farmer's daughter

Chapter 684 Sending the emperor to rule the country

Chapter 684 Sending the Emperor to Unify the Country

Chapter 680 Send the emperor to rule the country

Afterwards, Xue Jian followed the emperor and queen to the main hall where the palace banquet was held in front.

When they arrived, all the ministers were present.The sun at the door sang:
"The Emperor is here!"

"The Empress is here!"

"Prince Rui is here!"

All the ministers and family members inside got up and knelt down to the door of the main hall, Xue Jian who was following the emperor and queen felt uncomfortable all over.Make up your mind that you will never follow them in the future, and it would be good if you can come to greet them earlier.This is so uncomfortable.

Maybe Xue Jian would have such an idea.If it was someone else, I'm afraid they would be proud of being able to follow the emperor into the palace.

Xuejian had no choice but to rush in all the way, and then quickly copied to one side, but the little palace man leading the way led Xuejian forward and forward again, it turned out.Xue Jian's seat was again on the emperor's left side.The closest place to the emperor!

Well, my position is here. Anyway, someone arranges these seats, so sit down first and then talk.Fortunately, next to her is the princess's sister's family. When the two children see Xuejian, they will remember this little aunt.He greeted him affectionately, but didn't dare to come over.These two children have been baptized by etiquette since they were young, so they know that this kind of place is not allowed to run around.

Xue Jian was very bored at first.But someone outside shouted:

"Prince Rong is here!"

It wasn't just Xue Jian who was surprised, everyone in the audience looked at the door in amazement. Old man Mo was uncharacteristically wearing the formal attire of Prince Rong today, and was coming in from the door of the main hall.Old man Mo walked in with his head held high and his chest out.He was completely different from the usual old Mo.

Xue Jian's jaw almost dropped, is this someone pretending to be a master?
Everyone in the field was in a hurry and got up to salute.Old man Mo turned a blind eye, walked straight to Xuejian, Xuejian looked at Master blankly, and even forgot to give up his seat.

Old man Mo didn't salute the emperor, but the emperor even helped the queen to stand up.An eunuch moved quickly and hurriedly added a chair to Xuejian's table.Only then did Xue Jian give way, so that Master could sit down.

Just as everyone sat down, another voice came from outside:

"The Empress Dowager has arrived, and the Empress Dowager has arrived!"

Well, the person who just sat down stood up again, prostrating in a messy manner.Xuejian didn't sit down, she just stood up.Because she hasn't woken up from the incident of Master's appearance.

The Supreme Emperor and the Empress Dowager came forward to say hello to Prince Rong. It seemed that they were surprised that Prince Rong would come.

Everyone sat down, and the emperor said some words of blessing, which was an opening remark.Then everyone sat down and started eating.

Enjoy singing and dancing while eating.But Xue Jian was a little inattentive throughout the whole process, looking at the silent master from time to time.I also paid special attention to look behind the ears, could it be someone who put on a human skin mask to pretend to be the master!

Being annoyed by Xue Jian, old man Mo's stern expression was defeated.Turning his head to stare at Xue Jian and said:
"Whatever you look at, you are an idiot if you don't eat what you have."

Well, once you open your mouth, you will know that this is the real master, but why did he come?Doesn't he hate this kind of party the most?
After the first wave of eating, everyone ate something to make a base, and then the ministers began to come out to give high praise to the emperor, the emperor.The flattery one after another made them all smile.

It seems that today is to come to see the literary talents of these adults, to see who can take good and caring photos.Unexpectedly, after hearing these words, the Supreme Emperor turned his head to look at Xue Jian and said:
"Prince Rui, it's your turn. You have to say a few words!"

Xue Jian, who was ordered famous, was putting a snack into his mouth.Hearing this, he looked at the dim sum with some displeasure, then turned his head and said:
"I'm still thinking about it. All the ministers I want to say have said it. I have to think of something new to say!"

The Supreme Emperor said with great interest:

"Then what do you want to say!"

Xue Jian thought about it and said:

"Bring paper!"

A little eunuch hurried to get a pen and paper, and Xue Jian began to draw.After drawing, I picked up the paper and showed it to everyone:
"I can't think of anything to say, I'll just give this to the emperor!"

The ministers and family members below saw Xue Jian's painting, what kind of painting was it, a bucket with some things in it.I can't tell what it is, but it is full and piled up.

Xue Jian looked at everyone's puzzled looks.explained:

"Take a look, what is this?"

No one said, afraid of being wrong.

Xuejian turned her head to show Lian Quchen's son:
"Little nephew, tell me, what is this?"

"Little aunt, that's a bucket."

"there's a few?"

"A barrel!"

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Yes, my little nephew is really smart, he knows everything."

"I know it, I know it too. Little aunt, you didn't ask me!"

Another little guy also hurriedly said.

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"Got it, you're smart too, but they're all stupid, they don't know anything, you're not as good as our two-year-old baby!"

Well, Xue Jian hit everyone in the first hall with a stick.Everyone dares to be angry but dare not speak out.She looked at Xue Jian with some embarrassment.

The Queen Mother smiled and said:

"You girl, you offended everyone. Tell me quickly, what's in this bucket, it really can't be seen."


Xuejian replied naturally:

"It's the ginger used for cooking!"

"Just draw a bucket of ginger and give it to the emperor?"

The Queen Mother didn't understand either.Xue Jian said:

"Use someone else's method to ask for our emperor's reward. Look, my ginger is not ordinary ginger. This is ginger piled up, it's a mountain of ginger. This painting is called a bucket of ginger mountain! See you, Chen Xue. Send the emperor to rule the country!"

"it is good!"


"it is good!"

Applause from everywhere!
The emperor and the Supreme Emperor laughed, and old man Mo also looked at this little apprentice with a smile in his eyes. This guy always has so many strange ideas.

Xuejian was slandering her, and anyone who had seen Liu Luoguo back then knew that.It seems that any emperor likes to ask for such auspicious words.

The Supreme Emperor laughed and said:
"Come here, put away Prince Rui's painting. Frame it and put it in the emperor's study room. Your majesty, you have to remember to remind her that you can't just paint, you have to implement it!"

The emperor also nodded and smiled:
"Yes, yes, Prince Rui, I accept this gift."

Xue Jian looked at the painting in her hand, feeling a little depressed, thinking that it was just an auspicious word, and it was enough for everyone to have fun, but she didn't expect to frame it.If I had known it would be framed, I would have drawn it better.From now on, it will be hung in the imperial study, and the people who go to see it are all talented scholars and high-ranking officials. How embarrassing is this painting.

But the emperor's words, all the ministers looked at it, it was impossible for him to say that he should repaint.Jiangshan can't be redrawn, right?
 Borrowed a stalk from TV, don't spray it if you don't like it, it's just a coincidence, have fun.

(End of this chapter)

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