Chapter 751

Chapter 750 Second Knowing the Details
However, the kind of grass tied to the feet proposed by Xuejian is really not easy to slip.Since then, it has been passed on from time to time, and everyone knows that if you walk on snow, it will be better if you tie your shoes with grass, and it will not be so easy to slip. Later, people in the Northland followed Xue Jian's practice. They started to use horse-drawn carriages. In the past, they only rode horses, because they were the ones who grew up on horseback.

But there are always some old people and things to be transported. Xue Jian's method of wrapping iron chains on the wheels has taught them.

When entering the hinterland of the grassland, old man Qin quietly got into Xuejian's carriage, and said softly:
"Xue'er, I caught the person who shot the cold arrow that day. I asked, it was from one of their tribes. The reason for doing this is that their tribe wanted to get a big share in this year-end sharing. If there is turmoil on the grassland , then they may get a big share.”

Xuejian had also heard about it from Batuo.Here, they will share some of the income of the entire dynasty once a year.Divided according to the contribution of each tribe, it has always been a paradise for the strong, and those weak tribes will become smaller and smaller, and will eventually be swallowed up.Or take the initiative to join a large tribe.But I didn't expect that someone would dare to use their own lives to make this joke.Then should I help Batuo?

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"Okay, as long as there are witnesses, it may be useful at that time. They are making fun of my life, and I must let them know that I am not easy to mess with."

When Xue Jian asked, this tribe was called Geerle.Fortunately, it has nothing to do with Batu's brothers.It is said that the power of this tribe is also very good. If it weren't for the ancestors of Batuo who had several sworn brother tribes advancing and retreating together, it is not certain who the emperor fell into.So this tribe has been doing things secretly.

Xue Jian's heart became clear.It's just that I don't know if this tribe has any other relationship with Batu.When we reached the resting place.Xuejian asked Banxia to invite Batuo over and said:
"I want to know about the various tribes on your grassland. Who do you have a good relationship with?"

Batu smiled and said:
"Naturally, I am on good terms with my four brothers. But my father also has his sworn brothers. They are also very good. We are all loyal people! Let's say that the relationship is not very good. Maybe it's not good. Erle and I didn't deal with each other very well. To be honest, I suspected that they were responsible for the shooting in the back, but I didn't have any evidence. But my father and Gerle had no direct conflict, that's because his concubine was Ge Erle. And my mother is from the Pan clan, that is, Pan Ri's family. Pan Ri is actually my cousin!"

Xue Jian understood it as soon as she heard it.In which dynasty can the queen and concubine get along well?Which emperor didn't lift up a queen and a concubine with ulterior motives, just to contain the forces on both sides.But in the end, most of the victims are the next generation.

Thinking of this, Xue Jian looked at Ba Tuo sympathetically, and thought:
"Fortunately, you are still grown up, maybe you are a wronged soul in that harem."

Ba Tuo trembled when he saw Xue Jian's eyes, and asked cautiously:
"Master, this is"

Snow said:
"It's nothing, since you know that Gele may have done it, you have to be careful in the future. Whether he did it or not, you have to be careful. I heard that your princess is not born yet. You still have to keep it." Xiao Ming watched your son grow up."

Batu laughed loudly and said:
"Master, don't worry. I can guarantee this. I will definitely see my son get married and have a son! Then I will let go of all of my things, and take the princess and follow Master to travel to the Eastern Dynasty."

Xue Jian's head was full of black lines.What an ideal.

Xue Jian thought about it and said:

"Then do you know that Wuli Kingdom is going to send troops to the Eastern Dynasty recently?"

Ba Tuo was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Xue to talk about this matter all of a sudden when he saw such a big turn.I really know this.

There is also a section of the border between Hu State and Wuli State. There was movement of soldiers on the border of Wuli State a while ago, and Hu State also got news of this.But Hu Guo didn't do anything, just added more than 2 people on the border.I don't know why.

After inquiring about it later, I found out that Wu Liguo had gone to the Eastern Dynasty this time.At that time, the royal father was still worried about the invitation of Prince Rui from his side. He was afraid that it would cause some reactions from Wu Liguo. Originally, they were still a little afraid that Wu Liguo would kill him, but Ba Tuo was not worried at all. told his father:

"It is impossible for Wu Liguo to take over the Eastern Dynasty. It was fine before, but now with Prince Rui, the Eastern Dynasty is different from the past."

The emperor of Hu country also nodded after thinking about it:
"Thinking about it, it's impossible for him to eat Dongfang Kingdom in one bite, and it's even more impossible if he comes to attack us at the same time. But we still can't be unprepared."

Therefore, Hu Guo also strengthened the deployment of some troops on the border.It was Pan Ri's father who led the army.Batu's dear uncle!
It was also because of this that Batu originally planned to meet the master alone, but his father disagreed, so he sent these four sworn brothers.

Xue Jian heard this, nodded and said:
"Yes, Wu Liguo knows that our Hu country can produce its own salt, and also knows that we no longer need to buy the grain we grow from them. So, he wants to eat us before we are fully grown. But I I really want to tell them, it's really impossible!"

Ba Tuo replied straightforwardly:
"I just believe that with you here, it is absolutely impossible for Dongfang Country to be bullied by Wuli Country like this. When I got the news, I thought you would not come. I didn't expect you to come here."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"I'm a girl, and you don't want me to go to the battlefield. Isn't it your men's business to fight? We have a lot of men in the Eastern Dynasty to defend our country, and it's not my turn."

After a night's rest, the journey was a little faster the next day.But because it was too cold, everyone moved slowly, and everyone was dressed like a bear, especially the Dongfang Dynasty people who followed Xue Jian.Several of them got sick from the cold.

Even Xuejian, who has always been afraid of the cold, stayed in the car the entire time during the last two days of the trip, not daring to get out of the car.

After three days and two nights, I finally saw a tall city on the endless grassland.From a distance, the whole city stretches for miles.

Batuo also rode over to tell Xuejian:

"Master, Linda City will be here soon."

Xuejian put on the red fox cloak that Batu gave her last time, and wrapped herself tightly.Gently standing in front of the carriage door, looking at the outside world, everywhere is white.Only the black and gray city is in the middle, which looks mighty and majestic!
During this journey, basically no scattered houses were seen, because Batu said that in this season, everyone will enter the city to live, and there are cities in every place. Only in the city can some cold wind and blizzard.Very few people still live outside.

(End of this chapter)

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