Chapter 756
Chapter 750 Humiliation Xuejian

Seeing that Xue saw that she had sinned against the imperial concubine herself.That one was upset, put down his wine bowl heavily, and cursed at a maid who was behind her:
"Are you blind? You don't know who to serve?"

No one could hear the obvious accusations against Sang and Huai.Xuejian's expression darkened, she snorted and turned back to her seat.The queen accepted the wine glass and wine jug that Xue Jian sent with a somewhat apologetic smile.

And the king looked at the noble concubine on the right with an ugly expression, and seemed to think that this woman was really ugly. She clearly knew that it was time for him to have a good relationship with the prince, but she came out like this.

After sitting down, Xuejian picked up a piece of jerky on the table to eat, and stopped talking.He looked a little angry.For a while, it was a little embarrassing.

King Rag stood up and said:

"My lord, should we show His Royal Highness Prince Rui a look at our dance? Now that it's getting dark, we can light the big bonfire."

Someone passed a step, and the king followed along:

"Hahaha, okay, come on, my sons and daughters on the prairie, bring out your best skills, Prince Rui is here today, let us all be happy!"

Some young people below couldn't hold it anymore, and when they heard the king's order, they naturally got up, and everyone began to jump around the bonfire, and the man roasting the sheep was still in the middle, and the snow I have seen such a scene on TV before, but this is the first time I have seen it in person, and I am a little excited to watch it.

Xuejian also dragged Banxia, ​​and Banxia whispered some of these dance moves and so on, watching it very seriously.Dance after dance got everyone excited, even Ba Tuo took the lead and stood up.He and a few brothers also joined the dance group, and when they saw a few big shots joining, the girls gathered around, and the atmosphere of the scene became even more enthusiastic!

And those Mu Wangs on the stage were not too young to dance anymore, but they all toasted each other.I don't know why, but they seem to be targeting Xuejian one by one, offering bowls of toasts to Xuejian. While pouring wine for Xuejian, Madam Tang looks at Xuejian worriedly, but Xuejian looks like Just like anyone who has nothing to do, no one is rejected.Drink one by one.

Even the queen sitting on it looked at Xue Jian worriedly, couldn't bear it anymore, called her maid behind her, and whispered a few words.The maid went down, went to the venue to find Prince Batu, and explained the above situation.Batu stopped dancing, he retreated to the stage, and even Pan Ri followed.

Batu stepped forward to look at Xuejian and said:
"Master, are you okay?"

Xuejian smiled lightly and said:

"Didn't you see who are the people who came to toast me? Huh! This little wine is nothing to worry about, don't worry!"

Another person picked up the wine and wanted to come over to toast, but the king gave him a wink and dared not go over.He also sat down, but when he sat down, he received Urazi's hateful eyes.He sighed secretly that he was just a tribe, and then buried his head and pretended not to know.

Don't worry about Xuejian, Ba Tuo also knew that the people who came to toast were from Wu Laqi's side, but when they saw Ba Tuo coming up, they didn't come.

Ba Tuo didn't know that Xue Jian was not afraid of them coming to toast, the main reason was that Xue Jian met old man Mo's professor, one was to turn wine into water and use internal force to force the wine out, so if he stood behind Xue Jian on the left , the ground was a puddle of water.

Another reason is that Xue Jian came prepared and had the anti-alcoholic medicine given by old man Mo on her body, so this little alcohol is not at her discretion.She was still awake and waiting to eat roasted whole lamb.

But the others were surprised. A little girl dared to drink with the best drinker on the prairie. She was not alone.This is a group of drunkards on the prairie.

While talking, one of the whole roasted sheep was cooked, and the man finally sprinkled something on the sheep, and then a big smell came to his nostrils.Xuejian praised:

"It's so fragrant!"

Someone shouted:

Then two strong men came out and lifted up the rack with the roasted lamb.The dancers around them sang and danced around them.The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became lively.

Some girls joined in too.Basically, a man and a woman are jumping up.Everyone was dancing and singing in a circle.Celebrate the sheep.

And a young man jumped and jumped in front of Xuemian.Reaching out to make an invitation, I want to invite Yukimi to dance.Xuexue showed joy at the meeting, while Ba Tuo on the other side saw this, his face changed, and he took a step forward and said:

"Kumbu! Prince Rui's fiancé-in-law is the Marquis of the Eastern Dynasty! You must not do this!"

Hearing this, Xuejian's expression changed. It seemed that this invitation to dance had some meaning in it. It was all because she hadn't done the preparations well, and she still didn't understand some things about some ethnic groups.Xue Jian looked sharply at the man.The man was slightly embarrassed but rogue smiled and said:

"I thought it was a lordless prince."

Behind Xue Jian, Mother Tang stepped forward and said:

"Bold, dignified prince, I won't allow you to make fun of me!"

The young man looked at Tang Nanny indifferently, turned around and walked away with a snort, and went to dance again.

Ba Tuo returned to Xue Jian's side and said in a low voice:

"Here, if someone asks you to dance, it means they are interested in you. If you accept, you will marry him. It means that you are also interested in him!"

Xuejian looked at Batuo in surprise, and said:
"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

Batu said somewhat uncomfortably:

"I thought you understood."

Well, Ba Tuo thought that as a master, she should understand everything, but it was the first time Xuejian had heard of it. Besides, he was a little girl now, how could he propose to a little girl?Then there is only one way to say that it is to humiliate yourself!
Xue Jian's face darkened, and she said in a deep voice:
"Who is that person?"

"It's the son of Gele Wulazi! Kumbu, Kumbu's martial arts are pretty good. In our place, riding and archery is the best, and his martial arts are not inferior to mine."

When Batu said this, he was a little heavy.It was because of this incident that he was humiliated by Kumbu since he was a child.It wasn't until I practiced hard that I became stronger that I stopped some of Kumbu's humiliation.

But in any case, I didn't expect Kumbu to humiliate Prince Rui like this.Among other things, Prince Rui is his master.This place must be found no matter what.

When Ba Tuo and Xue Jian's complexion was not good, the king and queen sitting in the upper positions naturally also saw the situation here, and naturally their complexion was not very good.On the contrary, the noble concubine next to the king smiled lightly and said:

"Your Majesty, our family's Kumbu has a good eye. Although Prince Rui is still young, he doesn't seem to be very fertile, but fortunately, our family has many boys, so we don't care about these, right, brother?"

After speaking, she cast a look at Urazzi who was sitting beside her, how could Urazzi not see every move here.Hearing the imperial concubine's words again, Ulazi, who had been unhappy all night, laughed and said:
"The imperial concubine is right. I, Gerle, have many sons, so I don't care about one or two sterile women."

Xue Jian's expression changed.Sharp eyes looked at the imperial concubine.He also looked at Wu Laqi, who was about to lose his temper when the king who was sitting in the upper position turned around and scolded the imperial concubine, saying:
"You think it's too cold to sit here, do you want to go down and dance to cheer everyone up?"

(End of this chapter)

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