farmer's daughter

Chapter 679 I've Provoked Someone Who Shouldn't Be Provoked

Chapter 679 I've Provoked Someone Who Shouldn't Be Provoked
Chapter 680 Messed With Someone Who Shouldn't Be Messed
"Not yet!"

Master Lu gave a loud shout.This fourth aunt is usually a well-behaved and sensible person, and she is also somewhat liked by Master Lu.No matter what, people just disappeared for no apparent reason.In addition to the little bit of distress, Master Lu is more angry!
A girl hurried in, and sure enough, she found a letter on the dressing table, took it out and handed it to Master Lu.Master Lu opened it and looked at it.In my ears, I heard my mother's soft words:

"This fourth child can still read? Isn't she a fisherman's girl?"

Master Lu didn't even read the letter, so he turned to look at his mother and said:

"Who told you she was a fisherman's girl?"

Mrs. Lu looked at Master Lu and said in surprise:

"Is not it?"

Master Lu didn't reply to the old lady's words, so he picked up the letter and read it again.After reading this, people sat down immediately.I didn't speak for a long time.

Mrs. Lu asked softly:
"Master, what's the matter with you?"

Master Lu turned to look at Mrs. Lu with absent-minded eyes, stared and scolded:

"It's all a good thing you did!"

Mrs. Lu felt that she was wronged, she really didn't do anything!

Aggrieved, she turned her head to look at Mrs. Lu and said:

"Mom, I really didn't do anything. I still need to eat here every day. She is in confinement, and I didn't come here. The people who serve her here are the people who usually serve her."

Mrs. Lu always liked this daughter-in-law, so she hurriedly scolded her son for her daughter-in-law:

"She ran away and you still blame your family members. Are you really stupid or fake!"

Master Lu looked at the people in the yard and shouted loudly:

"Come on, lock up all the people who wait on Fourth Aunt in this yard before I talk!"

There have been people crying and crying since the beginning, but they were still taken away.Master Lu looked at the other aunts and some children standing in the yard and said:

"You all go to your own business. Yun Xiang stays here."

The others didn't dare not listen, it seemed that something had happened.The master will be so angry.Lu Yunxiang naturally stayed.Normally, he wouldn't come to this kind of aunt's yard, but today's situation is different.

Master Lu cleared the place, leaving only the old mother, his wife and the son who took over.Then Master Lu said:

"Something has happened! Something has happened! Our Lu family may be doomed! Yunxiang, you should collect some business first, gather some money, and then find a place to bury it quietly. Also, don't worry about these things. Alarm your second brother, if he can please Prince Rui over there, maybe he can leave a root of the Lu family!"

Mrs. Lu hurriedly said:

"Master, tell me clearly, what's the matter!"

Only then did Master Lu turn his head to look at the old lady and Mrs. Lu and said:

"You, I have already told you that this fourth child must be taken good care of. You don't believe me. You think she is a fisherman's girl? No, she is Haitianba's daughter. She can come to our house. It's just that she doesn't want to The life at sea is also because I accidentally saved their mother and daughter. She also told me in private. She likes the harmony of the big family in our house. That's why she is willing to stay with us as a concubine. The Lu family. I thought if I kept her, I would establish friendship with Haitianba. It would only be good for our future business."

"But what about you? She gave birth to a difficult child, but you ordered to keep the child! Her mother is still here. If she really died of dystocia, it's okay to say, but her mother is still here. That woman is not a simple woman. You can see that she took away a child and a woman who gave birth to a child by herself now, you know? She only drugged the people in this yard to sleep, and you didn’t drug our whole family. Burning incense!"

Master Lu's words directly frightened these few people. They have lived in Haikun County for so long, so why don't they know what kind of person that Haitianba is?That's the person everyone is talking about.Killing without blinking an eye, elusive.If this offends him, the consequence will be the end of the Lu family!

Master Lu also threw out another message:

"What are you women doing? Didn't the fourth aunt's mother send someone to find me? Why did you stop me? Do you know what her mother is here for? She came to save our family with good intentions! But, you But do it!"

Lu Yunxiang frowned and said:

"She came to save us? Do we still need her to save us here? As long as they don't come to harm us, they will save us!"

"You fart! You're still young!"

Master Lu glared at his son and scolded:

"Didn't you hear what happened to the Xu family? Who do you think is eyeing the Xu family? Do you think it's Haitianba? Haitianba is the kind of person who will do it as soon as he says it. He won't give you any time to show affection." , will drag people to death like this?"

Lu Yunxiang thought for a while and said:
"Then who dares to move us? Could it be."

Thinking of this, Lu Yunxiang stared at his father with wide eyes and said:
"Impossible! Don't they want to eat salt?"


Master Lu threw the letter in his hand to Lu Yunxiang and said:

"Look at it!"

Only then did Lu Yunxiang pick it up and take a look, and saw that he sat down on the ground beside him with a thud at the end, his expression turned ugly.Only then did the old lady and Mrs. Lu realize that something serious had happened.The two met for a moment. At that time, they only thought of a fisherman's girl. Recently, the master only remembered the fourth aunt, and stopped going to other people's places.

That's why they stopped the person who reported the letter.That's why I said the words of protecting the child.But I didn't expect that woman's life.They were in the yard at that time and actually heard the words that Fourth Aunt's mother yelled.At that time, it was only thought that she was raising Fourth Aunt's strength.Intentionally provocative.Unexpectedly, she really took people away.Still leave so much trouble!

It's really indescribable!That woman doesn't look very good, just like those fisherman women by the sea, I didn't expect her to be so capable!

But now she not only took away her daughter, but also the young master of the Lu family.The old lady said bitterly:

"It's hateful that she took the child away!"

Master Lu sighed and said:

"Don't hate her anymore, maybe she has saved our Lu family by doing this! Now that there is Hai Tianba at sea, and the court on land wants to move us, we used to rely on ourselves to go on at sea, so we are not afraid Chaoting. I thought that the court wanted our salt, but now the salt field has been cut off by Hai Tianba."

"God is going to kill my Lu family!"

In the eyes of the court, the Lu family without salt, and the Lu family without a way out, are just a bunch of little ants!

In recent years, the wealth of the Lu family is not to say that it is invincible, but it is also one of the best in the dynasty. The wealth of them and the Xu family is more than that of the imperial court!
Eldest son Lu Yunxiang suddenly thought of something, then sat up and said:
"Father, there is one more person we can ask for!"

Master Lu looked at his son.Young Master Lu said:

"Father, money, we can give it up. Send people to Beijing immediately, and tell the chief executive not to come back. Tell the chief executive to report directly to the emperor. Our Lu family intends to hand over eight-tenths of our property to the court. All the members of the Lu family Qian, don’t care about Haiyan anymore. Just ask for one thing, save the life of the family!”

This kind of courage is not something ordinary people can do.The Lu family has a lot of money!
(End of this chapter)

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