farmer's daughter

Chapter 647 A Good Idea

Chapter 647 A Good Idea

Chapter 640 A Good Idea Come Up With Eighth
Arrange some things at home.Xue Jiancai walked in the footsteps of the queen mother in front.The queen mother followed Murong Shan's instructions with great interest and looked at the little differences in this manor, no!It's not a little bit different, but a big difference from the capital city.

The capital is a bit colder than here.But no matter how well Xuejian's floor heating house is doing.Neither did the palace.Because there are some unknown things underground in the palace, they cannot be moved casually.

Therefore, when the queen mother stepped into the small building and immediately felt a burst of warmth, the princess also stood up and said:

"Ah, this room is so warm, I think it won't be cold even in winter."

Murong Shan smiled and said:
"Look at the difference underground? That's why this room is warm. Because Xueer has installed floor heating in these rooms. Usually, we take off our shoes when we enter these rooms. Look, there is a A few small pillows, some dolls. This is where the prince's sister plays, and it's not cold here. I sometimes play here with her when I'm here."

The Queen Mother turned to look at Xue Jian and said:
"Can I just call you Cher?"

"of course can!"

"Xue'er, your home is very interesting and beautiful!"

"It's fine if you like it. If you like it, you can live longer. Living in these places makes people feel more comfortable!"

Xuejian smiled sweetly.

There is a room in the main room of the small building. This room is full of embroidery frames. Liang Chengfang is usually here, and Xiaocao and other young people are also learning embroidery here.The Empress Dowager took a closer look and said in surprise:
"Xue'er, who embroidered this? The embroiderer is really good! The flowers are also well drawn. Oh, so many pictures are so beautiful! Oh, this is a picture of a bridal dress! So beautiful!"

Murong Shan and Princess Yu also leaned over to watch.Murong Shan called out directly:

"Xue'er, did you draw it? It's really beautiful! Is this for sale?"

Xuejian smiled and said:
"I drew it. A cousin of mine is engaged. My mother is embroidering the picture of the wedding dress I prepared for her."

Princess Jade reluctantly took the picture and looked around.Xuejian smiled and said:

"Don't look at it, princess. When you get married, I will definitely draw a set for you."

Princess Yu blushed and tried to hit Xue'er, but Xue'er accepted it happily, and pretended to shout:
"Don't slap your face, I won't draw for you if it hurts."

"You said it!"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"What I'm saying is true. I'll draw for you when you're ready. This set is for your cousin. It's a bit of a countryman's atmosphere, so it's not suitable for you!"

The queen mother took a look in the room and said:

"These pictures are very beautiful, Xue'er, draw me a dress someday. Don't want this kind of palace dress. It's comfortable to wear. I'm old, and I don't want to be stretched every day."

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"This is easy! I'll draw it later."

The Queen Mother also felt a little tired after getting out of the carriage and walking for a while.Her close maid gently asked Xuejian where she should help the queen mother to rest.

Because it must be sorting out there.Xue Jian thought about it:

"Queen Mother, why don't you just make do with this small building now, and the yard over there is being tidied up now. I'll take you there after dinner later?"

The queen mother nodded, and Xuejian took the queen upstairs upstairs. When she saw the special furniture upstairs, the queen mother was surprised and said that she likes such things.

Xuejian helped the Queen Mother to the bed she had used to rest.Bring two pillows for the queen mother to lean on, and the grand maid went to pour a cup of tea for the queen mother.Another court lady squatted down to beat the Queen Mother's legs.Xue Jian turned around and asked Princess Yu and Murong Shan if they wanted to take a rest, they both laughed and said they wanted to go for a walk in the yard, they didn't want to rest.

Xuejian also said:
"That's good. Anyway, this small building will be where our girls will live in the future. The princess and Sister Shan will sleep here tonight."

The princess smiled and said:

"Okay! Empress, Shan'er and I will go for a walk in the yard first. I'll recognize some things, but I don't even recognize them."

"Go, you little girls are in better spirits, but I'm tired. I'll just lie down and call me after dinner."

The queen mother rested, and the people who took care of the queen mother stayed behind.Xue Jian brought Princess Yu and Murong Shan downstairs again.Downstairs is the garden in the backyard. Although there are not many flowers and plants, it is unique.For the princess, what she cares about is not the flowers and plants, but those things she has never seen before.Murong Shan simply took the princess around the entire manor, telling her where and what to do from time to time.Where can't I go.I don't need Xuejian to accompany me.Xue Jian also went to the front yard to meet the Supreme Emperor and the three princes.

Unexpectedly, when I arrived at the front yard, I didn't see anyone, and I didn't see anyone. After asking a young man who ran in, I found out that the Supreme Emperor sat down for a while and said that he wanted to see the greenhouse.He was still a little puzzled about the things that grow in the Xuejian greenhouse.When you come, you must go and see it.

So Fu Jinghao and Lian Quchen took people to the field.fine.It won't be long from Zhuangzi to the field.But just out of Zhuangzi.The Supreme Emperor stood still!
Everything in front of him shocked the Taishanghuang, he had never seen so many thatched huts.Neatly arranged on the ground wherever the eye can see, it looks very grand.Fu Jinghao also said with a sense of pride:

"Grandpa, look, this is the big shed. Now these sheds are full of corn."

The three princes who followed were also surprised to see this.When I first arrived, the carriage drove directly into the manor, so I didn't even see the outside.See it now.It turns out that this is the greenhouse!

The Taishanghuang strode towards the shed regardless of whether others could keep up.Because the weather is good today, the roof of the greenhouse is opened a little for sunlight.

When Xue Jian rushed over, the Supreme Emperor entered a large shed, and regardless of the mud under his feet, he stood in the shed and looked up at the sky.Looking at the lush green crops at his feet, he laughed loudly and said:

"Sure enough, it's a good idea that Prince Rui came up with. The cost is not too high. I'm afraid every family has this kind of grass. This is bamboo, right? Well, good! Good!"

"Thank you for your compliment!"

Xuejian is the interface at the back.

"Xuejian, come here. Come here. Tell me, how did you get this shed? How many sheds do you have on such a wide land? How much do you plant in this shed? This is Xiaohou Corn?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Your old man asked me so many questions. I have to return to you slowly. In the beginning, I stayed in the shed every day because I was very sick when I was a child. My sister built one for me. I planted a flowering grass in the pot, and put it on the edge of my kang. Unexpectedly, it survived the winter and lived well. After thinking about it, the room is just too hot and not covered by frost. Snow hit. Later I recovered from my illness. I tried to build a small shed, and only then did I get the big shed I have now!"

(End of this chapter)

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