Chapter 701
Chapter [-]: Fu Family Evil Star
With Bai Haoming's shot.The eldest Sun Minxing was rescued from those few people.At the last moment, the sword of one of them picked up Bai Haoming's mask, and he saw Bai Haoming.

Bai Haoming naturally couldn't let the people who saw him live.If this spread, saying that Fengyinglou cooperated with the court to harm people in the martial arts, then Fengyinglou would not have a foothold in the martial arts.

So Bai Haoming became murderous.Those who saw Bai Haoming all died.Bai Haoming masked his face again and rescued the eldest Sun Minxing to a safe place, thinking of helping him, and then flew into Xu's residence.After a while, Patriarch Xu was brought out alone.This fight is over.

Many martial arts practitioners who helped Xu's family were either killed or injured, and few of them really managed to get out in the end.Bai Haoming also felt sad for them.Because if they didn't get involved in this for money, they might still be the top dog in a small place.

All the members of the Xu family were taken away, and after being interrogated one by one, the servants went to investigate, and found that everyone in the Xu family had been found.Although two of them died, one was the second young master Xu Libo.One is the eldest young master's wife, Wei Shi, who was stabbed to death in order to protect the young master.

The Xu family was taken away, but the warehouse of the Xu family was not in the Xu family. After searching for a long time, they couldn't find it. After being caught, the head of the Xu family bit his tongue and committed suicide that night.The others are all asking three questions, saying that only the Patriarch knows.This annoyed Changsun Minxing very much.

This is due to my inexperience, and I didn't expect to prevent people from committing suicide.Now people have won it, but not much money.The Xu family was dug three feet down.Still have the same idea.Only report truthfully.

The emperor still couldn't believe it when he received the news. The Lu family and the Xu family are about the same age. It is said that the Xu family has a wider business than the Lu family.Because the Xu family is more ruthless, the Xu family should have more money.Where can this go?

The emperor specially sent Fu Jinghao to check.Fu Jinghao rushed back to the capital because of his grandfather.When I returned to Beijing, I had to go back to the Fu family.But it's okay, because Fu Jinghao is now the highest-ranking person in the Fu family except for his grandfather.

Besides, Fu Jinghao didn't like the Fu family in the first place.As soon as he arrived in the capital, he took people directly to the front of Fu's house. Just in time, Third Uncle Fu also came to see his father when he heard that his father was back and his health was not good.But I didn't want the concierge to block Uncle Fu out.Look down on him as a concubine.

Uncle Fu was very angry, but he didn't dare to do anything, for fear of causing trouble to his father.Fu Jinghao was different. Fu Jinghao had just dismounted.Before the doorman could see who it was, he stretched out his hand to stop him.It's just that the few people brought by Fu Jinghao are not simple people.On the way, Fu Jinghao talked about the situation at home. Although these people were adults, they respected Fu Jinghao, a young general.

It was because Fu Jinghao took them to win so many bonuses, and they got bonuses for everything they did.This matter is the price negotiated between Fu Jinghao and the emperor.Because these people use their own lives in exchange for everything they do, so they have to be worthy of their lives!
The emperor disagreed at first, because in his opinion, those who joined his army were all his soldiers, and these things should be done, and the army was called out every month.

Fu Jinghao and the emperor tried it out a few times, and finally decided to give it. Therefore, these people finally gained both fame and fortune.He was promoted to an official rank and got money again.Of course, these are only their own people know.People outside don't know.But also because of this, they respect Fu Jinghao very much.

This time I heard that the Fu family treated their chief general like this.How could they stand it.In particular, a concierge reached out to stop Fu Jinghao.A person behind Fu Jinghao raised a knife and dropped it, and a bloody arm fell off.

Fu Jinghao didn't seem to see it, but respectfully said to the third uncle:
"Third Uncle, did you also come back to see Grandpa?"

Uncle Fu frowned lightly.Looking at the people behind Fu Jinghao, he sighed slightly.road:

"Yes, Jing Hao, where did you come from?"

Fu Jinghao said:

"I came to Beijing immediately after I got the news in Qingyang."

Uncle Fu nodded and said:
"Then let's go in."

The man whose arm had been cut off rolled on the ground in pain.The cry attracted people in the mansion to come out to watch.Seeing the blood on the ground, he also saw Fu Jinghao and Uncle Fu standing at the door.

Fu Jinghao has been away from this family for several years.Maybe the newcomer doesn't recognize Fu Jinghao.But these years in this mansion have become more and more difficult, where can I find new servants.All that are left are family members.

Of course, these people recognized Fu Jinghao, and when their expressions changed, they didn't care about the injured man at the door, and ran in directly. This is the evil star coming.Looks like he's here for revenge.

The servant ran all the way to the backyard to find the old lady and the young lady and said:

"It's not good, it's not good! Old madam, young madam, the evil star is here, killing people at the door!"

"What did you say! Who's coming?"

I heard that someone killed someone in front of his house.The two ladies were also shocked.

The servant immediately said:

"Yes, it is Young Master Sun who is back."

"Master Sun?"

The old lady paused and thought of something.As soon as his complexion changed, he knew that Fu Jinghao was back. Who would have thought that the old man would come back after only two days?It seems that he knows that the old man is back?But knowing that the old man is there, how dare he kill someone?
The old lady was a little flustered, she knew what she had done.So he asked someone to call his son.Fu Wenzhi was scolded by his father in the front yard just now, because he was in a bad mood, and when a servant came to call him, he immediately went to the backyard.But I heard that it was Fu Jinghao who came.Fu Wenzhi was scared to death.

If he had to say who he was most afraid of now, it would be Fu Jinghao, who stepped forward to curry favor but failed.let it go.But now it is different.Because Mr. Fu is at home now.If this is a three-party confrontation, although there are many people here, the old man will definitely believe what he said.Then I don't know what punishment I will receive!

Fu Wenzhi turned pale and looked at his old lady, saying:
"How to do?"

Lao Lian said anxiously:

"I don't know what to do? I heard that the evil star killed people at the door. Didn't he come back for revenge?"

Both mother and son were frightened.People who have done bad things are afraid to face others.

But Fu Jinghao took his third uncle directly into the outer court, and he didn't care whether others informed him or not.When he arrived at the outer courtyard, he saw the easy-going leader and several soldiers who were waiting beside the old Hou Ye. All of these people recognized Fu Jinghao.Seeing Fu Jinghao coming, he was overjoyed, and the long attendant immediately said loudly:

"Old Hou, Young Master Sun is back! The third son is also here."

Old Hou Ye's hoarse voice came:

"Quickly ask Jing Hao and the others to come in!"

(End of this chapter)

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