farmer's daughter

Chapter 721 Someone Breaks In

Chapter 721 Someone Breaks In

Chapter 720 Someone Breaks In
Patriarch Xu is relieved, and now he has to wait for death, and he doesn't care about the rest of the family, not just.What's more, he didn't care much about those family members.

Because apart from his younger son and this little grandson, he really didn't want to worry about anything. He originally wanted to send them away first, but he didn't expect that the court would have already followed him.Sending it out is equivalent to sending it to the court.

Fu Jinghao took the man to the Ministry of Punishment and passed on the words of the Supreme Emperor.Then I went to see the prison for myself.

The Xu family was brought together and locked up together. Fu Jinghao's people hadn't heard the news yet, so naturally they hadn't left yet. Even if they were in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, they were guarding there.

Fu Jinghao went in and saw that the men were locked in three rooms and the women were locked in two. He thought that the child was in the women's prison, but he didn't see it in the women's prison. He is coquettish.

Fu Jinghao turned to the male prison, but saw that the rest of the Xu family were all waiting to die, slumped on the grass without any spirit at all.And in one room, a fair-skinned boy was leading a child, playing games with the child, and teaching the child to read.

Fu Jinghao glanced at the people around him, who immediately understood what he meant, and came up to him and said:

"That's the Xu family's youngest son and eldest grandson. The child doesn't look for his father or mother when he arrives here, as long as this uncle is with him. This boy is also interesting. It seems that he doesn't care about going to jail and waiting for death. It's the same as usual. I heard that reading is a good thing. It's just that I'm not in good health."

Fu Jinghao nodded.He asked his subordinates to be optimistic about the person, and gave the person who spoke just now a wink, meaning to let him pay attention to those two people.

That person didn't know what to pay attention to a young scholar and a child, but if the boss told him, he had better watch it.

Fu Jinghao made some arrangements here, and also communicated with the people from the Ministry of Punishment.The people in the Ministry of Punishment are all winking now, knowing that Fu Jinghao not only got the emperor's eyes because of Prince Rui's relationship.Fu Jinghao's next step is someone who still has a certain amount of military power.This, only some of their internal staff know, because Fu Jinghao's soldiers are not ordinary soldiers.

Fu Jinghao took care of the situation here.Then turn around and come out.Then I went directly to the third uncle's side to see if my grandfather was still there.

When I arrived at the third uncle's place, the third uncle was on duty, but the third aunt was at home, but the housekeeper said that the third aunt fell out of bed because of an injury.

After careful questioning, I found out that Master Fu's family did not come back when they saw Mr. Fu went to Mr. Fu's house.After thinking about it, I felt bad, if the old man gave everything to the third family, then he would turn the main house into a side house.No, I have to bring the old man back.

The second wife, Li Shi, came first, and she was quite a reasonable person.It's just that after I came, I went to see my father-in-law, but my father-in-law was eating under the guidance of the old aunt.But the father-in-law made it clear that he would not go back first, and that he would stay here for a few days before talking.

This Mrs. Li was here to find out about the situation, and seeing that her father-in-law didn't want to go back, and being a daughter-in-law by herself, it was naturally not easy to force her, after all, there was an old aunt here to take care of her.When I go back, my mother-in-law can't even get close to my father-in-law.

Mrs. Li went back, and honestly told everything she saw when she got back.Now the old Lianshi will quit.No matter how old people are, they still have to be jealous.Even though the old man was no longer interested in him, I couldn't get close to him for a long time.But the old aunt who was kicked out by him is now taking care of the old man.This gave her a bad reputation as a regular wife.

Lien cried and cursed at home.The son insisted on bringing the old man back.But Fu Laoer has a heart disease, he probably knows what's going on with the old man's body, and now the imperial doctor has also seen it when he comes back.Although he didn't say what was going on, he himself was guilty!

He dealt with his old lady and said:
"Can't you live a good life for a few days? You let her take care of it. Wait for her to take care of her illness before picking her up. Now you pick her up and take care of her?"

Lian Shi was right to think so. Anyway, the old man is still sick now, so it would be troublesome to bring him back.Why should I pick it up?Then wait a few more days!
In this way, more than half a month has passed, and Mr. Fu's body is getting better.I was able to walk around with the support, because I took the medicine from the imperial physician, which also cleaned up some residual poison in my body.In addition, the old aunt took care of it very carefully, and arranged the daily food and use by herself.Mr. Fu also had a leisure time for a while, but he also experienced the joy of having children and grandchildren around his knees.

When people are in a good mood, they will naturally feel better when they are sick.Today, Lao Lian sent someone to buy some tea for him.The mother-in-law who came back gave a talkative report.It is said that he saw old Hou Ye on the street, and the old Hou Ye took the carriage that the old aunt got off, and then went into a teahouse together to drink tea and listen to a play.

This time Lian Shi was furious, according to the regulations of the imperial court, if the main wife did not agree, how could the concubine accompany the male master to go out?That's good, let her take care of it, I didn't expect that she would seduce people when she was getting old!
Lien immediately summoned his son who was flirting with a girl, and asked him to bring someone to bring the old man back immediately.We can all go out for tea.Thinking about it, I can go home.

Second Master Fu had no choice but to take a few wives and the housekeeper with him, and drove a carriage to the third child's place.It was only when I went there that I saw that there was still a lot of construction going on at the third child's place, and it seemed that a big house was going to be built.The third child is a city gate official.Didn't he know what he got when the family was divided?Where did he get the money to build the house?It must have been given by the old man!
Now Second Master Fu was also dissatisfied. The old man hated being in this place. When his elder brother was there before, he cared about the family in everything. Now the elder brother is dead.The sister-in-law also died.That kid didn't know what kind of shit he was doing to get the emperor's eyes.But he went to take care of the third child's family.The third child was born by an aunt.

Second Master Fu found out that he had never been in his father's eyes!
With hatred in his heart, Second Master Fu entered the third child's house with a sullen face, completely ignoring the obstruction of the little doorman, and went straight in. The doorman exclaimed:
"Someone broke into the door!"

Second Master Fu stared back at him, but the door boy stared back firmly.Until the youngest Fu who came over heard the sound, he saw that it was the second elder brother, and the little door boy had never seen him before, so he naturally didn't recognize him.

Oldest Fu still bowed and said:
"Second brother, why are you here?"

Second Master Fu looked around.Snorted coldly:

"If I don't come again, your place will become the residence of the Marquis!"

(End of this chapter)

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