Chapter 658

Chapter 650 Nine
Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Then you confirm, where is the best place to dig a well to get this water?"

Shu Xiaowu said:

"Back to the prince, I just confirmed the direction of the water. If I want to determine where to dig the well, I have to look around again. It will take a certain amount of time."

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"Okay, Mr. Jiang and Mr. Murong will cooperate with you. Just tell them what you want. I'll check some things around me first. Can we meet up here in an hour?"

Shu Xiaowu looked up and looked around and said:

Then he took some of his tools and headed west.Jiang Youpeng and Murong Xing followed with two people respectively.

Here, Xue Jian said to Fu Jinghao:

"Come on, let's go here and have a look."

The place Xuejian took Fu Jinghao to see was a mountain next to the big pit. This mountain didn't look like a spire, but I don't know what it was.

Xue Jian, Fu Jinghao, and Shi Chunfei were on the mountain, and there were no tall trees on the mountain, and some shrubs were like short things, but they didn't seem to be tall or big.There are no leaves either, just some branches.There is no grass growing on the ground like other places.It's spring now, but I can't feel the breath of spring here!

When Xuejian and Fu Jinghao reached the top of the mountain, old man Mo had already come up first, staring blankly at a big pit in the middle of the top of the mountain. This was another big pit, but this pit seemed to be different from other places. It was all ash, as if it had been burned, and there were no big stones.Xue Jian wanted to step down.Old man Mo grabbed her and said:
"Don't move. There's something wrong here, don't you see it?"

Xue Jian looked at Master in astonishment, what's wrong here?
Old Man Mo picked up a thicker tree trunk and threw it down. A miracle happened, the ashes seemed to be unable to bear the weight of the tree trunk, and moved away layer by layer, but in the end the tree trunk was crushed in the blink of an eye. The ashes were swallowed up.It looked as if the surface was as smooth as before, as if nothing had happened.

The few people standing by were stunned.Old Man Mo said with a serious expression:

"The bottom here should be empty, maybe even if you throw it down a mountain, it will be swallowed."

If you don’t believe me, try again. The trunk was thick and heavy, and the ash was slanted. Is it because the trunk is heavy, and the ash slid down to cover the trunk?
Xue Jian picked up a thinner branch from one side. This branch was very light. Xue Jian made sure that such a heavy weight would be placed on the ashes so that it would not be covered by the heavy ash. She did not expect such a light branch. As soon as it fell on the ash, the ash swallowed it up in an instant.

Because it's a little magical.What weight will be swallowed?This kind of phenomenon can only be seen in the vortex on the sea. Could it be that there is a vortex below?But what happened to the ash on it?Why didn't the ashes fall down?

Xuejian didn't know why, and everyone didn't know, but they knew that this place was a very dangerous place.

Several people descended from the mountain with uncertain expressions.They didn't use light work any more, but checked the difference between this mountain and other places while walking.When he reached the mountainside, Fu Jinghao said:
"It stinks."

Xue Jian also heard about it.Pulling Fu Jinghao back a step, if she smelled it right, it was the smell of natural gas.It will be poisonous.Everyone retreated to a certain distance, and no longer smelled this smell.Only then did Xue Jian frowned and looked over. Sure enough, there was a hole-like thing over there, and the smell should come from there.

This time, Xue Jian's complexion is a bit unsightly.There are so many smells here, which means that the natural gas inside is saturated.overflowing from these mouths.If there is any kind of thunder and fire here, the whole area will probably be set on fire.

Suddenly, Xue Jian had an idea, whether it was the ashes on the top of the mountain.It rotates because there is saturated gas below.Those ashes just offset the energy generated by the rotation.Therefore, like a smooth slate, it was paved there without moving.The things thrown down broke this balance, but they were not enough to contend.So get swallowed up.

If this is the case, this place is like a time bomb. No one knows when a natural disaster will appear here, and no one knows what will make this energy confrontation change and then erupt.No matter which side erupts, it is a disaster!
When Xuejian was still immersed in her own imagination, she heard a faint voice of shouting.It was Murong Xing who was yelling and ran up the mountain.

Xuejian and the others also went up to welcome her.Murong Xing shouted happily:

"Xue'er, Xue'er, Shu Xiaowu just checked. He said that there might be as much brine as a big lake hidden between these mountains, and he said that all the surrounding water flowed here. .Just don’t know why, this side didn’t pop up like their hometown. But there must be more here than theirs!”

This time Xuejian was stunned.Around here, around the mountains?Visual inspection, it seems that they are no smaller than those fields of mine, if what Shu Xiaowu said is true.Then this is a big deal!

Xuejian looked back at the mountain again, and now she understood a little bit.I remember going to the Well Salt Museum in my previous life.Where there is well salt, there will be natural gas.Then here it is, and according to Shu Xiaowu, the water has reached the bottom of the mountain, and the qi is gathered in this mountain.This mountain is not big, so is all the energy rushing here?If so, then something on this hilltop could be explained.

Xuejian came down the mountain.Gathering with everyone, Shu Xiaowu also suppressed his excitement and reported the discovery just now:

"Prince, if you really want to open a well, I have a small suggestion, you can't open it in the middle, you have to open it on the side of the mountain. If you open it in the middle, I think these places will collapse. The situation at that time is a bit unpredictable. If we Open a little bit from the side and inhale slowly, this will be better. Even if it is from the side, you can’t start from the side with a lot of it, you have to start from the side with a small amount!”

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Yes, your opinion is correct, but you are sure it is water, but are you sure what kind of water it is? Must it be the same kind of water as in your hometown?"

Shu Xiaowu nodded and said:

"I'm sure, because my brother and I opened the well at the head of our village. We just wanted to see what kind of water that smelled, but when we opened it, the water was inedible. It was so dark that people would want to vomit after eating it. The water here tastes the same as that one. It's not as harsh as ours."

Xuejian understood what he meant, saying that the water below here had a purer taste.That must be a better brine.

 Thank you to the book friends who have always supported me!
(End of this chapter)

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