farmer's daughter

Chapter 715 The person with the gold medal for avoiding death

Chapter 715 The person with the gold medal for avoiding death

Chapter 710 The person who has the gold medal for avoiding death
Before Second Young Master Zhao could finish speaking, Xue Jian had already flew into the air!A slap in the face of Second Young Master Zhao.He stared at a pair of big eyes with a dark face, and said in a deep voice:

"You are dead!"

The second son of Zhao was so slapped that his teeth were all over the place!What is dizzy is that I really can't find the north.After turning around a few times and taking two steps back before standing still, he shook his head and raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.He stared at Xuejian bitterly and shouted:

"Take down this witch for me! I'm going to kill him!"

The few people who followed him rushed towards Xue Jian.Xue Jian dealt with them easily, and within a few blows, they were beaten to the ground.Xue Jian was still not relieved when she got down on the ground.Because their second son insulted Xue Jian.After Xue saw this world, she only met that scum of the Hong family before she scolded Xue Jian.But that person would not end well, if not for the sake of his sisters.Hong Shi is still there or not.

But this Second Young Master Zhao is unforgivable, and what he did was something that Xue would be ashamed of.Under the banner of Prince Rui's Mansion, to bully the villagers!I still want to destroy the Yantian!
How many people does Yantian help the dynasty support now?That was the original intention of Xue Jian to build the salt field!This person wants to destroy and control Yantian, and he doesn't want to be anything!
Seeing this beating, people in Zhao's residence hurried to the next door to find Mr. Zhao.Mr. Zhao heard that his precious son was beaten, so what's the matter?Immediately rushed over with some yamen servants and head catchers.Seeing that the people in his house were beaten so badly that they couldn't stand up.And the carriage at the door was full of his own people, but none of them were sober.

Oh, it's not that they are not awake, but they are sober and dare not speak. They are the three coachmen.They are also Master Zhao's people.But Xue Jian tapped the Ya acupuncture point.

Xue Jian stood on the flower platform with her back to the gate, pointed at Second Young Master Zhao and cursed:

"You fish and meat villagers, you dare to go to the countryside to collect poll tax under the banner of Prince Rui! You insult me! Damn it!"

"Who dares to be on me."

Mr. Zhao ran over while feeling sorry for his son, while yelling.But when he saw who the standing girl was, Mr. Zhao lost his voice and knelt down as soon as he softened.His complexion has changed!

The second son of Zhao saw his father's appearance and shouted:


Mr. Zhao's face was ashen-colored, and he repeatedly kowtowed and begged:

"Prince Rui, spare your life! Forgive me! This old minister has only such a son!"

After hearing his father's words, the second son of Zhao knew that the girl who came to find trouble was Prince Rui.The first thing that comes to mind right now is: Prince Rui is really beautiful.It was only the second that I thought of: Oops, I was caught!
The second son of Zhao was not as afraid as his father, but looked at Xuejian with hatred.Xuejian said coldly:

"Master Zhao, should you give me an explanation?"

Mr. Zhao kowtowed repeatedly in cold sweat:
"Prince Huirui, all the subordinate officials are not strict in discipline. Turn back and discipline them strictly. I asked them to clean up whatever they did. They should retreat and pay back. What does the prince think?"


Xue Jian looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, then mocked:

"It turns out that the law here is to return the money when it is necessary to return it, and pay it back? You can refund the money, but you will risk the reputation of my Prince Rui's mansion. How can I withdraw this matter in my name? I still want to hear what Master Zhao said. !"

Master Zhao was speechless.I could only kowtow again and say:

"Please spare your life! Please spare your life!"

Xue Jian snorted coldly:

"Please spare my life? What did Mr. Zhao use to beg me to spare his life? Why should I spare his life?"

