farmer's daughter

Chapter 750 Has Assassins

Chapter 750 Has Assassins

Chapter 750 There Are Assassins
Xue Jian was invited to sit up.Eunuch Gu and Nanny Tang came to wait on him.Ba Tuo waited for Xue Jian to sit down.But he took a step back, knelt down on his knees and kowtowed seriously:

"Ba Tuo kowtowed to Master."

Xuejian hurriedly got up and said:

"Ba Tuo, we have agreed, if we don't meet each other with such a solemn ceremony, why should we learn from each other?"

"No, master is master, even if you only teach me to read a word, you are still my master. What's more, you taught me so many things!"

Batu is also very stubborn.Knocking down the head is the end of the kowtow.Xue Jian is also helpless.After getting along with each other several times, Xue Jian also knew that Batuo was a man who accepted death, and what he was sure of was that even eight cows could not be pulled back.

Batu refused to get up and said:
"I was shocked just outside the city, please rest assured, Master, Batuo will definitely investigate to the end! This matter has absolutely nothing to do with the Batuo family."

The men following Ba Tuo were surprised to see Ba ​​Tuo kneel down.Kneeling on both knees is considered the most important etiquette among them, but unexpectedly, Batu didn't say anything about this Prince Rui kneeling on his knees, and even called him master.This person looks like a child, how could he be Ba Tuo's master?

Many questions can not be asked face to face.But when they heard Batu talking about the affairs outside the city, several people looked at each other and saluted one after another:

"Going back to the prince has nothing to do with my family."

Xue Jian looked up and saw that the four young men were all tall and strong, and the clothes they were wearing might belong to their own clan, and they looked similar.

Seeing Xue Jian looking at them, Ba Tuo stood up and said:

"Master, these people are all my sworn brothers. Each of them is in charge of a tribe. This is Panri, this is Lashi, this is Natso, and this is Tengli. We are five people of the same age. .”

Xue Jian looked these five people up and down, all of them were in top-notch figure, and they looked clear-eyed and resolute.Looks like a promising young man!These few people will be the eagles on the grassland in the future. If they are combined, they will be an unstoppable force!

Xue Jian smiled and praised:
"It's good to know you. You will be the leaders of this grassland in the future. This grassland will be your world!"

The five looked at each other and smiled.Bato said:

"Master, after we made an alliance with blood on the grassland, we will be friends for life and death. You can't go back on your promises or betray you for the rest of your life. Those who betray will be expelled from the whole grassland. From now on, the four of them will be my lifelong partners and brothers!"

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"This is your blessing! You have someone to help you in your life, it's a kind of blessing from previous life!"

Ba Tuo was obviously very happy with Xue Jian's approval and rolled his eyes with a smile.The five looked at each other with a smile.

Xue Jian sighed and said:

"Apprentice, I'm really hungry now as a teacher. Let's not have so much etiquette when eating, okay?"

Xue Jian's expression made several young men laugh out loud.Ba Tuo scratched his head and said with a smile:

"Then master, please sit down. Let's eat, master, I have prepared our roast whole lamb for you. It is enough for you to eat."

Xue Jian stared and said:
"The food is not served yet!"

Then he rolled up his sleeves as if he was going to have a big meal.On one side, Mother Tang hurriedly stepped forward and took out the tape to tie Xue Jian's sleeves.

But Xuejian tied up the rolled up again and said:

"Eating roasted whole sheep has oil, which will stain the clothes, and they are cold to wash. So, mother, help me get someone to bring mine."

The mother hurriedly asked a little girl to look for Banxia, ​​Banxia is now Xuejian's little housekeeper, and Banxia takes care of everything Xuejian has. Although she is still young, she has a bunch of keys on her body.In addition to these two years, Shi Chun gave her some homework from time to time, Xiao Banxia can now be regarded as a martial arts person. Let her come out with her.

After a while, the little girl brought a special dress.In order to eat roasted whole lamb, Xue Jian also went all out.A few young men were stunned to see what kind of clothes this was. They were worn from the front and tied at the back.Xue Jian smiled and said:

"This is a smock I made. It was originally for my younger brothers and sisters to eat and not to use as clothes. Later, I found that it is still very practical. Basically, everyone in our family has it. Some are used to wear when doing things, and some are eaten I can wear it when I have something special, look at it, so I don’t worry about getting oily.”

The big guys finished their meal and took a rest.Because there is still a long way to go to Linda City, and because of the heavy snow, the road there may not be easy to walk.Therefore, we need to prepare some things. In terms of preparing things, Xuejian still needs to listen to the opinions of their local people, what is the most cold-proof, and what is not necessary to bring.By the time the car was reloaded and set off, it was already half an afternoon.

Batu said that there is a small town twenty miles ahead, and he will spend the night there tonight.It's just that the journey along the way is very hard. The road where the carriage has melted and icy is slippery, and sometimes the horses can't pull it.

Batu suggested that everyone should ride a horse.Put the things in the carriage and let the horse hunchback directly.This saves some time and eliminates the need for a carriage. If the carriage moves forward, it may be even more slippery.

Xuejian can't see it.He hurriedly asked someone to take out some thinner iron chains that Xue Jian had asked them to prepare before.Let a few people wrap the wheels of each carriage with thin iron chains.And tie some weeds, so that the friction of the wheels is increased, and the car will not slip.

Xuejian asked the walkers to weave some weeds into ropes and tie them around their feet.It really doesn't slip when walking like this.

Batu said in surprise:
"Master. We have lived in the snow for so many years, but we haven't discovered that this grass can have this effect."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"It's not this grass, any grass is fine. In fact, it's only because the soles of our shoes are too flat that they slip. If there are a few nails under your shoes, they will definitely not slip."

Nacuo laughed and said:

"Prince, who will put nails on their own shoes, won't they hurt their feet?"

Xue Jian said with a slight smile:
"No, you try to add a wooden board under the sole of the shoe, and then it will not touch your feet. Such shoes should be the best for you to climb snow-capped mountains."

Pan Ri's voice was a bit violent, and he clapped after hearing Xue Jian's suggestion:

"Not to mention, I think the prince's words will work. I'll make a pair and try them out when I get back. I think it's useful for climbing snow-capped mountains."

Rush also stepped forward and said:

"Prince, I think how do you know our Northland so well? People who have never lived in the snow would not think of these methods."

Xue Jian could only say haha ​​and said in confusion:
"What's the matter, last time you didn't know that your family's Ba Tuo pestered me to talk about your snow, sheep, and spring grassland at this time. I talked too much. I heard a lot, so I thought of some solutions. .”

(End of this chapter)

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