farmer's daughter

Chapter 713 Meet The Two Young Masters

Chapter 713 Meeting Their Second Young Master

Chapter 710 Meeting Their Second Young Master
As soon as Xuejian was full, she gave the bowl to the aunt, when she heard footsteps coming forward, a group of people came out from the depths of the bamboo forest at the entrance of the village, and the ones walking in front were not wearing clothes from the yamen.Just a well-dressed beard.The man is tall and big, but the small eyes look like the eyes of a mouse, and he laughed when he saw Xue Jian.

The man calling for someone was walking behind the bearded man.Seeing Xuejian, he hurriedly said to the bearded man:
"Boss, it's this little girl, you have to be careful, this girl is good at magic."

"Go, go, I thought it was someone with three heads and six arms, but it was a little bitch who scared the crap out of you. You have no future!"

When the manager saw that it was a little girl, to be honest, he was ashamed to bring a dozen men here.If you want to say this, your face is very disgraceful!

But it's all here, so I have to take care of things anyway, it's not easy to explain to the second young master later.

"Where did you come from, little girl? Do you know that it's against the law to obstruct business affairs?"

"Of course I know what is the result of blocking Tolerance's work, but I also know what is the result of pretending to be Tolerance."

When Xue saw a word, she blocked it back, and the man's face changed, this girl is really a soft-hearted person, thinking about it this way:

"Hmph! The yellow-haired girl doesn't even look at whose land this is. You're causing trouble to your lord by coming here. Come here, take him away, and take away these useless things."

As soon as the manager gave the order, everyone naturally started to move. Two or three people came towards Xuejian who didn't believe in evil.Xue Jian turned around and smiled and said:

"Auntie, stand a little farther away."

Xue Jian was not afraid of them, the person who came could not get close to Xue Jian's body, and was kicked away by Xue Jian serially, and just happened to press on the three people over there, causing another burst of screams.

Now the manager understood.This girl is not a witch, but kung fu.The manager's small eyes rolled, and when he raised his hand, a person who had been standing behind him stood up.Judging by the way the man walked, he was a man with two hands.

The man had also seen Xue Jian's martial arts just now, so he naturally approached cautiously, but when Xue Jian thought he was about to make some moves, she saw him stretch out his hand, and a handful of dust flew up.It looks like he wants to poison Xue Jian!
Xue Jian glared angrily, and shouted:

"Little man dare!"

As soon as the foot touched the ground, the person flew up and slapped the palm directly on the top of the person's head, and the person's legs bent down and fell to the ground.He heard him cry again in pain:

Xue Jian was still angry and scolded:
"How dare you poison me!"

He didn't speak any more, and flew towards the manager directly, captured them, tapped acupoints one by one and threw them together.More than a dozen men were taken down in the blink of an eye.Those who were taken down were terrified to urinate.

Xuejian now look at that main pipeline:
"Now tell me, which yamen are you from?"

"I am not from the yamen?"

"Why don't people from the yamen come to collect money? On whose order? You are their leader, who are you?"

Xuejian approached step by step and asked.

The manager looked at the person he had brought, gritted his teeth and said:
"You've caused big trouble, do you know who we are? I'm from Youran Villa! We're Prince Rui's family!"

Xue Jian looked at these people, they really spoke the same language.Xuejian clapped her hands and said:
"Okay, you all say you belong to Prince Rui, so have you met Prince Rui?"

"Naturally seen!"

Xue Jianqi laughed.

"I won't tell you any more, you, or you. You go to the yamen and find magistrate Yang for me. Wait for magistrate Yang to rescue you, because at least magistrate Yang is the one who has seen Prince Rui. He Then I will know if you belong to Prince Rui."

The manager's expression changed, and he shouted:

"You are quite courageous, you dare to offend Prince Rui!"

Xue Jian stood on his hand lying on the ground, and said:
"Still telling the truth?"


Xuejian hummed and used a heavy weight, which made the steward yell and lose his image at all.

The steward shouted:
"Damn it, where did you come from, little thief. I don't even ask if I'm easy to mess with Leopard!"

"Guan Leopard? Whose dog is it? It's still called Leopard?"

Xue Jian rubbed the injured hand back and forth with her foot again.It made Guan Bao scream in pain again.

"Say, which family's dog are you from?"

"Auntie, auntie, please spare me! The younger one is the housekeeper of the master of Futai, and the younger one is called Guan Bao. I came here under the order of the second son."

The housekeeper seemed to be unable to take it anymore, Xue Jian knew that she had broken his hand bones just now.After hearing his words, Xue Jian raised her eyebrows and asked:

"Futai? Second Young Master? What do they want you to do? To be honest, if you don't tell the truth, your little lives will be lost here."

"I said, I said."

The manager immediately said:
"It was our Master Futai who said that he originally thought that Li County was a dilapidated place, but he didn't expect that there was such a treasure as salt here. He has been in charge of it for so many years, and Prince Rui didn't give him any benefits, so the Second Young Master wants us Come down and collect taxes according to the head of the workers. The money is handed over to the second son. Also, we need to find some people to sneak into the salt workers and see what it is like inside. It is best to start building a place The salt is for the second son to buy and sell."

Xue Jianqi laughed and said:
"Your Futai masters have some good intentions. You also plan to sell salt! Very good!"

"How long have you been collecting poll taxes like this? How many people came out to collect them? How much? Why did you use the name of Prince Rui?"

"Grandma, don't you know how famous Prince Rui is in Li County, and there are people who burn incense for her. As long as we say that Prince Rui asked for the money, everyone will give it. We will only be out for more than ten days. I collected several thousand taels of silver. The young one and another person who was trusted by the Second Young Master came down to collect it, and the Second Young Master waited for us to pay the money back at the mansion every day!"

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Then how did your people enter the salt field? Which one of your people entered?"

Guan Bao replied:

"It's just to find a few people who are easy to control and let him be an insider. It's very difficult to get in new people. Prince Rui has formulated many selection terms. We only identified two families, and they locked up their families. Yes. I came here today thinking that Zhang Cheng and his wife are there, and there is only one mother and one child at home. As long as we control his wife or child, he will be obedient."

Hearing what Guan Bao said, not only Xue Jian, but also the people around were very angry.The aunt even threw the bowl in her hand at Guan Bao, cursing:
"You people, not to mention harming our common people, but also harming Prince Rui! You should be killed! Give us back our money!"

"Kill to death!"

"Kill to death!"

This caused public outrage.They took some sticks and beat those who couldn't move because of acupuncture.

Xue Jian hurriedly stopped and said:

"Everyone, don't fight. I still want to meet their second son! I want to see what kind of person is that who dares to risk Prince Rui!"

(End of this chapter)

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