farmer's daughter

Chapter 759 Conspiracy

Chapter 759 Conspiracy
Chapter 760 Conspiracy
Xuejian Suitengli came to the golden tent, saying that the golden tent is really shining golden.As soon as Xue Jian came in, she felt that except for the few people sitting, the rest of the place was made of gold.Xue Jian stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyes, afraid that her eyes would be dazzled.

Ba Tuo, who was standing inside, twitched the corners of his mouth when he saw Xue Jian's movements.This big tent was made into what it is now because it is the king's hobby.The king's chair inside is made of pure gold.Other people's chairs were all covered with something made of gold. Even if the other chairs were not made of gold, they were all wrapped with golden cloth.

Some curtains in the tent are also golden.The rug is also golden.Xue Jian looked inside the tent, then turned her head to look at the sky outside, and sighed slightly.stepped in.After meeting with everyone, he sat down and said:

"My lord, I have seen it today. You are so dazzling!"

The king laughed loudly and said:
"My king has always liked gold. It happened that when I was king, I accidentally ran off with everyone when I went out hunting. Guess what? I fell into a gold nest. There, I found a gold mine. .These are all made of gold mined there.”

"Your Majesty is truly blessed!"

Xuejian also expressed admiration for such shit luck!


The king laughed happily, and just as he was smiling, Wu Laqi walked in.With a dark face, it was completely different from the king's expression, and he walked in bitterly.

Seeing him coming, the other Mu Wangs in the room put away their smiles in agreement with the king.Sitting there seriously.For a while, Xue Jian couldn't tell who was the king.

The gloomy Ulazi came in and sat down in his seat.He didn't even salute the king, let alone greet everyone, but gave Xue Jian a very meaningful look.

As soon as Ulazi came in.On the contrary, there are no vacancies at the scene, which means that all the people who should come have come.Now, the king also straightened his face and said:
"Everyone, please come here today. We want to learn how to use and make those farm tools from Prince Rui. I hope Prince Rui will not hesitate to teach us."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Actually, it's not you who want to learn. It's just the craftsmen you choose. To make these farm tools, you mainly need blacksmiths and master carpenters."

King Naxi Mu said:
"Prince, we don't have enough wood here."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Yes, I have also seen it along the way. You have a lot of grass and few trees here. There are only some trees in some places with mountains. However, I am still a little interested in the desertification problem that Lager Shepherd said. According to my As we all know, planting trees is to prevent desertification.”

King Tengsheng Mu laughed loudly and said:
"Prince, you haven't seen the sand at the end of our grassland. The wind there is also strong. When a gust of wind blows, the sand can cover my head! If I can't run fast, it might be covered by the sand."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Yes, I haven't experienced it personally, but I have also heard that some winds rise like a spiral, and will roll up trees, grass, people and animals on the ground to the sky, and then fall down, dying or maiming. There are also The wind may build a city overnight. I have seen these in books, but have you ever thought about it. No matter how big the grassland is, there is always a side. Why has the wind not Blow here?"

Lager Shepherd said:
"That's because there is a mountain of gods to help us block it."

Xuejian has never seen the map here, but heard Ragshepherd King say this, said:
"Do you have a map?"

Several shepherd kings, you look at me, I look at you, and then the Lager shepherd asked:

"What map?"

Xue Jian froze for a moment and said:

"It is to draw where there are mountains and where there is water, so that those who have never been there will know where there are mountains."

Ba Tuo, who was standing beside the king, said:

"No, but I know what the prince said, and I can draw it for you to see."

After saying that, he reached out and nodded to the waiter on one side, and someone went to get a pen and ink.A table was set up.Xue Jian also stood up, and Ba Tuo stepped forward, and two or three Mu Kings also stood up to see how Ba Tuo drew the picture.

Xuejian thought that Batuo had seen maps or really knew how to draw, but when he saw Batuo put down his pen, he made a few balls of ink, dotted a few points on the left, and drew some upward lines on the right. One by one mushroom-like things.A few strokes are all it takes.

Xuejian looked at Batuo blankly, but Batuo put down his pen quite complacently, then pointed to those big black groups and said:
"This is our sacred mountain. This is the sand, and this is our grassland. This is our tent. Master Prince, is this the map you mentioned?"

Xue Jian's face darkened, how can you praise this?right or wrong?People understand it.It's just that I didn't understand it.

Xuejian thought about it and said:

"You drew it, but if you don't tell me, I don't understand. If you tell me, I will understand. But the map is not drawn like this. I will teach you later when I find a time."

Ba Tuo stared blankly at Xue Jian, but Xue Jian didn't look at Ba Tuo's expression any more, looked at the painting, then pointed to the painting and said to Rag:
"The sacred mountain you are talking about, are these several high mountains connected together, so they block the wind and sand over there?"

Ragshepherd nodded and said:
"Yes, when we were young, there was also a grassland on the other side of the mountain, but it gradually disappeared. I heard from the old man that this sand demon is very big, a big devil. It swallowed some grasslands a year, and swallowed up the other side .”

After talking, he looked back and sat down again and said:
"Actually, it turns out that our Hu country is not just our several shepherd kings, we also have three shepherd kings, all because his territory was swallowed by the sand demon. So there is no territory, and then he becomes a shepherd king without a territory gone."

Xue Jian understood.That side has become deserted, and those Mu kings may have taken refuge here for the sake of their people's survival.Then he would no longer be the Shepherd King.

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"If Nasha is governed, will there be more Mu Wangs?"

King Lager's eyes flickered, but he didn't answer Xuejian's question.The whole room was silent on the question!
Lager Shepherd replied after a long time:
"The serious thing now is not that there is already sand over there. It's that some sand has started to bypass the mountain here and blow over. This place happens to be the territory of our Rush tribe. I just want to ask His Royal Highness, how can I do it?" Give my people a place to graze."

Xuejian looked at the map again and said:
"Can you roughly draw the position of your territory on this like Prince Batu?"

King Ragha thought for a while, picked up the pen, and drew a circle there, which indeed connected to the side of the mountain, but another sentence of Ragher Shepherd was:
"This is my territory. The Eastern Dynasty is connected here."

(End of this chapter)

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