farmer's daughter

Chapter 680 We Can Give Up

Chapter 680 We Can Give Up

Chapter 680 We Can Give Up
Mr. Lu's words made Master Lu sit up straight.This is a way out, but I'm afraid that the emperor will kill them all.If the money is paid, what will happen if the emperor turns his face and refuses to accept the account?
Mr. Lu also thought of what Mr. Lu was worried about.Sit down again.After a long time, Young Master Lu got up again and said:

"Father, I can only ask one more person for this matter!"

"Who? None of those people in the court can do it. They just eat our food and use our food every year. If something goes wrong, no one will stand up to protect us!"

Young Master Lu said:
"It's not them, it's Prince Rui!"

"Father! I heard that Prince Rui is a benevolent person. We entrusted her to do what we pay to save our lives. Now the second brother is still with her. You know the temperament of the second brother. If the second brother is there You can stay here. That means that Prince Rui is an upright person!"

Master Lu thought about it seriously again and said:
"It's doable! It's just that we are afraid that we will go there ourselves!"

Young Master Lu said:
"Father, go! I'll stay at home. It's said that my fourth aunt was robbed, and my newborn brother was also robbed, so my father is angry and sick."

The old lady understood when she heard this.road:

"Okay, let's close this fourth aunt's yard. Hong'er, you can go to my yard to recuperate. Anyone who doesn't have eyes will come to my yard to see you. My old lady is here to cover you!"

After a few people discussed it, they acted according to the result of the discussion. This is a way to save their lives.If this road is not good, then there is no way.Then the Lu family can only wait to die!Maybe, everyone around Haikun County is being watched.

Master Lu left overnight, and quietly went out from a tunnel in the house with only one person.Because no one would believe that Master Lu would go on the road alone, some of the court guards who stayed outside the city really didn't notice this matter.So, after half a month, Master Lu arrived at Qingyang Mansion.When Master Lu arrived in Qingyang, it was just about the Chinese New Year!

The day before the Chinese New Year, when the concierge saw a dusty Mr. Lu leading a horse coming at the door, he almost didn't realize that it was a person, because Mr. Lu was covered in dust, and he almost couldn't see his expression.

The porter asked who he was.Who are you looking for?
Master Lu replied:

"Please send a message to Prince Rui, and say that Lu Zhanhong of Haikun County is asking to see you!"

The concierge also rushed to send a message.Because it was a few days ago, everyone quit work and had nothing to do.They are all playing mahjong taught by Xue Jian in the lobby of the front yard.Xue Jian brought Ba Tuo, Second Young Master Lu and Murong Xing at the same table.And Fu Jinghao, the Liang brothers and Jiang Youpeng were at the same table.While having fun, the porter came in and reported:

"Prince, someone came outside the door and asked to see you. He said it was Lu Zhanhong from Haikun County."

"Lu Zhanhong?"

Xue Jian was still wondering who it was, but saw Second Young Master Lu stood up in surprise and said:
"Are you sure it's this person? Why did my father come? How many people are here?"

The concierge said:
"There is only one person. His face is covered in ashes. It seems that he has traveled a lot."

The Second Young Master Lu knew that his father and elder brother would not leave Haikun County.But this person?Could it be that someone pretended to be the father?Thinking about this possibility, Second Young Master Lu stood up and said:

"Prince, I'll go see if it's my father!"

Xue Jian thought of something else.She knew what the emperor was going to do. Could it be that Master Lu knew about the salt production here?Still meet him.

Xuejian stood up and said:
"Let's go, Second Young Master, let's go and see if it's really your father."

Xuejian wanted to get up, so Fu Jinghao naturally followed.So several people came to the door.Lu Zhanhong also knew that he was covered in dust and was shaking it outside.I saw a few people coming out of it. In front was a young girl with outstanding looks, and my son followed behind the little girl.It seems that this little girl is Prince Rui!

Needless to say, as soon as Lu Zhanhong saw someone, he immediately went forward and saluted:

"Lu Zhanhong from the Lu family in Haikun County kowtows to Prince Rui!"

Xuejian also saw a gray-headed and ashamed person and immediately bowed down to herself.Look back at Second Young Master Lu.Second Young Master Lu frowned and nodded, indicating that this was his father.Xuejian called:
"Master Lu, please get up."

Then Second Young Master Lu stepped forward to support his father, frowned and said:

"Father, what happened at home? Why are you like this?"

Lu Zhanhong sighed, turned to Xue Jian and said:
"Prince Rui, can we talk in another place?"

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"I'm a guest from afar, please come in. Second Young Master, why don't you take you to wash up first?"

Master Lu stretched out his hand to stop him:

"No, prince, the old man is in a hurry!"

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"Then please go to the study to talk!"

Bringing him into the study, Xue Jian just sat down when Master Lu looked around.Xue Jian frowned and said:

"This is Fu Jinghao, General Fu. He is ordered by the emperor to protect me. I can't hide anything from him. He is also my fiancée!"

Master Lu was a little surprised. Can someone talk about his fiance so naturally?Well, that's someone who can't be avoided.

Master Lu knelt down with a plop and said:

"Help, prince! This old man is here to beg the prince to save the lives of my family!"

The father knelt down, so it was impossible for the son to stand still.Second Young Master Lu also knelt down with a puzzled expression on his face.Hearing his father say this, he was surprised and said:

"Father, what happened at home?"

Master Lu ignored his son, and only said to Xue:
"It is my last resort to come here to beg the prince! For the lives of the whole family! I also ask the prince to be merciful! The family moved inland! Only save the court and spare the lives of my family! Please take the prince in, my family is willing to follow the prince and move inland!"

"Father! What's the matter?"

Second Young Master Lu knows how much money the family has no matter how much he cares about.But now my father wants to hand over eight cents of the money, just to save the lives of his family!

Second Young Master Lu panicked. What happened at home when he was not at home?
Master Lu kowtowed again and again, hoping that Xuejian would agree!
"Eight out of ten?"

Xue Jian was wondering how much eight out of ten is?
Lu Zhanhong nodded again and said:

"Yes, 1 out of [-]! The old man's family has used salt for generations. The profit is also considerable, [-] out of [-], calculated in gold, that is [-] million taels! The life of the old man's family, I hope to be here with the prince To tell the truth, the old man also went to Beijing to say that he was afraid that he would never return! But he came to beg the prince! He also asked the prince to save the lives of the old man’s family! The old man will give the prince [-] taels of the rest gold!"

Xue Jian was dumbfounded!
Forty million taels?Is it [-] million taels?Or gold?Does this mean that there is not so much gold in the whole capital?

Give yourself 1 taels of benefits?Did it just happen that I ran out of money?

(End of this chapter)

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