Chapter 671
Chapter 670 Second Birthday Visitors

Originally, Xuejian didn't know so many things, but now that Xiaocao told the full version, Xuejian was furious.Xue Jian rushed out angrily.After finding Fu Jinghao, Fu Jinghao was holding a box in his hand, which seemed to be a gift for Xuejian.

Seeing Xuejian coming out, Fu Jinghao said with a smile:

"Xue'er, happy birthday! This is for you."

Xue Jian fiercely accepted the gift and said:

"Brother Jing Hao, it's been several months, and the Wu Lin you sent out hasn't come back yet?"

Fu Jinghao was a little surprised when he saw Xuejian's timid look, but when Xuejian asked, he said:
"I told you, Wu Lin is back, didn't that relative retire? What's the matter?"

Xue Jian froze for a moment and said:

"Oh, you told me? But I don't remember?"

Fu Jinghao said with a smile:
"You've been too busy these past few months, so you don't have time. Wu Lin came back in less than ten days and said that the kiss was canceled. It's just that the old woman was a bit difficult to deal with. When she said that she wanted to cancel the kiss, the old woman even gave away your uncle. I was beaten up."

Xuejian said again:

"Not only to retire, but also to get rid of all the people from the Long family who used my name to do things. I heard that the married daughter of the Long family wants to be my aunt!"

Fu Jinghao frowned and said:

"Is there such a thing? I'll let someone go and see!"

Snow said:
"Let Wu Lin go. He has been there before, and he knows someone. Besides, I don't want more people to know about this kind of family scandal."

Fu Jinghao nodded.agreed.Only then did Xue Jian open the box to take a look. It was still a hairpin carved by Fu Jinghao himself as in previous years.The pattern this time surprised Xue Jian, because Fu Jinghao carved the derrick of the well salt as a pattern on the hosta.The significance of this is great!

Xue Jian was happy, and Fu Jinghao was naturally happy too, saying:
"As long as you like it, I will transfer Wu Lin from Yantian to let him handle this matter, and let Cheng Qiang go to Yantian."

Xue Jian nodded.

Because Lian Quchen and his wife left with the Supreme Emperor, Qiu Yuan came back from the mine to live in Zhuangzi.In the past few months, Qiu Yuan didn't come back, and he lost a lot of weight. Xue Jian asked Qiu Yuan to make up for it, and Mrs. Gu in the kitchen cooked a pot of soup for Qiu Yuan every day.I ate it for half a month.Qiu Yuan hides when he sees Tang.So, taking advantage of today to give Xuejian a gift, after handing Xuejian a box, what he said was not "Happy Birthday Xueer!" but shouted:

"Xue'er, can you stop making soup for me, I really can't eat it anymore. Look, look, my face is covered with meat! Don't treat me like a pig!"

Just as she was talking, she heard Murong Shan shout:
"Hey, where is my cousin? Cousin! Cousin! The soup is ready!"

Qiu Yuan's face changed, Xue Jian laughed loudly and said:
"Okay, okay, I won't stew it for you after drinking this today. Go and eat it first, otherwise my cousin will be full of cousins ​​looking for my cousin soon?"

Xue Jian was laughing at them again.Murong Shan is a girl who dares to love and hate, she likes Qiu Yuan, even though Xue has seen it before.The danger of inbreeding, she also likes Qiu Yuan.

Xue Jian was a little worried at first, but Murong Xing quietly told Xue Jian:
"Don't worry, Shan'er doesn't know, she's not our younger sister, she's my aunt's child. It's just that my aunt gave birth to a child and died of bleeding. The child my mother happened to give birth to also died, so she was brought over to raise her. Later, my uncle also passed away early, and their family thought she was a girl, so they never cared about her, and never thought of changing her back."

With Murong Xing saying that, Xue Jian is naturally happy to see the result.Xue Jian likes Murong Shan's temper very much, the girl is bold and brave!It's the best thing to be able to give the third senior brother a home.

Therefore, Murong Xing wrote a letter to his mother, showing that his younger sister and Qiu Yuan are now in love with each other.Ask the mother to tell the father and agree to their marriage.

It's just that I haven't received a reply yet, but Murong Shan doesn't care so much, anyway, Xuejian is very open about these things, and in Leisurely Villa, falling in love is very free.Of course, the word love was also taught by Xue Jian.

Therefore, I often saw Murong Shan running after Qiu Yuan. If it was true, Qiu Yuan would not be able to outrun Murong Shan, but Qiu Yuan also let her go and was always caught by her.Qiu Yuan just likes to see Murong Shan's happy smile when she catches her!

After Xue Jian had spoken, Qiu Yuan naturally agreed to stop drinking today.Immediately, she took the initiative to find Murong Shan and drank today's soup.So I went to tell Aunt Gu.Mrs. Gu also said that she wanted to check with the prince, which made Qiu Yuan very angry.

It was almost noon when the guests came, because they came from Huishan Town, so it was a bit far away.But when Xuejian saw a long line of carriages coming, Xuejian was also covered with black lines. When did the family have a carriage?
The people who came, needless to say, the Shen family and the Liang family, when the third carriage got off, Xue Jian saw it and rushed over.exclaimed joyfully:

"Aunt Hong! I didn't expect you to come too!"

Hongfu laughed, and deliberately bent over, saying that he wanted to greet the little prince, but he was so anxious about Xue Jian, he stretched out his hand to support Hongfu and said:
"Aunt Hong, today there is only Xue'er, not Prince!"

The person who got on and off the carriage behind also shouted:
"Greetings to the little prince."

Xue Jian saw that it was Mr. Zhao San.The Zhao family is not as good as before.The current Zhao family is maintained by the business of the third son of Zhao, because the eldest son of the Zhao family joined the prince in the prince's incident last time, so something happened. Although the emperor did not severely punish these officials, they were all punished. Forget about being an official, you can live on your laurels when you go home.He was never allowed to be an official again, which made Mr. Zhao discouraged. It is said that he stayed in a room at home every day and couldn't go out.

Xue Jian hurriedly shouted:

"Master Zhao San, welcome! You haven't come for a long time! Please come to the room!"

To be honest, Mr. Zhao San was a little worried, whether he would be ignored by Xuejian's side when he came here today, but seeing Xuejian's enthusiasm, he felt relieved.After relaxing a bit, we went into Zhuangzi together.

Xuejian invites everyone into the house.The family members all went to the backyard, Xuejian greeted Jiang Jingming and others in the front yard, and He Yuan's family also came early.Even Boss Yang from the jewelry store in Fucheng also came.For a while, the guests who came today were all old friends of Xuejian.

After arranging the guests in the outer courtyard, Xue Jian went into the inner courtyard to say hello to all the aunts, aunts and aunts.

I thought it was only my family, but I didn't expect such an overcrowding.Originally planned four or five tables of guests, now there are a total of ten tables.Of course, there are enough people in the kitchen in Zhuangzi now, so don't worry about delaying the opening of the table.

After the banquet, Xue Jian met with each other one by one to learn about the development of each family.For Hongfu, Xuejian has special feelings. If it weren't for Hongfu's help back then, the Shen family is not sure what it is now.Xuejian is a grateful person, so she became more intimate with Aunt Hong.

(End of this chapter)

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