Chapter 733

Chapter 730 Four Dragon Family Affair
Liang Zhongqiu and Liang Shenggao didn't speak, they just walked into the house first.

Xue Jian gave Ban Xia a wink, Ban Xia nodded and stayed, watched those people make peanuts, sorted and packed them.Take it to the kitchen.

And Xue Jian followed in the footsteps of her grandfather to the main room.In the main room, only Shen Sanzhu was watching Shen Chengwu and Xu Rongchuan playing with those building block toys.I saw Liang Zhongqiu coming.Shen Sanzhu naturally stood up and saluted.

Then he motioned to a girl who usually took care of Shen Chengwu, and took the two children down.Welcome Liang's father and son to the hall and sit down.

Xuejian also hurried forward and said:
"Grandpa, what's the matter?"

Liang Zhongqiu slapped the table heavily and said:

"This man is really a bully!"

Xue Jian frowned, and only then did he hear Liang Zhongqiu's eloquence.

The matter still has to start from the last time Wu Lin went to deal with Long Lingqiao, the eldest sister of the Liang family, Liang Chengying's daughter.In order to tie their own family to Liang Shengyue and Xue Jian's boat, Mrs. Long privately took Long Lingqiao's family without the consent of Liang Chengying and his wife in order to bring her natal Fan family along. Geng posted it to his natal nephew, because his grandnephew was about the same age as Long Lingqiao.

But that kid was far behind Long Lingqiao except that he was about the same age. He had studied, but he didn't want to read it anymore, and he still didn't pass the Tongsheng exam.That's all right, I heard that it's a lazy thing to cook at home, because I'm the eldest grandson of the eldest house, so I'm so used to it.

It is said that Liang Chengying knew that it was the old lady of the Long family who arranged for Liang Chengying to go directly.Let Liang Chengying invite the prince's niece to be the officiant.Only in this way can I increase the face of my mother's family.Only then did Liang Chengying know that the old woman had engaged her daughter in a marriage without her own consent. The two parties exchanged notes, and she just made the decision!
Liang Chengying has always been a submissive temperament, but this time he will not do it.This is related to my daughter's life.Both the eldest son and the younger son were sent to study in Fucheng by their natal family.It's just that this daughter did a good job in the embroidery workshop with her younger sister.Being scolded by her mother-in-law every day that no one was doing the housework, Liang Chengying took the child back to avoid trouble, and the mother and daughter did all the family affairs every day.That's good, it's like being tired by yourself, but others have sold themselves.

Liang Chengying refused, and asked Long Dalei at that time, when did Long Dalei make an appointment for his daughter.Long Dalei was also stunned, he didn't know either?
But the younger sister-in-law, who is also Uncle Long Dalei's daughter, said:
"Sister-in-law, does it matter when the order is made? Isn't it all for the purpose of getting closer? Mother is from the Fan family. Why, marrying one of my granddaughters back to the Fan family is considered a return to the Fan family." It's just people."

Liang Chengying said angrily:

"You are still from the Fan family, why don't you marry your daughter back?"

The little Fan said leisurely:
"I really want to, my brother and sister-in-law don't do it. People think you have a prince's niece, don't I not? If you do, it's your turn?"

He said it as if it would be glorious to marry into Fan's family.Liang Chengying didn't talk to her too much.He just turned his head and said directly to the old woman:

"No, I don't recognize this family!"

"you dare!"

The old woman slapped the table heavily.All the teacups on the table were shaken.Long Dalei's heart skipped a beat and he was about to speak, but this time Liang Chengying was determined and said:
"Whoever decides to marry, my daughter won't marry! Such an unbelievable thing wants to marry my daughter?"

Liang Chengying's last sentence completely angered the old woman.The old woman picked up her crutches and beat Liang Chengying on the head.

Liang Chengying didn't pay attention, and was beaten until his forehead was broken and bled. Long Dalei saw that it was not good, so he couldn't beat him, so he hurriedly stopped his mother and said:

"Mom, you can't hit people!"

The old lady Long is used to being strong, and she tolerates people disobeying her, even after the first hit, she wants to hit her a second time.Long Lingqiao, who was hiding outside, heard the movement in the room, rushed in and cried:

"I won't marry. If you want me to marry, what he carries is a dead body!"

Then he stepped forward and helped up the mother who fell on the ground.He was helped back to the small courtyard over there.The old lady Long was still yelling and cursing:

"You think you won't marry if you don't marry? Juan'er, go and lock that damn girl up for me."

"Mom, what are you going to do!"

"Why? I'm still alive. They are so disobedient and unfilial one by one. They dare to talk back to me, and I don't know which tutor it is! That little hoof, as long as she is a dragon, my mother can clean her up! Hurry up and lock him up. If he runs away, you can marry him!"

The old woman yelled and cursed, and the person named Juan'er was her third daughter-in-law and her natal niece.Naturally, it is the same nostril as the old woman.

Xiao Fan took chicken feathers as an arrow, but she couldn't twist the mother and daughter alone, so she had no choice but to lock Lingqiao up, and finally locked the mother and daughter in one room. in the room.This made Long Dalei, who came back to the house last, furious.

Long Dalei was worried about Liang Chengying's injury and his daughter, so he broke the lock.It attracted the scolding of the old lady Long who wanted to die and live.I can't take it anymore.When Long Dalei went out to work, Liang Chengying asked him to send a letter about Long Lingqiao to his family.Long Dalei thought it was a child's job, so he did it.In this way, the Liang family and Xue knew when they saw them.

Later, when Xue Jian asked Fu Jinghao's people to find a way to solve this problem, Wu Lin went for a walk and found that that person didn't have the background of a rich man, but he had the talent of a playboy.So he tried every means to get that man to hook up with a young widow.Then there was a lot of trouble.

Thought it was such a bad reputation.That old lady Long should cancel this marriage.Unexpectedly, the old lady Long would help to clarify, and wanted to marry Long Lingqiao to settle the matter.

But I didn't expect that the people of the little widow's family could not be messed with.There are seven or eight brothers in my natal family, not counting cousins.Now you are occupied.You don't want it again.If you want to marry someone else, that's not okay.Once these ten or so brothers went to sit at Fan's house, they didn't talk things over and didn't leave.The elders of the Fan family had no choice but to marry the little widow back.

Marrying back means marrying a plague god back.The Fan family was left in a mess.That's all, the little widow had a child soon after she got married, but she was accidentally frightened by a startled horse and fell down on the street.Not to mention that the child fell, he got into it himself.The Fan family can't be blamed for this.

I thought they were all married over there, so forget it after this matter is over, no, now the old lady Long is making trouble again, saying that the original Geng post was not returned, and now it is just right.The girl is dead.Lingqiao is just ready to marry and be the head of the family!
(End of this chapter)

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