Chapter 702

Chapter [-]: Accounts need to be settled

The long follower immediately opened the door, and Fu Jinghao and Fu Sanshu went in.I saw Master Fu sitting on a couch in front of the window.The legs were also covered with a thick quilt.It seems that Lord Hou was really injured.

Fu Jinghao stepped forward to salute his grandfather.Mr. Fu hasn't seen his grandson for more than a year. He didn't expect that this child is a little taller than the third uncle.Looking handsome and handsome, Huang suddenly seemed to see that Junzhi was here.

Master Fu took Fu Jinghao's hand, and said a little excitedly:

"Son, are you okay?"

Fu Jinghao smiled and said:

"Master, I'm a second-rank general now. I'm fine!"

Uncle Fu also came forward to greet his father, and asked about his father's injury. The old man lifted the quilt and said:

"Oh, I was careless too. I was hunting geese all day long, but I was hurt by geese. I didn't know that there was no grass there, but there was a snake there. This bit me, but now I am much better. After returning , the imperial doctor came to see me, and said that I just had a bad legacy at the time. Now I just need to wait for the wound that started to rot to heal.”

Fu Jinghao sighed and said:
"Grandpa, why don't you go to the border town? Stay here or go to the third uncle's side. Or go to Qingyang with me. The conditions in the border town are indeed much worse, and you are not young now .We are no longer the Hou family anyway, you can go back."

Because there is a rule in the imperial dynasty, if the military commander reaches a certain level of family, there must be a certain number of people serving in the border town.

But the Fu family is different, because the Fu family is not the Hou family now.And even if it is service, isn't Fu Jinghao still working hard?

The old man sighed and said:
"Let's wait and see. See how my injury is. Grandpa is not used to living here."

I inquired about Fu Sanshu's situation, and knew that Fu Sanshu's children are all very well.Mr. Fu is also relieved.He said that he would go to Fu Sanshu's place later.Go see Uncle Fu's mother.

This made Uncle Fu cry directly.Although his mother is a concubine.But in mother's heart, father is her man. Now that he heard that father was injured, he didn't have the permission of the mistress, so he didn't even have the qualifications to visit him.

So when Uncle Fu heard that his father was going to visit him, he was also happy for his mother, and he didn't expect her to come in vain.Father still misses her.

Uncle Fu thanked Fu Jinghao again:
"Last time, I also thank you and the prince for sending us so many things. Now our family is doing well. I think it is also because of the relationship between you and the prince and your father. Now I have been promoted to the fifth rank. Such a family The days are getting better. Also, Jing Hao, I have put away the banknotes you sent last time and the banknotes you usually send. You will need a lot of money to get married in the future. Third Uncle It doesn’t take that much money now.”

Fu Jinghao was a little surprised and said:

"Third Uncle, I only sent you something when I went back to the Prince's Mansion, but I didn't send you a bank note?"

Uncle Fu said:

"No, I receive 1000 taels of silver bills every month, saying it was from you."

Fu Jinghao patted his legs and said:
"It must be Xue'er. It was Xue'er who sent someone to send it under my banner."

Mr. Fu also understood.It's Prince Rui who has been giving bank notes to this kid every month.

Fu Jinghao smiled and said:

"Third Uncle, you don't need to save it for me. Just accept what Xue'er gives you."

Mr. Fu sighed:
"Prince Rui is very considerate."

Fu Jinghao bowed his head and said:

"Master, Xue'er heard that my third uncle saved me and helped me last time. She said so. I will thank my third uncle well in the future. My father is gone, and my uncle is my father!"

Hearing this, Mr. Fu was also moved and said:

"What an uncle is father! It's not in vain that your third uncle helped you back then. It's all grandpa's fault!"

Every time I talk about that year.Mr. Fu felt as if his heart was being pulled!What this child suffered back then was not a little bit of suffering.And it's like I'm blind, I don't know at all!
When talking about the past, everyone felt uncomfortable.

Influenced by Xue Jian these days, Fu Jinghao no longer thinks about so many past things, and persuades:
"Forget it, Grandpa, I don't want to worry about it anymore. As Xueer said, I have become stronger, but they have gotten worse. This is punishment. Now Xueer is doing big things. The emperor sent me there to help Her. Then I will help her."

Mr. Fu patted his grandson on the shoulder, then turned his head to wipe his eye sockets.

In fact, Mr. Fu knew that the hatred in Fu Jinghao's heart could not be dissipated like this, especially the death of his mother.He definitely has to care about it.Now he said that because he was still there.If he is gone, those people should be punished.

The grandson is sensible and doesn't want to embarrass himself in the middle.

Mr. Fu accepted his kindness.nodded and said:

"Okay, good grandson! Grandpa saw you right! Prince Rui is a nice person. Although grandpa has never met her, judging from what you said, what others said and what she did, it is indeed true. A smart woman! You should cherish it!"

Fu Jinghao nodded.

Uncle Fu said on the side:

"The prince was assassinated last time, which also scared me. I was really worried about what Jing Hao would do if the prince was gone."

Mr. Fu looked at Jing Hao.Fu Jinghao told the ins and outs of the matter, and Mr. Fu said:

"This matter has something to do with Wu Liguo? Then this matter is not simple. Do you remember the general you captured before you left last time? At first, the general thought that with this general in his hand, he could get a sum of military expenses. I didn't expect them to give up on the commander-in-chief directly. Then they sent people to assassinate the commander-in-chief. Now the commander-in-chief is also giving up on their dynasty. According to him, the people in their dynasty are just in the relationship with the Wuli dynasty. connected with people.”

Fu Jinghao thought for a while and said:
"The civil strife in the Wuli dynasty may not pose a threat to us for the time being. There are some problems between their crown prince and the autumn prince. The autumn prince is the son of a noble concubine. The crown prince is the queen's son. Both the prince Qiu and his mother are very favored. The person who came to kill Xueer last time wanted to blame this prince. Now the two are fighting openly and secretly in the Wuli Dynasty!"

Old Master Fu nodded and said:

"If that's the case, that's fine. As long as the emperor and you know what's in your mind. But why did they kill the prince? Just because of the prince's farm tools?"

Fu Jinghao nodded and said:
"Yes, I didn't understand these things at first. The last time Lei Shangshu went to Xue'er's village, he settled the account with Xue'er. I just realized that the farm tools that Xue Jian made seemed to be for Xue Jian to make money from." Money, but in fact, the harvest of the whole dynasty has been grown. With the harvest, we have our own food, so we don’t have to buy food from other Wuli countries. In this way, Wuli country will definitely be unhappy, one is They can’t earn our money, and the second is that he is afraid that we will be strong when we have food, which will be a threat to them!”

(End of this chapter)

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