farmer's daughter

Chapter 758 Exhale

Chapter 758 Exhale
Chapter 750

On the stage, except for the king's complexion, the others didn't seem to have seen the imperial concubine's appearance just now.Still discussing things with each other.

The welcoming party ended when heavy snow fell in the middle of the night.

Back to the tent where he was resting, he saw Old Man Qin inside without any surprise.Xuejian hurriedly took out the roast leg of lamb that he ordered just now.Pour the wine again and ask the old man to accept it with a smile.

Old man Qin looked at Xue Jian's dog-legged appearance, and also smiled:

"Did you see it?"

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"I knew, Shigong, that you wouldn't let me suffer. But that Ulaqi is not a good guy. His son actually came to ask me to dance. I only knew after listening to Batu. When a person asks for a marriage, if he agrees, he will get married. I was almost fooled."

Listen to old man Qin!He put down his wine glass heavily, glared at Xue Jian and said:

"Hmph, if you dare to respond, I will clean you up for Jing Hao."

Xuejian stuck out her tongue, looking naughty, and filled old man Qin with wine.Old man Qin raised his hand to drink, and after eating a large piece of mutton, he stood up and said:

"Tell Eunuch Gu not to leave here, I'll go out for a walk."

Old man Qin walked out.However, she didn't see Xuejian's sly smile. Xuejian wanted to punish Ulaqi's son, Kumbu, but now she was going in and out under the eyes of everyone.Therefore, I can only let Mr. Qin handle this matter.

Nanny Tang came in and tidied up everything in the house.Then Xue Jian was also tired and went to bed early.

Early the next morning, when Na Ren came over to deliver breakfast, she whispered outside the door curtain:

"Prince, you have to be careful today. Last night, the four sons of Ulaqi Muwang were tied up and put in the snow for a night. It is said that two of them may not be saved. Now Ulaqi Muwang is everywhere. Find the murderer."

Hearing Na Ren's words, Xue Jian's eyes widened in bed. Grandpa Qin was too fierce. One son offended him, and he punished all four of them!However, it should be punished, why did Ulaqi still shoot his own sniper behind his back.deserve it.

Xue Jian slowly got up.But this formal attire is too difficult to wear, and I still have to get the help of Tang Nanny and Ban Xia to put on the formal attire.As soon as Xuejian was dressed, she took Pinellia and went out.Because Batu's wife is giving birth now, I haven't seen her for two days.Xuejian's plan is to visit the future queen and child today.

As soon as he walked out of the section of the tent where he lived, he was blocked in the middle of the road by Wu Laqi who brought someone over.

Xuejian only took Eunuch Gu, Nanny Tang, and Pinellia for this trip, while Wu Laqi turned out from behind a tent with someone, just blocking Xuejian's way.

Xue Jian's heart skipped a beat, but she immediately calmed down and said:
"Where is Ula Shepherd going?"

Wu Lazi stared at Xue Jian with vicious eyes like a tiger and said:
"I just want to know where the prince is going? I'm just going to find the prince."

Xue Jian frowned lightly and said:

"Oh? I don't know what Ula Shepherd wants to do with me?"

Urazzi gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence:
"You know what you've done. That's what I asked you for?"

"What have I done? I just woke up. According to today's plan, I'm going to visit the little Wang Sun. What did I do?"

Xue Jian was stunned for a moment.

"Last night, all four of my sons were arrested. Of them, only Kumbu offended you yesterday. The others didn't do anything. Why are you so vicious! Want to abolish my four sons?"

Xuejian said in surprise:
"Four? King Mu, are you sure I have the ability to capture your four sons?"

"Hmph! How dare you say it's not you? In this grassland, no one who dares to touch my son has yet been born. Except for you!"

Uraz said bitterly.

Xue Jian calmed down and said:
"Master Mu is wrong to say that. I am a guest. Even when the young man came towards me last night, I didn't know it was your son. Speaking of which, I really want to know how you taught your son? He Did you teach me to do that? It's so unruly!"

"Also, you just doubt me so directly, but what evidence is there, and there is no evidence, I am still a guest invited by your Hu country, Mu Wang, is it right for you to block the road?"

Xue Jian justly accused Wu Laqi.Ulaqi clearly knew that it was related to Xue Jian, but he had no evidence. When Xue Jian asked him this question, he could only stare at Xue Jian fiercely and said softly:
"That depends on how long Prince Rui can hide him, but don't be accidentally found by me."

Xuejian is not worried that old man Qin will be found by his people, as there are not many people in this world who can catch old man Qin.But here, absolutely nothing.

Xue Jian snorted and stood up straight, when there was the sound of hurried steps over there.It seems that someone reported the letter, someone came to rescue Xuejian, Xuejian tilted her head slightly, and saw that Tengli came with a few people.Teng Li calmly bowed to Xue Jian, then bowed his hands to Wu Laqi and said:

"I've met King Wula Mu. I don't know if the King Mu and the prince have made a deal? I am ordered by the king to invite the prince to the golden tent!"

The golden tent is the place where the Hu Dynasty discussed the dynasty.

Xuejian also arched his hands and said:
"Oh, it's just a coincidence. How about this, Teng Li, you first send someone to take me, a little girl, to Batuo's big tent. I have prepared something for the little Wangsun. I originally planned to go see the little girl this morning. Wang Sun’s. But if you want to go to the Jin Dazhang, then go later.”

Teng Li didn't refuse, he stretched out his hand, and two soldiers came over and said:

"Escort this little girl. Turn around and send the little girl to wait outside Jin's tent."


The two left with Ban Xia.Xue Jian didn't even look at Wula Muwang, exchanged a few words with Teng Li, and followed Teng Li with Mother Tang and Eunuch Gu.Leave Ulazi behind to stare angrily!

On the way to Wangzhang, Xue Jian heard that the third and fourth sons of Ulaqi were not kept, because they usually like to do some bad things and rob some herdsmen's daughters, that is, their wives. If they catch their eyes, they will be taken away to be tortured, and when they are about to die, they will be taken out.

Because the two are twins, they do everything together, torturing people is torturing together, no woman can stand their harm, and people are killed by them every year.But it's okay.They dare not touch the women of these tribes.

Now, when these two people were discovered, they were tied together without clothes, and when they were discovered, they were both cold and stiff.

But his elder son and younger son Kumbu survived.But Kombu lost a leg.The leg is still there, it's just disused.In the flesh, there were only some broken bones.

(End of this chapter)

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