Chapter 657
Chapter 650: This World Is Full of Wonders

"Go back to the prince, I just heard from my father that I am willing to go with the prince."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"It's okay, but the first few days are more difficult, so you can go with us and find out the situation in Li County. But you just came home, do you want to stay with your family for a few days before leaving?"

Shu Xiaowu bowed and said:

"Back to the prince, those of us who go out to work are not at home all year round. I just left home a month ago. Before I found a good job, I received a letter asking me to come back. Therefore, I don't have to stay at home, and I can follow the prince right away."

This kind of trouble-seeking person becomes energetic as soon as he finds something.Immediately agreed to go with Xue Jian.Xue Jian asked with a smile:

"Then can you ride a horse?"

Shu Xiaowu scratched his head now, and said with some embarrassment:

"How can a villain know how to ride a horse? I've never touched a horse before."

Xuejian believed that the horses he said had never touched this word, because in this day and age, people without any family background could not afford to raise horses.One is that there are not many horses, and the other is that these people do not have horses at home.

Xue Jian looked behind him and said:
"Then you go to take that carriage. By the way, are you familiar with the route in this county? How can we go to all the villages in the county as quickly as possible?"

Shu Xiaowu smiled and said:
"Back to the prince, I really know this. My brother and I can be said to have traveled all over the county. They are all poor! No place is good."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Then you lead the way, and we will go as you say. Leave a letter for your brother. He is back. If he is willing to follow us, come to us."

Shu Xiaowu nodded, turned around and told his father what route he would follow, and if Dawu came back, he would come and look for him.

A group of people walked along the route given by Shu Xiaowu. Every day when Xue Jian saw a mountain, she would dismount to check it out. They walked very slowly along the way.When you find local people, you will ask about the situation here.Jiang Youpeng carefully kept records.Try to write down every question Xuejian asked and everything you saw.At night when everyone camped and rested, he tidied up and then had some discussions with Xue Jian.

Xuejian doesn't know much about minerals, but even if she doesn't, she's better than these ancients, so she's going this way.Xue Jian himself is also constantly summing up some things, according to some information he has learned.There is not only brine at the bottom, but also natural gas.It's just that natural gas is useless now.It is not possible to use this resource in this day and age.

In addition to Heigou Village, Xuejian and his party also went to a village. I heard that it was originally called Wangyun Village, but now there are only some ruined walls.Did not see a person.According to Xiaowu, the last family here did not move away, the last old couple died of old age here, and the corpses were collected by the county, because they had no descendants, and there was no one in the village. Passers-by came in to ask for water, found out about this, and reported it.Then it was dealt with.

Xiao Wu said that this village is somewhat similar to theirs, because there is basically no drinking water here, only the yellow, black and black water, and there is a cave over there that emits fire. Once there is a thunderstorm, the whole mountain will be burned. caught.

According to Xiao Wu, it is better to leave here as soon as possible.Here, not so auspicious.But Xuejian is interested in this place.Because she finally found a place where yellow water came out again.So I took everyone to the village to find a well, and wanted to see the situation here.The village has been searched, but there is no well.

Shu Xiaowu chased after him and said:
"Back to the prince, I just remembered, I heard from my brother before. There is no well in this village, and the water they drink comes from the mountain. There is a tiankeng on the mountain behind the village, and the rain in that pit is Inside, the people of this village bring water down from there, but if the water is low, they have to go up the mountain to carry it.”

Xuejian is very strange. I only heard that the water is flowing out. The water here is on the mountain, and this is a mountain. This mountain can retain a little rainwater and not soak away?Xue Jian was a little interested.Abandoning the horse and flying up the mountain, Fu Jinghao and Shi Chun naturally followed.There is also a figure in the dark who goes up first.This person is old man Mo.

Several people reached the top of the mountain, staring at everything in front of them.

It does look like a big pit in front of me, but it is a surprisingly large whole stone.The stone fell on the top of the mountain like a bowl, and the water that fell into it could not be soaked except for being evaporated.

This is a bit unscientific. Where can there be such a big stone?Still so regular?Xuejian didn't believe it, and walked around the stone, and confirmed that it was a stone, and confirmed that it was a complete stone. This can only sigh, this world is really full of wonders!

After seeing this big rock, look at a hole made by those people. Because the location is relatively high and above the water level, the water did not come out.

Xue Jian thought it was amazing, picked up a stone and threw it down, and the water also created a small circle of waves.

Xue Jian sighed:
"Everyone in this village is grateful for this big pit on this mountain. If it weren't for this, how would there be water to eat?"

After going down the mountain, Xuejian found Shu Xiaowu and said:
"Look around here, where can you find the shallowest yellow water or where the most and deepest?"

People who can dig wells generally have the ability to find groundwater, so Xue Jian went directly to Xiao Wu to check the amount of underground water here.

After traveling all the way, Shu Xiaowu knew that what Xue Jian was looking for was that kind of yellow water and black water. Although he didn't know what this thing was useful for, if the prince wanted to find it, he would naturally check it carefully.

I saw Shu Xiaowu take out a sharp bamboo piece from the things he brought.He thrust it into the ground, but the ground here was still soft, so he inserted it very deeply.Then he gently pulled it up, and every time he brought up a little bit of soil, he lightly tasted it with his tongue.Until finally tasted the dirt on the tips of the bamboo slices.Then he walked forward dozens of steps, looked at the top of the mountain, and inserted the bamboo piece hard.

Repeat this way, insert around the point where you first inserted, and finally walk a few steps in one direction and insert again, walk dozens of steps and insert again.As he was walking, Xue Jian showed a happy expression, it seems that this person has some real skills.

Because Xuejian knows that the method used in modern times is similar to this.It's just that in modern mechanization, it is still possible to conduct various analyzes on the content of each layer of land, but it is not possible now, but his move is also analyzing.

Everyone was waiting for his confirmation, Shu Xiaowu walked tens of meters to both sides and then confirmed:
"Prince, according to the shape of this mountain, if there is water in the ground, it should flow like this, from here to there. I checked the difference in the soil layer. I confirmed that the more west you go, the more water there is in the ground. The taste It gets weirder."

(End of this chapter)

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