farmer's daughter

Chapter 732 Xu Liyang's Work

Chapter 732 Xu Liyang's Work
Chapter 730 Xu Liyang's Work

According to the plan, one row of houses is used for office work, and the other row is used for rest, such as eating or something.

Yuan Conghai was appointed by Xuejian to be the manager of the account at this time. He was doing his work here conscientiously and cleaned up all the accounts here very clearly. Xuejian Chuchu only gave him a little reminder, but nothing Thinking that he is a genius in accounting, he can often draw inferences from one instance to make things better.This made Xuejian admire.I just took advantage of having a modern memory, but Yuan Conghai is a real person here, and some things he can think of make Xuejian feel ashamed.

It is very reassuring to hand over all the work here to Yuan Conghai Xuejian.After Yuan Conghai heard that these things were entrusted to him, he took the initiative to go to the government to change his status as a slave, saying that he was willing to be Prince Rui's house slave for the rest of his life.Then he handed over his body deed to Xuejian.This shows a faithful determination.

Although Xuejian is still a little unaccustomed to this kind of thing of selling herself to show her determination, but in line with the principle of doing as the Romans do, she accepts it.Anyway, she has never really used people with physical deeds as slaves. Xuejian is here to recruit talents, not slaves.

When Xue Jian brought Xu Liyang here, he saw several piles of account books on the table, and behind those piles, there was a figure who was busy writing books, it seemed that he was keeping accounts.

When Xue Jian waited for him to leave, she called out:

"Mr. Yuan!"

Yuan Conghai looked up and saw that it was Xuejian who was coming, and also saw a big girl behind Xuejian.Since I was embarrassed to see this girl, I hurriedly lowered my head to tidy up the table, stood up, walked out of the table, saluted Xue Jian and said:

"Meet Prince Rui."

Xu Liyang looked at Mr. Yuan in front of him, he was indeed dressed as a scholar.I have heard from Xue that this person is quite knowledgeable.

Xue Jian slightly stretched out his hand to help and said:

"Mr. Yuan, this is Ms. Xu. Ms. Xu's family is in decline, but she is a person who has read a lot of poetry and books. Now come to me. I don't have any other suitable jobs for her. I think Mr. Yuan needs her." A copyist. It is just right for her. So bring her here, ask Mr. Yuan to help teach you, and let her follow you to help you. Otherwise, Mr. Doing all this alone will be too tiring."

Although Yuan Conghai didn't complain that he was tired, Xuejian also imagined that there is no computer here, and if he had to keep accounts by hand, it would be difficult to write them down every day.Now the wells are still being opened one by one, and there will be more work in the future. Even if Miss Xu is not here, Xuejian still plans to choose two more children from the children taught by her elder brother to learn from Yuan Conghai.

Yuan Conghai glanced at Miss Xu, then took a step back and said:

"Meet Miss Xu, her young name is Yuan Conghai. Tim is in charge of the tent here."

From entering this room, Xu Liyang let go of his opinion of the accountant.Among other things, the room looks tidy and comfortable at first glance. Although there are many account books, they are all tidy and tidy, and the whole room exudes a scent of ink.

In the past few days since the family suffered a disaster, it has been a long time since I have touched the fragrance of calligraphy and ink.This place made Xu Liyang feel familiar!It also gave her a different yearning for the next life.

Look back at Xuejian.This Prince Rui really understands himself. When he got here, he really didn't want to leave.

Snow said:
"In the future, this will be a place to work, and then your place of residence will be in the residential area over there in the future. Now Mr. Yuan also lives there, and it looks like you have to walk four miles to go back and forth. If you find it difficult , let me see if I can provide you with a small carriage."

Xu Liyang repeatedly waved his hands and said:

"No, no, no. That's great! It's okay to walk a few miles, because I didn't wear small shoes! It's just Rongchuan?"

As for this small shoe, Xuejian only knew about it when she came to Fucheng. The young lady in Dafu family has worn a pair of very tight small shoes since she was a child, which fixes the size of her feet and prevents her feet from growing up. It is somewhat similar to the legendary bound feet. .

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Miss Xu, don't worry about this. The child will be fine in our family. I'll just let him live with my little brother. What he can do when he grows up depends on him. But now you You can take one day off every six days, and on the day off, you can go back to Zhuangzi to see your nephew."

Xu Liyang hesitated and said:

"I'm afraid he will cry if he can't find me."

Xuejian replied lightly:
"No matter what, transformation always has a process."

Xu Liyang is a smart person, and he knew that Xuejian was a little unhappy.But think about it, he and Rongchuan are now servants of Prince Rui's mansion, and it's right to listen to the master's arrangement.No matter what, this master is very tolerant of himself.

Seeing that Xu Liyang bowed his head and stopped talking.Xuejian also said:
"Today I will take you to see the situation here first, and then, Mr. Yuan, after you return to the residential area tonight, tell the steward over there to pack up a better room for Miss Xu. Remember, it's best Get closer to your side. Don't arrange messy people around her. You can tell her what the life over there is like. Tomorrow, I will send her over. "


Yuan Conghai nodded, looked at Xu Liyang lightly, and lowered his head.

Xuejian brought Xu Liyang back to Zhuangzi, then turned around and went to the field again. This year, there is not much corn planted in the field, because there are too many other places, so I don't want to plant it here, but it is far away. Xuejian has planted a lot of peanuts this year on the sloping land.Xuejian has been replanting for three years. After the promotion of corn this time, peanuts are also planning to do some promotion.

Xue Jian checked the peanut field, because this thing might be picked by stealing, there are a few young men living in the shed here, protecting this year's peanut seeds.

Xue Jian took Shi Chun to the field to check, and pulled up two handfuls to have a look. Seeing that the peanuts could be eaten, Xue Jian simply pulled more, and said to Shi Chun:
"Come on, tear off all the ridges, and let's take them back for everyone to eat."

If one ridge is torn off, there will still be a small pile.Xuejian asked someone to bring straw and vines to tie up, and left some for a few young men to cook and eat by themselves.

Xue Jian brought back a large bundle of peanut vines.Throw it on the ground outside the manor and ask someone to clean it up.After getting off the horse, he asked Shi Chun to invite Aunt Mei and the two children over, saying that they were having dinner here today, and Old Hou Ye was brought here early in the morning by Old Man Mo.Said to give him acupuncture.

Yingqiu brought two boys.Let them pick off the peanuts as Xue Jian said.Mrs. Gu also brought the two women who were helping in the kitchen. Everyone didn't know what it was, but Mrs. Gu even tasted it when she helped Xuejian cook it last year. It was a new thing. , everyone has never eaten it.

Xuejian asked Mrs. Gu to put it away first, and later I will go to the kitchen to make this thing, so that the old people can have a good drink.

While preparing the food, Zhuangzi came to a carriage, and Liang Zhongqiu and Liang Shenggao got off.However, it seems that the expressions of the two are not very good.

Xuejian was still joking with Banxia, ​​but when she saw her grandfather coming, she rushed to meet her.Seeing grandpa's expression, Xue Jian hurriedly said:
"Grandpa, uncle, what's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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