Just as he was talking, there was a sound of horseshoes outside, and then the magistrate Yang came in with a few arresters.Seeing Xuejian here, immediately kneel down and salute Xuejian!
Xuejian said coldly:
"Master Yang! You are in charge of a county, but you don't know that those people go to the countryside of Li County to rob money in my name. They say they charge some kind of poll tax. The couple saved two liang of silver for a month, and their poll tax Take two taels of silver! Tell me, what should I do about this?"

County magistrate Yang is suffering.This side is the prince and his current parents, so he can't offend him, and the other side is his immediate superior, so he can't offend him either.How to do?
You can only protect yourself first:

"I beg the prince to forgive me, it's a dereliction of duty!"

"You are indeed dereliction of duty! You don't know that they are doing a lot of evil in the countryside, and their behavior is shameful! Fish and meat villagers even take people as hostages. They threaten people's family members who work in the salt fields and let people destroy the salt fields. Now three families have been arrested. Yes. When I went there, I was looking for the fourth household! In other words, there are already three people in my salt pan who they sent in! Whoever destroys the salt pan will be responsible!"

Xuejian's words made Mr. Yang sweat!If what the prince said is true, then this crime is really unbearable!

After Xue Jian finished speaking, she looked at Mr. Zhao and then at the people around the door who were watching from afar and said:

"Master Yang, take this principal culprit away! I caught most of the other accomplices in the three carriages. I'll ask later to see if anyone else slipped through the net."

Xuejian raised her hand and pointed at Second Young Master Zhao.Second Young Master Zhao had half of his face red and swollen, with blood still hanging from the corner of his mouth. When he saw Xue Jian pointing at him, he glared angrily:
"How dare you! I have a gold medal for avoiding death!"

As soon as his words fell, Xue Jian flew up, kicked Mr. Zhao unconscious, and shouted:

"Master Yang, you can take it away now!"

Master Zhao was startled and angrily said:

"Prince Rui, are you ignoring the Supreme Emperor's gold medal for avoiding death? You are ignoring the imperial power!"

Xuejian said coldly:
"Did Mr. Zhao say that you also have a gold medal for avoiding death?"

Mr. Zhao paused, and said:
"Prince Rui, the old minister is not convinced! My son has a gold medal from the Supreme Emperor to avoid death! The prince ignores it!"

Xuejian said coldly:
"Is there a gold medal for avoiding death? Take it out? It's impossible for the Supreme Emperor to save you from dying forever? How many times can it save the second son of Zhao!"

"The second son of Zhao pretends to be the name of Prince Rui and insults the reputation of the prince. This is also a disregard for the imperial power. According to the law, he can be executed!"

"The second son of Zhao collects taxes privately, trying to use his own name to replace the name of the court. This is also ignoring the imperial power and can be executed according to the law!"

"The second son of Zhao insulted me just now, and these people have heard it. Foul words! Insulting the prince. Is this crime punishable!"

"The second son of Zhao oppressed the people, took people as hostages, and tried to control the Yantian. It was the property of the court, and he wanted to enter his private life! Is this an act against the court! Can the three clans be punished for crimes? For the time being, I haven't Check your usual behavior of the second son of Zhao. I'm afraid there are more things that can be done according to the law? County magistrate Yang, I'm right!"

"Yes, what the prince says is the law of my dynasty!"

Magistrate Yang replied loudly.Suddenly I had a lot of courage.This prince really cannot be underestimated.When it comes to talking about the law, there is also a set of rules!

Xuejian then turned to look at Mr. Zhao and said:

"Now tell me, how many gold medals are there from the Supreme Emperor? Which one can you keep? It doesn't matter if I ignore the imperial power. Will you insult the Supreme Emperor's heart by abusing the gold medal? I don't believe that the Supreme Emperor gave it to your son. To save your life after doing evil! Anyway, the Supreme Emperor is still here, should we talk about it?"

Xuejian's words made Mr. Zhao collapse on the ground.After struggling for a while, he cried and begged:
"My lord, my lord, please spare me! The old minister has only one son, and the elder son of the old minister died in battle!"

(End of this chapter)

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