Chapter 735
Chapter 730 The sixth ghost event

Long Dalei thumped on the board and said:

"Oh! I didn't want to cause trouble for Xue'er and the others, but I didn't want to cause this trouble because I didn't want to. Now they are too much. If you don't come today, they will come tomorrow to force Lingqiao Carry it away. My mother!"

Long Dalei just said this.Liang Chengying on the side screamed and cursed:
"That's not my mother! That's a devil! Is there a mother who treats people under her name like this?"

Speaking of this, Liang Chengying cried again in a hoarse voice.Long Lingqiao also bowed her head and sobbed!

The words are divided into two parts, and this side is rushing to Fucheng.Over there, old man Mo turned back to Long's house.He went directly to the room of the old lady Long.The old woman had a lot of trouble a few days ago, but she ate well and slept well.Still sleeping soundly.

Old man Mo stepped forward and looked at the old woman who was sleeping with an evil face.And look at a sewing basket on the other side.

Old man Mo reached out and touched the acupuncture points of the old lady Long to let her sleep peacefully, then picked up a small knife on the side and shaved the old lady's hair.I haven't finished shaving, and I haven't shaved part of the back of my head.Then old man Mo stepped back, letting down his white hair and covering it.Then I woke up the old lady Long, and she floated up by herself and shouted:
"Old lady Long, your time of death has arrived, your time of death has arrived!"

After calling several times, the old lady Long just woke up from a dream, seeing a vague figure with fluttering white hair in mid-air, still calling that her death time has come.

The old lady Long sat up as if she was sober all of a sudden.I only heard the voice still saying, 'Your time has come, your time has come, you have done too many bad things.You have done too many bad things! '

The old lady Long cried out in fright:

"Come on, come on!"

Because she lived in the main house, the east wing was for the elder family, the west wing was for the third child's family, and the second child's family didn't live here because the second child stayed in the store for a long time, so the husband and wife lived in the store.

The third child heard his mother calling, so he took a look at it anyway.In the middle of the night, I slept soundly.I was still cursing in my heart: If only the boss and his family didn't do these things.It's their business to take care of the old lady in the middle of the night, and it's not their turn.

When the youngest couple went in, they saw a black figure floating out of the mother's window, but the hair was long and white, and the face could not be seen.The shadow floated in front of them and disappeared in a flash.

Little Fan was so frightened that he screamed and fell down limply.Long Laosan was also so frightened that his legs softened and shouted:

"There are ghosts, there are ghosts!"

Now, a whole family of adults and children woke up.Including people from the Fan family who are stationed here and preparing to do business tomorrow.Everyone rushed to the yard and saw little Fan lying there with a pale face.And the third dragon is still yelling that there is a ghost.

Someone stepped forward to pat Long Laosan, and Long Laosan took away his hand holding his head and shouted:

"Fourth uncle, there is a ghost!"

Then the fourth uncle snorted and said:
"Where is the ghost?"

Long Laosan didn't care about the east, west, and north, and raised his hands and pointed at random.Because what he saw was that ghost turning around him.

The Fan family held up a lantern to see, but there was nothing everywhere.I heard my sister calling again in the room:
"Come on, come on!"

It doesn't matter if it's right or not.Just rushed in.When they went in and took a look, they were all dumbfounded. The gray and long-haired old lady Long now had half of her hair on her head, and the old lady was holding her hair in her hands, and she looked like she didn't know what was going on. She was wearing pure white clothes. Underwear, twirling around there.

Seeing such a state in the middle of the night is very infuriating!
The Fan family stepped forward to pat Old Lady Long and said:

"Sister, sister, what are you doing!"

"My hair! Why did my hair disappear overnight?"

The old lady Long seemed to be awakened by his patting, she looked at him and said:

"Why is my hair gone?"

Look at the Fan family, it's not right, just now the nephew and niece and daughter-in-law called out ghosts, and this old sister had an accident in this house again, her hair was shaved at first glance, because the head was not shaved clean Here, someone is here.

The Fan family is also a person who can see problems.Just say:
"No, it's not a ghost, it's a thief!"

The old lady Long was still holding her own hair.Very sad, for a woman whose hair was never cut from birth.I can only cut my hair once, that is, when I get married, I will cut off a small handful and put it with my husband's hair.

But how my hair was cut now, I have no impression at all.

And Long Laosan trembled and said what he saw just now.Said that it really couldn't be a person, if a person could stand in the air, and even circled around himself.Then it floated away.Absolutely no feet on the ground.

Uncle Fan looked around, but there were no broken doors or windows.

"not good!"

Fourth Uncle Fan suddenly thought of something and called out.Everyone looked at him.He turned around and went to the east chamber with a lantern in hand.The door of the east wing.Fourth Uncle Fan's son was still sleeping by the door.Uncle Fan saw it, stepped forward and kicked it, saying:

"Xiao Er, Xiao Er, get up, you didn't hear everyone shouting?"

The man didn't get up.It turned out that when old man Mo came, he tapped his acupoints.Forgot to click on it.The man just fell asleep.I can't even wake up.

Fourth Master Fan knew something was wrong.Take the key and open the door, go in and have a look.All three are gone.A quilt was also dropped on the floor.

Fourth Master Fan sat down on the ground.Originally, he knew in his heart that it was too risky to do so.But thinking about wealth is seeking in danger.I thought that this line would connect the Shen family and the Liang family, but I didn't expect that it would come out in the middle.Now because of the help of my old sister, I must finish singing this play.Naturally, I thought of Mr. Rice Cooking Ripe Rice, but this is more or less a relative. Although it was forced, I still wanted to do things better.So I thought it would be right to come tomorrow to carry him away.This kiss is over.

But I didn't expect that Linmen still had such a blockage, this is not good.It seems that the people over there knew it first.They saved people!

Fan Siye knew that next time, it would be difficult for him to sing this show!
And the people of the Long family are still immersed in ghosts.Long Laosan and Zai didn't dare to come out of their mother's room.Although the yard is still brightly lit.But he didn't even care that his wife passed out on the ground.Has been squatting there called ghosts.

Uncle Fan Si here is a man with a very bright mind. This time the plan went wrong.Then, the Liang family and the Shen family can't afford to offend them, so they have to get out as soon as possible.Then, turning his eyes, he turned around and shouted:
"It's a ghost, it's a ghost. The three members of Da Lei's family were captured by ghosts!"

(End of this chapter)

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