farmer's daughter

Chapter 722 I'm here to pick you up

Chapter 722 I Came to Pick You Up

Chapter 720 Three I Came to Pick You Up
Fu Laosan ignored what the second brother said.Stand there with a sullen face, to see what Fu Lao Er will say.

Fu Laoer's stone was thrown into the water, but there was no splash.He snorted heavily again, looked at the third child with disgust and said:

"I'm here to pick up Dad."

Fu Laosan didn't express his opinion, but turned his body to one side, and said:
"Father is in the study, second brother please. If you want to go back, you have to talk to the old man."

Fu Laoer snorted again, and walked in with his hands behind his back.Fu Laosan took a look and followed.Master Fu Laohou is teaching his two grandsons to read military books in his study.

Children who are learning to read and write can't read military books, but the old master said:

"Every book is a book, and any book can be used to read. Why can't you use military books to read?"

Uncle Fu could only smile wryly. He wanted his two sons to study literature and take the civil service route.It's good now, every day I listen to my grandpa talking about those battlefields, and every morning I get up with my grandpa and practice the moves hahaha.The two were so excited that they both went to sleep in the same room with grandpa.

When Fu Erlang came, he saw this scene.In his eyes, his heart felt like a needle prick!This is how my father taught my eldest brother since childhood, and then Fu Jinghao.Although the third child has not been taught much, but now he is teaching the third son's son.And what about your own children?Not to mention my own children, I have never been taught by him like this!eccentric!
Fu Erlang's envy now turned into hatred, he stepped in deliberately, and then saluted seriously:

"Father, I'm here to pick you up. Is your injury better?"

Old Master Fu looked up at him, and said lightly:

"It's good to be here, too. I didn't see that I was teaching children to read."

Fu Erlang paused and said:

"Father, I haven't seen you teach Jingjiang before."

The strong sourness in the words can be heard.

Mr. Fu stared, looked at Fu Erlang and said:

"It's you who don't want me to teach you. When you were young, I taught you how to read military books. Your mother protected you. I was afraid that you would fall, that you would be in pain, that you would go to the border town and suffer, and that you would die as early as Junzhi." .Your son is also protected by you, you should protect him. If I can’t teach him, I won’t teach him. You can teach him yourself!”

It was rare to hear such a long passage from old man Fu, but Fu Wenzhi didn't dare to reply, because what the old man said was true. His mother protected him like this back then, and later protected his son.Now his son is eight or nine years old, and he still acts like a baby at home every day. The teacher hired by the family has completely become a decoration. If the child says he doesn't want to study, the old lady will say that today is a holiday.The two gentlemen are gone.

It turned out that Fu Wenzhi didn't pay attention to this matter, anyway, there was nothing wrong with what the mother said.Let the child have fun when he is young.

But in the past two years, he saw the changes in Fu Jinghao, and now he was stimulated by the way his father taught these two children who were two years younger than his son.Fu Erlang seemed to suddenly understand what he had missed.And what did he delay his son?

But Fu Wenzhi, who had always thought of himself as the main wife, would not think that the family of the third child would be successful.So, still say:
"Father, the child used to be young, but now the child is old. It's time to be taught by you. You can't take care of the third child's child and ignore my child. When I was young, my mother didn't learn from you. , but I understand now. I want my son to learn a little bit of the skills of the Fu family."

Mr. Fu glanced at him, but said nothing.Hand the book on the table to Jing Hedao:

"You are an older brother, so you should take your younger brother to read it. Go on and read it. If you don't recognize or don't understand, just ask your father."

Jing He nodded in agreement.Jing Li said:

"Grandpa, I want to wait for my elder brother to come back. He can teach me. I want to be a general like my elder brother."

Mr. Fu laughed happily and said:
"Hahaha, your elder brother did it by himself. He is not a general now, but a junior general now. He is still working hard. You have to work hard to become a junior general first and then a major general!"

The two children nodded and went out hand in hand.

Fu Wenzhi frowned lightly and said:
"Father, you should go back with me. You have lived here for so long. People will gossip if you stay here all the time, right? Look, third brother is still building a lot here, and it's not too bad for you to live here. Convenient!"

Mr. Fu snorted and said:

"I know what you mean, do you think I gave the money to the third brother to repair? Those houses were bought by Jing Hao and given to his third uncle, and the repairers were also hired by Jing Hao, and they were all given by Jing Hao Me? Hehe, I'm an old man now, and I only have a court salary. It's nothing more. Besides, I have resigned from the emperor. "

Fu Wenzhi was shocked!Quickly answered:
"Aren't you going? Your position has not been given back yet?"

As soon as these words came out of his mouth, Fu Wenzhi also knew that he had said something wrong.

What this means is that you are no longer the Marquis, don't you still want to earn back the Marquis position?Why don't you go?How can I earn a position if I don’t go?
But it's different when I hear the old man here.Because it is not easy to earn back a position.There is going to be war.To be able to win the battle!Could it be that he still wants to use my old life to fight for a position for him back?
Mr. Fu looked at his son sharply. This son was really abandoned by the Na Lian family!

Fu Wenzhi was embarrassed by his father and lowered his head.

After watching for a long time, Mr. Fu said:

"You go back first, I'll live here first. I'll go back and live after teaching these two children the basic skills."

Because he said something wrong just now, Fu Wenzhi could only exit in embarrassment and failed to pick up Old Hou Ye.

After Fu Wenzhi went back, after thinking about it, he went to tell his mother the whole story, and let Lian decide what to do.

Upon hearing this, Lian Shi was so angry that he patted the chair and cursed:

"I just said that bastard was trying to anger me, so why didn't he drown? He bought a house for the third son and repaired it! He has so much money that he can't run out. By the way, last time the old master His mother and his grandma's dowry were taken away. I'm afraid he used it to pay for the third child's family."

Lian was so angry that he cursed at others.Never thought about my fault.After thinking about it, Lian said:
"No, I have to go and invite the old master back in person, or they will spend all the money on their side. That concubine got it wrong, and people will think that is the Fu family in the future!"

The next day, Lian took some wives and servants to Fu's family.Before entering the door, Lian knelt down outside the door, crying and begging.He said that he came to pick up the old Houye back, but in his words he said that the old aunt was a misbehaving old lady, and even used tricks to make the old Houye linger here, and he couldn't find a home anywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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