Chapter 636
Chapter 630 Seven
Xue Jian was also full of sleep.The spirit comes fully.I spread out the paper, pondered for a while, picked up the pen, and started to draw.If you do this seriously, you don't know the time.When I was busy and heard other noises in the room, I realized that it was dawn, and Ting Lian came to take the candlestick away.

Xue Jianzheng painted smoothly, ignored them, and continued to paint.This night, Xue Jian drew seven or eight different sets of dowries.Wait for Xiaocao to come in with breakfast for Xuejian.Xue Jian said with a smile:
"Sister, look at this. This is the wedding dress I drew for you. Do you look good? If it looks good, you can start to embroider it. I'm afraid it will take a year or so to embroider. Think about it, You have to be busy at home and in the store every day."

Xiaocao was ashamed, but she still took it and looked at it.

"it's beautiful!"

After seeing it, Xiaocao couldn't bear to let go.This wedding dress is so beautiful!Xue Jian handed over another piece of paper and said:
"This one was drawn for my brother-in-law, so you should do it too. This looks great with your bridal attire. There are two new clothes, wearing this bright red wedding attire. Wow. It's so beautiful just thinking about it!"

Xuejian was fantasizing there, Xiaocao blushed and scolded with a smile:

"What, where do you want to go?"

Xue Jian stood up straight, rubbed her waist lightly and said:
"There is another set, this one is for Sister Yueyun, you ask the people in your embroidery workshop to make it."

Xuejian handed another copy to Xiaocao, this time the pattern should be more simple, after all, the relationship between Yueyun and Xuejian is not as good or close as Xiaocao.The nature of Xiaocao is even better!Xiaocao put all these away.Xue Jian handed her a few more sets:

"For these, you can make a sample first. The sample is not for sale, and then someone will make it, and then make it to order. If you order it, you will pay more!"

Xiaocao took a stack of drawing paper and said distressedly:
"Xue'er, you are too tired to draw like this. You can draw again when you think about it. Look at you, you have been standing here for so long. Come, come, wash your face first, then have breakfast and rest .”

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"There's no need to rest. I slept too much yesterday. Sister, go and see where my master is, and ask him to check my pulse. If there is nothing serious, see if I need to change some medicine."

When it comes to Xue Jian's injury, Xiaocao still disagrees. After setting the meal for Xue'er, and hearing that Lian and Banxia are here, Xiaocao goes out to find old man Mo.

Old man Mo and old man Xiao who followed Xue Jian they back avoided the crowd before entering the villa. One was afraid of crowds, and not many people here knew that they were a prince.But there are always two officials who come to meet Xue Jian.Old man Mo would be annoyed if he saw him kneeling and bowing!
The second is that old man Xiao doesn't like crowds and crowds, and he doesn't want to deal with these ordinary people in his opinion.So the two old men changed their way before entering the villa.On the contrary, they are more advanced than Xue Jian.Even Duan Fei and his people didn't want to show up in front of these people, so after making sure that Xue Jian was safe, they changed places and left without entering the village.It's just that they went directly to Lu Qiuhui's house, and the wedding was not held yet.

Xiaocao ran to find old man Mo, old man Mo and old man Xiao were playing chess in their yard.I heard that Xue'er asked him to check his pulse and change his medicine.Both old men came over.

The two old men checked Xue'er's pulse, and the old man Mo also helped Xue Jian to do a good job for a whole week, and Xue Jian felt warm and full of vitality.This internal force is really miraculous.

"Master, after recovering from this injury, I must practice martial arts well. I can't continue to have fun like this."

Old Man Mo snorted. Usually, this little disciple is very diligent, and he practiced every day, but he only practiced some exercises to strengthen his body. She said that she is just a little girl, and it is not interesting to have too high martial arts. Plant her land every day, and dream of making money.Old man Mo thought that he would also accompany her, and she was still young, so he let her go.

But the lesson this time made old man Mo also think of this.It seems that in the future, I still have to stare at Xueer to practice.Let's just talk about Murong Xing, if he hadn't followed Old Man Mo in the fields for a while and practiced some new kung fu taught by Old Man Mo, he wouldn't be able to last this long, and he wouldn't be able to protect Xuejian either.

Old man Xiao said on the side:

"Actually, you can teach Xue'er how to use the whip you mentioned. It's not good for girls to carry knives and swords, but it's not bad to wear a soft whip."

Old man Mo thought for a while, nodded and said:
"Indeed, well, I'll think about it when I go down, and when she recovers from her injury, I'll take her to practice."

Old man Mo changed two kinds of medicine for Xuejian, and Madam Tang sent someone to buy the medicine in Fucheng, and then changed Xuejian's medicine again. As soon as Xuejian was free, she couldn't wait to go out.

As soon as I arrived at the front yard, I saw Cheng Qiang who was sitting in the lobby talking with the second uncle and the others, even though his back was facing this way.But Xue Jian still recognized Cheng Qiang at a glance, the back and sitting posture were too familiar.

Xue Jian laughed and Mimi called out:
"Brother Chengqiang."

Hearing the sound, Shen Chengqiang hurriedly stood up and turned around, only to see a smiling girl standing at the door, who could it be Xue'er!However, Xue'er has grown a lot taller this year, Shen Chengqiang took two steps and said:
"Xue'er, is your injury better?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Look at me now, I'm much better. I'm fine. Yo, look at our brother Chengqiang, he looks like a general now!"

Cheng Qiang scratched his head and replied in embarrassment:

"No, I'm only a hundred households, but I will become a general. Xue'er, I will work hard!"

Cheng Qiang may have grown a head this year, and he has truly become a boy and a half.

Xuejian went in and bowed to a group of elders, and everyone asked about her situation with concern.She answered one by one, all right.I am fine now.

I asked Shen Sanzhu about the banquet, and Shen Sanzhu said that all aspects were arranged.Xue Jian didn't want to ask about this kind of thing, but asked Shen Sanzhu to ask Shi Chun when he was inviting someone, because Shi Chun was familiar with some scenes.

Shi Chun now lives in Youran Villa with his son.Zhuang Xiuwen was taken away by Liang Shengyue.He said he wanted Zhuang Xiuwen to be his copywriter.It seems that the two still get along very well.

Xuejian asked about some things, and asked Banxia to prepare some of her clothes. She wanted to change clothes and go to the field to see.The last time I left, it was the time of planting. I missed the time this time, and I don’t know how the planting is going this time.

Shen Sanzhu was still worried that she would not be able to go to the ground.I'm afraid she won't be able to bear it physically.But Xuejian said that she didn't go to the field, she just went to have a look. , because this year is a year of comprehensive sowing in Zhuangzi.If Xuejian doesn't know enough about some situations, she feels uncertain.

(End of this chapter)

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