Chapter 734
Chapter 730 Save People

These words were a bolt from the blue to the members of Long Dalei's family!Long Lingqiao even tried to die twice and refused to marry.Now Liang Chengying is so angry that she is weak every day, and she still has to look at her daughter, because she is afraid that her daughter will find short-sightedness.

Both mother and daughter were locked in the house by the old woman and scolded every day.If you don't marry, you won't feed them.

Long Lingqiao just doesn't eat if she doesn't eat, it's just right for me to die of starvation.And how could Liang Chengying let her daughter starve to death in front of her?In the end, the daughter didn't eat and she didn't eat either.That daughter can't let her mother starve to death!
Long Dalei had no choice but to persuade his mother, so he picked up an ax and smashed the lock of the door as soon as he became cruel.This smashing can cause accidents.The old woman Long wiped her neck and hung herself, but Long Dalei didn't dare to ignore it. If his mother really died, then Long Dalei's crime would be serious.

And someone from their Fan family also came, and directly asked Long Dalei about his crimes, saying that Long Dalei did not keep his marriage contract and forced his mother to death.The Fan family turned Long Dalei to the government.

The county magistrate knew about Long Daxue's relationship with the Liang family.Naturally, when deciding the case, they would think about how to solve it, but the Fan family said that the county magistrate and the Liang family officials were protecting each other.I still have to go to Fucheng to sue, but I heard that the master of Futai is Liang Shengyue's father-in-law, let alone their family, and I have to go to Beijing to sue.

The Fan family is unreasonable.Now the county magistrate can't get the law either.I had no choice but to send someone to bring news to the Liang family in private.Then he also reported to the public to handle it, but after the calculation of this case, Long Dalei did not make any serious mistakes, and everyone knew that the old lady had done it herself.

Therefore, after the county magistrate found out, he sentenced Long Dalei to being unfilial and gave him a cane punishment.The punishment with the rod was also received, but in the end the matter was not over.The Fan family wants the Long family to keep their marriage contract.He also said that he would be married soon!

In this way, the Liang family was in a hurry when they got the news, because when they went to the Long's house, they couldn't see Long Dalei's family at all.The mother and daughter were locked up again.

Liang Zhongqiu was also afraid that if the trouble got bigger, it would cause trouble to Liang Sheng, or to cause trouble to his in-laws.There was no other way, so he brought Liang Shenggao to meet Xue.

After listening to Liang Zhongqiu's words, Xue Jian slapped the table angrily and said:

"Is there any law in this world? This family is too unreasonable!"

Turning back and shouting:
"Ban Xia! Go and call me Fu Jinghao!"

Liang Zhongqiu was so angry that when he heard Xue Jian call Fu Jinghao, he also took a look at Xue Jian and said:

"Xue'er, it's wrong to call him Jing Hao. There are so many people watching!"

Xue Jian said angrily:

"What's wrong? He clearly said that he sent someone to deal with this matter. How could this be the result. How is this dealt with?"

Fu Jinghao came over, greeted Liang Zhongqiu and Liang Shenggao first, his face turned red when he saw Xue Jianqi, and said worriedly:

"Xueer, what's the matter?"

"You still ask me what's wrong?"

Xuejian talked about the matter before and after.Fu Jinghao was so angry that he said:
"No, we have to go there immediately, or I'm afraid that my aunt, cousin and uncle's body will not be able to bear it. So my aunt and cousin haven't eaten for several days."

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"We have to find a way, because this matter is related to my uncle. I'm not afraid of being criticized by others, but my uncle has just taken office."

Liang Zhongqiu asked:
"What did your uncle just take office?"

Xuejian was surprised and said:
"Uncle didn't write to you? Uncle has become prime minister."

Liang Zhongqiu and Liang Shenggao stood up in shock when they heard the words, they still knew how old the prime minister was.So when it comes to Liang Shengyue becoming prime minister, both father and son are very surprised. How long has Liang Shengyue been to the capital?And still young!

Not to mention that, the most urgent thing is to rescue people first.

Fu Jinghao thought for a while and said:
"Well, master and I will go there. Let's bring the three people out first. Then Xue'er will come to the door to ask about the crime of missing someone. I want the Long family to give an explanation!"

Xue Jian thought about it:
"Okay, where do you take people out?"

"On Yantian, there are soldiers guarding over there, no one is allowed to enter!"

Xue Jian nodded.Fu Jinghao asked Liang Shenggao to prepare the carriage, and then went to find old man Mo himself.Old man Mo is willing to do this kind of thing.If it's old man Qin.Old man Qin will go straight up and clean up the Long family.

After all the delays, it was already dark when Fu Jinghao and Old Man Mo arrived.Fu Jinghao asked Liang Shenggao to park the carriage farther away, and then he and old man Mo went in.This is what nature does without problems.Because the Long family are just ordinary people, no one knows martial arts, no one would think that there will be people coming in the middle of the night.

Fu Jinghao and old man Mo sneaked in. Although they had never been to the Long's house, Liang Shenggao had heard what the Long's house looked like.After entering, Fu Jinghao and old man Mo went directly to the East Wing.Sure enough, people are locked up here.Just now the family is together.Someone was watching at the door.

Just right.Fu Jinghao and old man Mo went in through the back window. Long Dalei, who was lying on the bed and didn't know who had come, screamed in fright, and saw old man Mo's white hair.He also recognized old man Mo, so he remained silent and said with joy:
"Old Senior!"

Fu Jinghao turned his head to look and said:

"Uncle Long, don't make a sound, there are people guarding the door."

Then Fu Jinghao looked at the two mother and daughter who were lying on the bed and half sitting in front of the bed.The two mothers and daughters also recognized them, and they were all pleasantly surprised.I kept thinking about not sending them a letter, because I was afraid that my family would die here and no one would know.

Fu Jinghao stepped forward to help Long Dalei, and said: offended.Then he carried Long Dalei on his shoulders, and flew out of the window again.And old man Mo stepped forward and grabbed the belts of the mother and daughter, and flew away, one on each side.

In this way, the people in this room quietly disappeared.And the people outside the house who were still watching were still watching.Didn't know anyone in the house was gone yet.

Fu Jinghao and old man Mo brought the man out and handed them directly to Liang Shenggao, who asked Liang Shenggao to take the carriage back to Fucheng to go to Youran Villa overnight.Old Mo laughed and said:
"I still want to give that old woman some gifts. This person has such a dark heart."

Fu Jinghao thought about it:

"Then I'll go with uncle first, and you'll come back soon. Xue'er is worried about you running around!"

One sentence offended old man Mo.shouted:

"You just listen to her, and you don't know who is the master between me and her! I'm going to play before going back!"

After talking about turning around and standing up, the person disappeared.Fu Jinghao sighed.I had to get in the carriage and go first.

Fu Jinghao got into the carriage, took out some medicine on his body and said:

"Auntie, this is a medicine that can be applied to wounds. Give it to Uncle first. There are two steamed buns here, which were brought by Xueer. Let you eat some first when you come out. Don't worry, Xueer will take care of it later. "

(End of this chapter)

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