farmer's daughter

Chapter 714 The culprit

Chapter 714 The culprit
Chapter 710 The Fifth Culprit

With Xue Jian's obstruction, those people still received a few sticks each.Fortunately, they were not injured or disabled.

Snow said:
"Auntie, go find some rope and I'll tie these people up."

With the rope.A few old men helped and tied up everyone.Stringing them together, Xuejian unlocked the acupoints for them.The person who poisoned Xue Jian couldn't stand up anymore, and when he knelt so hard, his knee was broken.

In the end, Xue Jian appointed two people to use two sticks to tie the man's coat, make a simple stretcher, and carry him away.

Before leaving, Xue Jian took out the money they collected from the common people.Then everyone returned home, and gave all the extra Xuejian to Aunt Zhang, so that Aunt Zhang could take care of her body, and let that aunt take good care of Aunt Zhang.He also said that after going back, Aunt Zhang's daughter-in-law will come back to take care of her.The aunt nodded repeatedly.

After Xue Jian escorted the long line of people away, the aunt told Aunt Zhang that she had cooked the noodles before delivering them to Aunt Zhang, and suddenly exclaimed in surprise:
"Oh my god! It's Prince Rui who is here today, right?"

The more I think about it, the more I think, isn't it said that Prince Rui is very beautiful?Didn't Prince Rui still be a child?Didn't it say that Prince Rui has martial arts?
The more the aunt thought about it, the more she was right, she rushed out and shouted to the old men who were still enjoying the shade under the big tree:
"Think about it, is that the one who came today is Prince Rui? I think it is Prince Rui. When he left, he said to go back and ask Zhang Cheng's wife to come back to take care of his mother. This person who can call someone out from the salt field, oh my mother Ah, I... I didn't even ask the prince to come in and sit down, so I just sat down under this tree!"

The aunt patted her thigh, turned around and said:

"I'm going to put away the bowls and stools that the prince ate, she is our benefactor!"

When the aunt yelled like this, the big guy also thought of it.That's right, I'm afraid it's Prince Rui!How could I be so old and dizzy!I missed the opportunity to kowtow to my benefactor!
On the way, a little girl followed behind a group of people and called a group because that person was really connected.The leader is Guan Bao.After walking for a dozen miles, I arrived at a small town.There are only a few shops in the town here, and it is very small. These people came in a carriage, and when they arrived in the town, another person came up to meet them.See a line of pipe leopards strung together.The man exclaimed:

"Guan Leopard, what are you?"

A figure flew up from behind the crowd, and knocked down the dozen or so people in front with a few blows.Seeing that there was someone hiding quietly around, Xue picked that person out as soon as she saw it.

Some spectators on the street gathered around, Xue Jian took a look and said:

"Who will give me some rope, I will send these people to the government office to ask for money. They pretend to be officials and come down to collect the poll tax from the common people. In fact, the money is collected privately by their government officials."

When Xuejian said this, the people around picked up small stones on the ground and threw them at them one after another. Someone took out the rope and said:
"Come, come, tie people up."

As a result, the men and horses along the way were also tied up.Xuejian said to someone:
"You go to County Magistrate Yang to talk about the matter, and then ask him to take someone to Futai. I will pass here and escort him over."

The man nodded repeatedly and asked:
"Girl, who are you?"

Xue Jian said in a deep voice:
"I'm Shen Xuejian."

"Hey. Good!"

Xue Jian escorted the people into their own carriages, leaving one person for each carriage to drive. After the carriages walked for a while, Guan Bao in the carriage knelt down in the carriage and shouted loudly:
"Prince, Prince Rui, please spare us!"

The others were still in the circle, Guan Bao scolded:

"Didn't you hear her say her name just now? That's Prince Rui himself!"

All of a sudden, the people in the two carriages were stunned.The person who pretends to be Prince Tongrui himself is playing tricks in front of her!Now the master is afraid that he will be planted too!
All of them are ashen-colored.Xuejian didn't want to listen to their entreaties along the way.Old Mo, who was sitting on the roof of the carriage, even slapped him down, and everyone was stunned.

The group of people walked for more than an hour, and arrived at the government office in charge of Li County.

Xuejian's carriage arrived outside the city gate, and the soldiers at the gate greeted the carriage when they saw the carriage:
"Ah, Master Guan is back? The Second Young Master just asked someone to ask, go in quickly."

The carriage entered the city smoothly and came directly to a big house next to the government office.There are two big stone lions sitting at the gate of the house.

Seeing the carriage coming, the person watching the gate also shouted enthusiastically:

"Master Guan is back?"

Then the gate was opened, but the carriage would not go in.Xue Jian sat on the top of the carriage in front and said:
"Go and ask your second son and your master Futai to come out."

Those who looked at the door saw that it was wrong. Although the man driving the carriage was from the mansion, he seemed too frightened to move.Who is this?So arrogant!Dare to come to Futaifu to make trouble.Naturally, the gatekeeper couldn't just spread the word like this.Turn around and not be kicked to death by the second son.

The person watching the door didn't move.Xue Jian snorted and said:

"Look at the people here, do you want to call?"

Xue Jianzhen opened the curtain of the car door, and the man saw the people in the carriage lying crookedly in the carriage.Only then did he feel that something was wrong, so he hurriedly ran into the yard, after a while, several people rushed out of the yard, the leader was the second young master of their Zhao family.

The Second Young Master Zhao is a local tyrant in this prefecture!He looks smart, but he is full of bad water. Every day, he is thinking about how to make money and how to bully other girls.

The Zhao family originally had two sons, but the eldest son died of acne when he was seven years old.There is only this precious son, so the son agrees to do whatever he wants and keeps pampering him.A son was completely abandoned.

Second Young Master Zhao came out to take a look, and saw three carriages at the door, the curtains of each carriage were drawn up, and there were piles of people he sent out to collect money inside.

This is the person who hit someone and sent them to their door to humiliate them.The second son of Zhao has never been so angry!With a wave of his hand, he said:
"Come on, take that wild girl down for me!"

Three people who followed Mr. Zhao's back jumped out. After looking at it, one of them retreated. Presumably he felt that he didn't need to fight a little girl by himself.

When those two people approached Xuejian, Xuejian snorted coldly:

"Who dares to move! Mr. Zhao Er, you take yourself too seriously! You are not qualified to talk to me, go and call your father out!"

The Second Young Master Zhao was so angry that he jumped up and shouted:

"Catch her. I think she looks pretty good, so I'll keep her tonight! I want to see my father. I'll let you see her if you're still alive after tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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