farmer's daughter

Chapter 755 Xue Jian's Heart

Chapter 755 Xue Jian's Heart

Chapter 750 Xue Jian's Heart
Xue Jian raised her hand.The old man behind him brought out a pot.This pot looks very delicate.Xuejian signaled, and Eunuch Gu stepped forward to pour a bowl of wine for the king.

When the king saw Xue Jian drinking the first bowl of wine readily, he also laughed happily.This is how friends are treated on the prairie, everyone should be cheerful, they don't like to push and procrastinate.The more forthright a friend is, the more respect he gets from his master.Such as Xue Jian.

Therefore, when Xue Jian said to offer a cup to the king, the king readily agreed.When the king raised his glass to eat, that Ulazi said in a strange way:
"Your Majesty, drink slowly. It's better for people to taste the food from afar."

"Hey, no need, this king can still trust the prince!"

The king laughed heartily, then raised his head and took a drink. As soon as the wine entered his throat, the king stopped immediately, turned his head to look at Xue Jian and said happily:
"The prince said that this wine is made by you?"

"It was brewed by my little uncle."

"Good wine! Good wine! This king has never tasted such good wine!"

The king praised without hesitation.

Xuejian also smiled happily.

The other Mu Kings were a little uneasy after hearing this.Everyone knows that on this grassland, if anyone is said to be the best at drinking, it is naturally their king.If the king says good wine, it is naturally good wine.But if the king said that he had never tasted such a good wine, what about this wine?

The gluttons in everyone's mouth will be aroused.Everyone wants to eat what kind of wine is this wine that can make the king so praised?
Naxi Muzhu is a well-known wine drinker. After hearing the praise of the king, he couldn't wait for the king to put down the wine bowl, so he stood up holding the bowl and came to Xuemian and said:

"His Royal Highness, Naxi is an old man who is good at wine. I heard that your wine is good, how about I have the cheek to ask for a bowl?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Why not? Eunuch Gu. Give Naxi herdsman a full blow!"

The old man behind him also stepped forward.He poured a bowl for Naxi, and Naxi couldn't wait to get back to his seat, so he raised the bowl and drank it. As soon as he took a gulp, he stared at him, raised his head, and drained the bowl.The beard was still dripping with wine, and he shouted:

"Good wine! I am satisfied with drinking such good wine in this life, old man!"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"How can you be so satisfied. This is just a kind of wine I brought, and I will ask someone to bring some to you, the shepherd. But now the road is blocked by heavy snow, and it will be a year later."

"Hahahaha, the old man can wait, wait! Do you want another bowl?"

Naxi had some requests to look at Xuejian.Xue Jian laughed and said:
"Grandpa Gu, give a bag of what we brought to Naxi Shepherd. But shepherd, this wine is strong. You can't be too strong. Think about it, it won't be until after the Chinese New Year. You have to drink it sparingly." gone."

Seeing that Naxi got a bag, Tengsheng couldn't sit still and stood up.Loudly said:

"Prince, you can't treat one more favorably than another, I also love what's in this cup, old man!"

Seeing Teng Sheng approaching, Na Xi hurriedly put the wine that Eunuch Gu handed over into his bosom, laughed and turned around and ran back to his seat.It seems that these two people are usually good brothers.Xue Jian also couldn't help but said:

"Don't worry, don't worry, I have to tell you something today. I brought someone here. I plan to make a living in your city of Linda, selling this kind of wine. Whoever wants to partner with me in this business, turn around Let’s talk again, today, I’ll bring you all, as I said before, if you like it, you can get it, if you don’t like it, I won’t force it, this wine is strong.”

"Look at what each of you has become just for the sake of wine. However, prince, it is not easy for me to compete with them, you have to save some for me."

The king sat on the top and watched the herdsmen go to get the wine, and said with a big laugh.

Xuejian also smiled and said:

"It's absolutely necessary for the king. Not only the king, but also a kind of wine for the queen. I heard from the prince that the wine that the queen drinks is a bit sweeter, so I prepared a kind of fruit wine for the queen."

Having said that, Xuejian waved his hand, and Banxia who followed behind brought a prepared tray. The contents on the tray were covered by a red cloth, and Banxia carried it. Xuejian got up and brought them to the queen together.In front of the queen, uncover the red cloth.There is a wine jug in the middle, and four wine glasses are placed around it, but the wine glasses look transparent!
Xue Jian stepped forward and said:
"Queen, here is the wine. This wine is red."

Then Xue Jian personally held the pot and poured a glass for the queen. Now it was sunset, the wine was poured into the transparent wine glass, and the printed color was extraordinarily beautiful.

Xue Jian stepped forward and said:
"This cup was fired by me as a novice. It is the only set in the world at present. I don't keep it myself, but I can make it again in the future. But I also want to thank you for giving this set to the queen. You raised a good son!"

Xuejian personally handed the poured glass to the queen, and the queen couldn't help but stood up, bowed slightly to Xuejian and said:
"Thank you, prince! The prince doesn't have to keep in mind what the prince did, that's what he should do as a man! And the prince has done a lot for him. Thank you, prince!"

This time, Xuejian also intentionally brought up the matter of Batuo saving her every time she gave the queen, and also brought one after another presents prepared by herself to the queen, which really gave the queen more face!That's because Xue Jian heard that the king sometimes looked down on the queen, and was attracted by the noble concubine, and he didn't know what to do.

On the way back, I heard from Grandpa Qin that the man who was caught said he belonged to Gerle.This made Xue Jian furious.It seems that under this seemingly peaceful dynasty, there are still many potential problems, and if one of these problems is not good, it will bring trouble to Batuo. As Batuo's master, why not think about Batuo?What's more, Batuo is also his own savior!
Therefore, Xue Jian's every move is to save face with Ba Tuo and the queen.Those who can become a great king will not fail to see Xue Jian's intentions, but they also have concerns in their hearts. It seems that this Prince Rui from the Eastern Dynasty has recognized the queen and this prince.And the opinion of this prince can represent the opinion of the Eastern Dynasty, so I still have to consider my own attitude.Recently, Wang'er has become a little indifferent to himself, and he has also gotten closer to his brothers.

"Hahaha, queen, if Prince Rui wishes, you can accept it. But, prince, this king thinks this wine looks pretty good."

Xue Jian didn't mind and said:

"Yes, this wine is brewed from one kind of fruit, and there are not many, because I have only grown a few plants of this fruit so far, and I haven't transplanted it yet. I only got three pots of wine, and one pot was given to us in the Eastern Dynasty. Queen Mother, one pot is given to our queen, and another pot is given to the queen."

While talking, Xue Jian also poured another cup out of the pot, handed it to the king and said:
"This wine is sweet in the mouth, suitable for people with a mild taste. Your Majesty can taste it to see if this wine is longer than the wine just now?"

The king really took the wine.Xue Jian bowed and smiled again:

"Then Xuejian will use this wine to wish the king and queen a long life!"

Xue Jian clearly heard a cold snort coming from the king's right side.I believe His Majesty heard it too.But in this case, how could he turn his head to look at that person?I have to thank Xuejian, and then drink this cup with the queen!
 The author's new book "Bitter Chrysanthemum" has been signed and pushed up, please pay attention to it.It is a book written by real people.

(End of this chapter)

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