Chapter 648

Chapter 640 IX Prince Jian Guo

Xuejian's words stunned Taishanghuang and the others.Is this made from a pot of wild flowers on the mountain?And what it brought to the Eastern Dynasty now is too impressive.Just looking at such a wide planting this year, there will be a large amount of grain by then.

The more the Supreme Emperor thought about it, the happier he became. Thinking about it now, he was also obsessed with ghosts back then.Still thinking about immortality.If he had killed this little girl at that time, it would have really brought great disaster to his dynasty!

The Supreme Emperor was happy, he laughed and watched row after row.And inspected Xue Jian's irrigation ditches on the spot.This thing caught Prince Batuo's attention, so Batuo looked back and forth, and said repeatedly:

"Master, tell me about drainage and irrigation later on. I have to learn it. We are in a place where water is scarce, and we can make full use of the limited water. Your method is very good. I Want to learn, can you?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"It's not difficult. Of course you can. I'll tell you later."

Seeing Lalaba Tuo said:
"Is your injury healed now? Will there be sequelae?"

"Okay! Master, I heard later that you were assassinated on the way home?"

Xue Jian nodded.Then he turned his head and said to Prince Qiu of Wuli Country:

"Prince, according to the people who came to kill us, they are from your Wuli country."

As soon as Xuejian said this, Fu Jinghao also stood beside Xuejian, and even Quchen stood beside the Supreme Emperor.Prince Qiu was stunned for a moment and said with a wry smile:

"Prince Rui, forgive me! To be honest, I really didn't know about this matter. I have already sent someone to send a letter back to my father, stating that I want to investigate this matter clearly."

Xuejian smiled and said:

"You don't need to check it out. Let me tell you, the person who came here is someone from your prince. The purpose is not only to kill me, but also to plant it on you. Because your mother is favored, because you have your father's heart! Because of you You have been sent to several dynasties, and you have made friends with people from all dynasties. Therefore, you constitute a threat to him! Getting rid of you and me, this is the best way!"

Prince Qiu's complexion kept changing with Xue Jian's blunt words, even if he was such a sociable person, he didn't know what to say now.I stand on other people's land, but my family members are slapping me.

Prince Ula on the side said with a hint of sarcasm:
"It's normal, it's the same in any dynasty. Fortunately, Batuo is the only one in Hu State, and our Wula State has not even decided on a prince. Isn't it because everyone is acting?"

Xue Jian didn't expect Prince Wula to be so open-minded, and she didn't know how his marriage with Miss Lian was.

The crops were looking good, but when Xue Jian talked about the assassination this time, he was in a bad mood.Don't say anything else.The injuries on her body left sequelae.It hurts when the temperature changes.It could be for a lifetime.

Everyone walked and stopped to look at it, because it was too wide to see through.Even Quchen didn't say anything from the beginning to the end, but just followed the Supreme Emperor carefully.Fu Jinghao was by Xuejian's side.Eunuch Gu stood by the two of them neither far nor near.The three princes probably also knew how to avoid suspicion, and followed behind a little further away.

The Supreme Emperor may also be a little tired, and said:
"Call it back. Xuejian is here."

Xue Jian stepped forward, and the Supreme Emperor took a jade wrench from his finger and said:
"This is for you, with this, you have the right to life and death over all the civil and military officials of the whole dynasty! You have done a good job. You have given face to the ancestors of our dynasty. Look at this piece of crops, just look at it. It makes people feel comfortable. I have decided, let the emperor give me money, and I will build a house around you. I will take care of the old age with the queen mother!"

Xue Jian was a little dazed!The power of life and death!What a right!That is to say, even if it is a first-rank member, as long as he makes a mistake, Xue Jian can kill him!

Xue Jian didn't take a single step, but when she heard the decision of the Supreme Emperor, she was stunned again!Build a house here?Your Majesty, are you serious?If you were here, then Qingyang would be fired!Of course, trouble will follow!
Fu Jinghao lightly touched Xue Jian, and Xue Jian came to his senses.He stepped forward to salute and thank you, but then asked stupidly:
"Your Majesty, why do you give me so much power? I just plant a corn, what do you want me to do with those officials?"

The Supreme Emperor sighed and said:
"Don't underestimate the things you planted. Xue Jian, the emperor is a good man, but he lacks courage. If someone whispers something in his ear, he might believe it. Also, he is soft-hearted. A soft-hearted person will be an emperor, and there will be troubles. You are still young, and you have the honor that these things give you. And I can see that you are going to do more than this. You have bigger and better things Do it. What you will bring to our Eastern Dynasty is not ordinary! So! From now on, you will be the Prince Jian of our Dynasty! Before I came, I left this edict in the palace. Wait for those who leave Once done, it will be sent out.”

The Supreme Emperor was talking softly with Xue Jian, but Xue Jian was really dumbfounded!What song is the Taishanghuang singing again!

Xue Jian was still guessing, and the Supreme Emperor laughed loudly, wiped his hands and said:
"I heard that you can make some delicious food. When we live here, you have to make us happy. When it comes to eating, I'm really a little hungry. Excuse me, let's go back and eat something."

Xue Jian is a bit messy, what's wrong with the Supreme Emperor?Which nerve figured it out?How can you let go of power so much?

No one gave Xuejian an answer.Let's go back to the manor first.

After going back.Xue Jian immediately went to the kitchen to have a look. The kitchen was very busy. Today, some distinguished guests came suddenly, so Wu Qiming had no choice but to go directly to the Princess's other courtyard to find Butler Huang.Two senior chefs were brought over from Butler Huang.Butler Huang heard that the princess's family had also returned.Naturally, I have to come and have a look.

So, when Xue Jian saw Butler Huang in the back kitchen, she was greatly relieved and said:

"Oh! Butler Huang, I was thinking of inviting you, but I am too busy here. Fortunately, you are here. This, this is this, the food, this one belongs to you! God, I am It's not that you should recuperate your wounds!"

Seeing Xuejian's helpless look, Butler Huang said with a smile:

"Didn't you say you went out for a walk? Are you all back?"

"Yes, yes, please send some pastries or something special to eat. That person said he was hungry. How can I explain this if I am starving here!"

With a wave of his hand, Butler Huang brought out the things that had been prepared a long time ago.What about two food boxes?Xue Jian gently opened it and took a look, ah, it looks so good and fragrant, I want to taste it.

(End of this chapter)

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