Chapter 683

Chapter 680

Princess Yu, who was waiting to be married in the palace, was naturally happy when she saw Xuejian coming, she opened her mouth after sitting down, but she didn't ask.She really wanted to ask if Murong Xing had come back with Xue Jian.

Look at Princess Jade's appearance.Xue Jian said with a smile:
"From now on, you will be my little sister-in-law. I came back today, and my little brother is also back. Now I'm going home for the New Year."

Princess Yu smiled shyly and said:
"Who's going to ask him?"

Xue Jian pretended to be surprised and said:
"Yeah, I don't want to ask him, but who do I want to ask?"

Princess Yu made a gesture to hit Xuejian, but Xuejian laughed.

When the dinner party was about to start, a young eunuch came to the harem to find Xue Jian and said:

"Prince Rui, Your Majesty invites you to the table together, and the Imperial Study Room is waiting for you now."

Xue Jian followed the little eunuch to the imperial study, but before he arrived at the study, he was stopped by Lian Quchen outside the yard and said:
"How did you make this decision? If you don't think about it, the emperor must kill people like the Lu family!"

Xue Jian said sternly:
"Eldest brother, I won't say anything else, but this Lu family must be preserved. Do you know how the Lu family knew what was going on in the court?"

After speaking, Xuejian told about Fourth Aunt in a few words.Lian Quchen said:
"What does this have to do with Baolu's family? Lu's gangsters, the crime is even higher!"

Xue saw the elder brother with a white look and said:

"Why don't you understand? The fourth aunt of the Lu family and the people behind her are available. The sea! For our dynasty, everything on the sea is blank. If those sea bandits colluded with outsiders to attack our dynasty, What do you think will happen in the end? He just doesn’t attack you, he just comes to harass the people for nothing, what do you do? I have heard that the navy of our dynasty is not a good thing. It is a good thing, you can use it That's a good thing."

After a pause, Xue Jian said:
"Besides, in the salt business, the Lu family can really do well. That's why I want to protect the Lu family. Whether it's you or me, we are not material for doing business. To protect this family, I I thought about it. If I don’t speak first, I will tell you the matter directly. If the emperor speaks, he must be killed! If it is the person I want, and now watching these things I do, he has no choice but to give me an answer. Let’s save face. In addition, you play a side drum, senior brother, you have to cover this matter for me. I want to protect this family. "

Even Quchen thought about it, Xueer always sees things a little far away, and some things seem useless now.She said that it will be useful in the future, which makes sense.Then keep it.

Xue Jian thought about it and said:

"You can't talk about that Fourth Aunt for the time being, okay? I'm going to talk to Master Lu about this."

Lian Quchen took a look at Xue and said:

"Go in quickly. I'll go pick up your princess sister. The queen mother asked her to bring both children. It may be troublesome."

Xuejian went to the imperial study, and now besides the emperor, there is Song Gonggong in the study, but none of the ministers are there.Not even my uncle was there.Xue looked around and said bluntly:
"Your Majesty, why are you alone?"

Eunuch Song snorted softly at the side, Xuejian heard it, and couldn't help but said in embarrassment:
"I'm sorry, Eunuch Song, I didn't mean that. I wanted to say, why are there no ministers here?"

"The prince broke the slaves. How can I be worthy of the word "sorry". It is true that all the ministers and workers are not here. Even the son went to pick up the princess. Master Liang went to the front hall to check the situation."

Eunuch Song hurriedly bowed and explained.

The emperor looked at the two people, waved his hand in a funny way and said:
"Okay, I just made a mistake, Xue'er, come here. I'll ask you."

Xuejian immediately stood over.The emperor stared at Xue Jian and said:
"About protecting the people from the Lu family, have you really thought about it? Do you want to use the Lu family?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Your Majesty, I have really decided to use the Lu family, but the Emperor has to do me a favor. I only want people from the Lu family, and the rest belong to the emperor. Also, the emperor had better use the Lu family members Get nothing, just give me some people. What do you think?"

Seeing Xuejian say this in a slightly naughty way, the emperor thought about it and said:

"No, I thought about it just now. What you said makes sense. I should keep one family and fight the other to show the majesty and mercy of the court. That's right. But you said that you left them with nothing, that's too much Yes. In my opinion, just leave him [-]% of the property, which is enough for their family to live on. However, he, the head of the Lu family and the eldest son, have to be classified as slaves. From now on, they will be your slaves! Never redeem yourself slave!"

Xuejian lowered her head when she heard this, and sighed in her heart:
"Oh, slave! This slave will bring you great wealth in the future."

Xuejian also agreed.Because he knew Patriarch Lu's thoughts, even if he died to save the lives of his family, he would be willing.The emperor saw that Xue Jian was so easy to talk, and said with a smile:

"You really want to use him as a salt merchant?"

"Yes, his salt merchant's contacts are a kind of wealth. I originally talked about this with a third Mr. Zhao, but now it seems that I don't need such a good resource. Then I am not stupid? New to cultivate and establish It still takes some investment and energy to start this kind of selling point, and what he has here is ready-made. Why don't I pick it up and make it?"

The emperor nodded and said with a smile:

"What do you think about all day long in your little head? Look at Yu'er, what kind of flowers do you embroider in the palace every day, and what little clothes you make for the queen. That's not what you have in your head, Xue'er, you were really born wrong, if you were a man, you would be a part of my court!"

Xuejian hurriedly saluted, and said with a smile on her face:

"Your Majesty, don't put a high hat on me. The higher you hold it, the more painful it will be. You hold it like this, do you want to throw me off?"

The emperor laughed.Xue Jian felt a little cold in his heart.It seems.The emperor is still a little concerned about his overstepping the power this time!Even if I was thinking about him and the emperor, it seemed.You still have to think twice when you do things in the future!
A little eunuch ran in and whispered a few words in front of Eunuch Song, and Eunuch Song turned around and said to the emperor:

"Going back to the emperor, everything in the front hall is ready, and the ministers are almost here."

The emperor said:
"Let's go, let's meet the queen. Xue'er, come with me!"

Xue Jian followed the emperor to the harem, fortunately she had a car and sedan chair with the emperor, otherwise Xue Jian would not be able to fly around in the harem, and her legs would not be tired?

In the queen's palace, the queen is also ready.When saluting the emperor, seeing the little head protruding from behind the emperor, the queen also smiled and said:

"Yo, I didn't expect Prince Rui's nose to be really long. Did you know that the palace banquet is coming back today?"

Xuejian rubbed her nose and walked out, saying:

"Hey, empress, don't laugh at me. This is the third time I've been laughed at. The emperor and my uncle laughed at me as soon as I entered the palace. When I went to see Princess Yu, I was also laughed at."

(End of this chapter)

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