. What does your back look like? There are so many wounds horizontally and vertically! It's so scary, how can there be such a black hearted person! Xue'er, look at it My heart aches. Xueer has always lived with her sister. She never left a scar, but now she doesn't have a good back."

Xue Jian reached out and hugged her sister's waist, buried her face in her arms, and said sullenly:
"Sister, don't worry, in the future, I will become stronger. No one will hurt me again! After this, I will learn martial arts from my master, and I will no longer treat it like a joke! I will protect myself!"

Xuejian has a deep affection for Xiaocao.In Xuejian's heart, Xiaocao is more important than her mother.From the time she came to this world, it was her sister who was only three or four years older than herself who took care of her.Still, life at home has been better for the past two years.My elder sister has only grown taller. My older sister was thin and small before.

Moreover, Cao'er is also a very hard-working child. When Xuejian lived with her grandma, Xuejian learned calligraphy, and she would follow her whenever she had time.Now it is no problem to read and write.After receiving some pointers from Shi Chun and Madam Tang, she is now a real lady when she goes out.It's just that under the influence of Xue Jian, the ladies don't necessarily have to live in their own embroidery buildings, but they can also go out and do things.Xuejian believes that a woman must at least be able to support herself to be considered a successful woman.

The new clothing store started by Cao'er and Liang Shuang is doing very well.Especially when it opened a few years ago, it was catching up with a group of people who bought new clothes for the New Year. In this year, they made a good profit.But Xiaocao was very happy.During the Chinese New Year, Xuejian was too busy and said that she would prepare a series of bridal outfits for them.The reputation is now out.Many people even came to order bridal attire, saying that they could wear the bridal attire conceived by Prince Rui, even if they got married, they would be more glamorous!
Therefore, it is said that in the weddings here in Qingyang, there is a request from the woman to the man in the family of a slightly better family, asking the man to prepare a warm house, because the bride will come in the bride's dress imagined by Prince Rui.

After hearing the news, Xue Jian laughed.Isn't this making money for yourself?So, tell everyone to go to bed now.Taking advantage of her free time and quiet time, Xue Jian wanted to draw some more sets of clothes.Add some popularity to my sister's shop!
(End of this chapter)

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