Chapter 670
Chapter 670

On the day of Xuejian's birthday, when Xuejian came back from practice early in the morning, Cao'er came to Xuejian with a bowl of birthday noodles with poached eggs.Cao'er said:

"Xue'er, there may still be several tables of people coming today. Uncles and aunts may all come."

Hearing that Cao'er was worried that his aunt and the others were coming.Xue saw it and remembered it.Didn't that Wu Lin go to deal with Lingqiao's aunt's house?Why haven't there been any reply yet?
Hastily asked:
"Where is Auntie's house? Will you come? We have done business here several times, but Auntie's house has not come. Do you want me to invite you?"

Xiaocao snorted and said:

"What's more, it's your birthday today. I shouldn't have talked about it, but when it comes to this, I remembered that last time our family invited them to do business, and no one came from their family. Later, I told After chatting with my aunt, I realized that their mother-in-law is too domineering. If my aunt wants to come, she must bring their whole family with her, including her married daughter. Not only that, I heard that his married daughter is now domineering in her husband's house, and it's because of your relationship with the prince's distant relative!"

Xue Jian stared, slapped the table and said:

"What did you say? Why didn't you say this earlier! Tell me what's going on?"

Xiaocao told Xuejian what she heard her aunt and mother whispered last time. Originally, the aunt meant to keep Xuejian from knowing, for fear that Xuejian would be angry, and she was also afraid that Xuejian would look down on her family.So Liang Chengfang really listened to what the sister-in-law said, and never told Xue Jian.Xiaocao also listened to it for a while, but because she was busy, she didn't have time to say it, and then she forgot about it. Now that I mentioned it, I didn't think of this question.

It is said that the old lady of the Long family is a domineering person at home, and she used to look down on Liang Chengying as a peasant girl. Their family is not a peasant family, but a business owner's family.If it wasn't for his son's falling in love with Liang Chengying, and hearing that there was still a scholar in the Liang family back then.At that time, Liang Shengyue just passed the Tongsheng exam.Therefore, this marriage was accepted.

Even if Liang Chengying gave birth to a pair of pleasing twins in the second year of marriage, the old woman still couldn't change the point of view that Liang Chengying looked down on Liang Chengying, looking at Liang Chengying as a rustic person from the corners of her brows and eyes.He thought that he would not be able to leave the house with Liang Chengying, and he would lose face to the Long family!If Liang Chengying hadn't given birth to the dragon and phoenix fetus and then gave birth to a son, he would have been able to live up to his expectations, otherwise Liang Chengying might not be able to stand up in the Long family.

Following the Long family's second and third child to marry a wife.Liang Chengying's being in that family was nothing to him. People said that the elder sister-in-law was in charge of the family, so Liang Chengying was like a big servant in that family, and anyone could control her.If Long Dalei hadn't lost his temper once.Liang Chengying had to wash the clothes of the two newly married younger sisters-in-law.

Liang Chengying still worked hard in that family because Long Dalei was kind to her and the three children were obedient and sensible.In her opinion, there is nothing wrong with doing more.

Fortunately, after Liang Shengyue was admitted to Juren and became a husband, the old lady of the Long family treated Liang Chengying a little better.But once some things become a habit, it is difficult to change.Therefore, most of the housework is still done by Liang Chengying. It seems that others can't figure it out. Often the whole family sits around the table and waits for Liang Chengying to serve the food.

after that.Xue Jian's family has grown up.Take Liang Chengying's son and daughter out.Those who read books read books, and those who become female celebrities become female celebrities.At first, the old lady Long was not happy, thinking that if she went to the small farmer's house, she would turn her grandson and granddaughter into local children.But I didn't expect that Xue Jian became a prince later, this is a relationship that others can't wait for.

so.The old dragon woman immediately started fighting again.Her third daughter-in-law was originally her natal usually dotes on this daughter-in-law the most, but now when she hears that the eldest daughter-in-law may be about to turn over.How could the old woman agree?Anyway, there is no separation, so the eldest daughter-in-law can still be suppressed!So the old woman suppressed Liang Chengying, demanding that if Liang Chengying had a relationship with Xuejian, he had to bring the whole Long family into it.Including her natal family and her married daughter's family.

As for her married daughter, the sister-in-law is the most bullied every time she goes back to her natal home, but now at her in-law's home she always says arrogantly:

"What's the matter? My sister-in-law is Prince Rui's aunt. According to seniority, Prince Rui still has to call me auntie!"

And the third daughter-in-law and the old woman made plans for her natal family together, knowing that Xue Jian was also very kind to these cousins.Just look at the ostentation of Liang Shuang's marriage, and the scenes that Liang Shuang saw when she was showing off her dowry. It is said that they were all given away by Xue Jian.So, I put the idea on Lingqiao's head, so I thought about marrying Lingqiao back to their natal family, wouldn't this be a relative of Prince Rui?
Hearing what Xiaocao said, Xuejian's lungs exploded with anger.Knowing that my aunt is not doing well, I didn't expect that there are so many twists and turns in my aunt's life.Xue Jian got angry when she heard it, and so did this aunt.As I said last time, I asked her to come out with my uncle to help, anyway, my cousin is working as a female celebrity in Shenjia Village, and my cousins ​​are studying in the town.If she and her uncle come out, then they don't have to worry about that family, it doesn't matter even if they rebuild a family!But my aunt said that my uncle was the eldest son of that family. Although my uncle was protecting my aunt, it was his mother over there, and it was impossible for him to do something that would deny his mother.So, they stayed at home, the uncle still helped with the small business of their family, and the aunt still took care of the family's work but not the family's money.

Unexpectedly, the old lady Long made Lingqiao's decision without the consent of their husband and wife, which Liang Chengying couldn't accept.This daughter is also his heart and soul.And the daughter is obedient and sensible.Knowing to help her mother to do things since she was a child, Liang Chengying has always wanted to marry her daughter back to her natal family, and she also talked to her mother from the side, and Zhang's original agreement.Later, after Xuejian said that close relatives cannot get married, she didn't have this thought. Otherwise, Lingqiao would have been booked back to Liang's family.

But even so, Liang Chengying also wanted to find a good mother-in-law's family for her daughter, and she could not let her go her own way, but she never expected that the old lady Long would directly send her child's I have ordered it all.

It's no use for Liang Chengying to cry, because Liang Chengying knows that the child they ordered is the second child of their family. pass?

After Long Dalei found out, he just sighed, and he had nothing to do with his mother.Liang Chengying saw that the man was not strong enough, so she had to ask her natal family for help.So I passed the word to my natal family.

(End of this chapter)

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