Chapter 760
Chapter 760

Xue Jian stretched out her head to look at the picture drawn by Rag Shepherd, frowned slightly and said:

"How far is this from our Eastern Dynasty?"

Batuo stepped forward and added:

"This is the intersection of three places. This is the Eastern Dynasty, and this is the Ula Kingdom. This is us. From the Eastern Dynasty, I remember that I went down from this sacred mountain, and ran for more than two days on horseback."

The place that Batu said happened to be the deserted place that King Lager mentioned.Two days of riding horses is not too far away. If the speed of desertification is at this rate, it will not be long before the Eastern Dynasty will have to face this problem.Seeing this, Xue became concerned, and after looking at the picture, she said:

"I want to go here and have a look."

Lager Shepherd said happily:

"The old man will go with the prince."

The king sitting on the top nodded and said:

"That's fine, but Prince, it takes nearly half a month to go back and forth from here to there. Is this about learning farm tools?"

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"I brought people in this field. I will arrange it in the next two days. The main thing is that you can find people who can do carpentry and blacksmithing. It is best to be young, motivated, and hard-working."

Master Tengsheng stood up and said:

"Well, our tribe has a good blacksmith, but he doesn't talk much, but people are hard-working, so we let him go, and we need to send a carpenter to learn carpentry. We have to look for it. King Ximu, you There is a kid who does a good job of carpentry. How about the two of us together, one for each of us?"

Naxi Shepherd stood up with a smile and said:
"No, no, no, I won't get along with you guys. Your bad temper, the last time you had a home, you passed by your place, and the horse ate some flowers and plants, and you made everyone cry to the bear. Your temper is too Big, not good to serve you."



The other shepherds also laughed.Indeed, Tengsheng Shepherd is a quick tempered person, but Naxi is a gentle person.The two did not know why they became good friends.We hurt each other and revealed the bottom of each other.

It was still recorded by Ba Tuo, all the tribes reported their candidates, only Wu Laqi from Geerle did not report, because Xuejian had said in front of him when he entered the city that people from Gelele would not be passed on!At that time, several shepherd kings listened.Therefore, everyone didn't mention the matter of Geerle, and only Ulazi sat there with a dark face. The king sitting in the upper position didn't know what happened yesterday, so he looked at it with some doubts, but he didn't see Ulazi. Noisy, I won't take the initiative to speak

Only those who have dealt with him for many years know that Ulazi's current complexion is not good, which is a harbinger of something bad he is about to do.

Batu looked at Wu Laqi, and then looked at Xuejian with some worry. He also thought that what happened last night was done by someone from Xuejian, but among the people he knew, none of them had this ability Ah, unless Prince Rong is here!
Ba Tuo didn't say anything, because seeing Xue Jian calm and composed, and not worried at all, it would be a terrible thing to offend a big local snake when he came to the land.

Xue Jian was not afraid, but Ba Tuo felt that he should remind his father to pay attention to this matter later.He was afraid that his father would help the wrong person if he did something wrong. It wasn't that Hu Guo was afraid of the Eastern Dynasty, but that Prince Rong was hard to guard against.Ba Tuo knew Xue Jian's position in Prince Rong's heart.

Count the number of people.Xue Jian called Ban Xia, and asked Ban Xia to make arrangements. The two masters who made these farm tools brought by him, let them lead others to make them, and teach them wholeheartedly.

Because it was agreed that the professor's place would be done on Tengsheng's site, Xuejian confessed:
"Tengsheng Muwang, these two people are capable people, you have to take care of them for me. I will take them away later."

Teng Sheng laughed loudly and said:
"OK, no problem."

Tengsheng also arranged for his housekeeper and Banxia to take people back to his tribe.

And Xuejian will take people to see the deserted land next, but the premise has been agreed, who will follow, will be decided by the king.

Seeing that Xue Jian didn't want to participate in their discussion, she said goodbye and withdrew first.Take Gu Gonggong and Na Ren to some places in the whole city to have a look. If you don't go to a place and learn about the local customs, isn't it in vain?
The route Xue Jian decides by Na Ren, where can go and where can’t go, where is the Mu Wang’s tent, it is said that there is no one in the Mu Wang’s tent here, only when the king summons, everyone is here, Usually this is the king's world.Their respective shepherd kings stayed in their own territories.

This time they came back because of Prince Rui's upcoming visit, and it was the end of the year, and they had to settle their accounts. Some tribes wanted to pay back some things to the king, and some wanted to share some back.

At noon, I went to eat in Batuo's tent, and took a look at little Batuo by the way.It's just that at lunch time, Xue Jian was still a little angry when he mentioned to Batu that he was blocked by Ulaqi this morning.

The next day, a team set off from Linda City.As expected, King Lager followed him personally, and the other Kings of Shepherd also sent people to follow him. Presumably, they wanted to learn how to control the sand and divide the territory after they went to the holy mountain.The good things can't be taken up by the members of the Lasheng clan.

This time, apart from the father-in-law brought by Xue Jian, all the guards he brought also left with him. After what happened two days ago, no one dared to stay in Linda City and wait for Xue Jian.Shi Chun followed closely behind Xue Jian.I dare not relax at all.Instead, they traveled all the way and arrived at the foot of the sacred mountain safely.

This is a rolling mountain range, where there are plains everywhere, as long as the sky is clear, you can see this mountain range, like a huge dragon lying there.

And I heard King Ragher talk about the origin of the legend of this sacred mountain. He said that this mountain was originally a guardian beast on the grassland. Because it fought with the sand demon for a lifetime, it finally wanted to block the sand demon before it died. Therefore, use His body blocked the sand demon.For a long time, it turned into a mountain.

Although Xue Jian knew that it was just a legend, she also knew that she respected this mountain. It was said that no one on the grassland would climb this mountain, but Xue Jian knew that this kind of mountain that no one had visited all year round, There must be something good.I think old man Qin is here too, can you go up quietly with Grandpa Qin to have a look?

The place where they are stationed is on a flat ground under the sacred mountain.The grass here is extremely lush.It seems that there should be water underground here, but there is no river on the surface.

Along the way, the places I saw were basically grasslands, and nothing was planted.Xue Jian asked King Lager, Shepherd:
"Don't you all need to grow it for food? I heard Batu said that they still need to grow some food."

Lager Shepherd laughed and said:

"We, Rush, also have seeds. Naturally, it is impossible not to grow them and only eat cattle and sheep. We all grow them near your Eastern Dynasty, where the climate is more suitable."

(End of this chapter)

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