farmer's daughter

Chapter 766 Common Meaning

Chapter 766 Common Meaning

Chapter 760 Seven Common Meanings

When Fu Jinghao heard this, his eyes flickered.Because before coming here, Xuejian mentioned it like this, saying that he could fish in troubled waters and take over this country.Anyway, their country is small, but they don't have eyes for fighting, so they ran over with a galloping horse.Then take it down.Then reward the king with the title of vassal.

Now hearing that the general also has the same opinion, Fu Jinghao and Lian Quchen also smiled knowingly:

"General, we also have some intentions, but we didn't mention this matter to the emperor, but as long as this matter is done, then the general will have made great contributions to the Eastern Dynasty."

The general waved his hand and said:
"I didn't care about whether I was successful or not. I just thought, if I can win that, hahaha, then I will vent my anger. You don't know, in this border town, they are the people who cause me the most trouble!"

Fu Jinghao has stayed here before, so he knows the situation here. Sometimes the Xilin Kingdom over there is really boring. If there is nothing to do, he would come to provoke the people here, and he would not dare to send troops. The Dongfang Dynasty also knew that they were in Xilin. He and Wu Li are the same guy, so we know that their provocation is also a kind of temptation, but it disturbs you all year round. "

Since everyone has the same thoughts, it will be easy to handle.The three sat down and discussed around a simple map.

Dang Lian Quchen took out the northwest part of the map drawn by Mr. Hu.Needless to say, just spread out and look at the general who was overjoyed and said:
"Where did Lian Hou get this map? This is a good thing!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for anyone to answer, he lowered his head and pointed here and there and said:

"Hahahaha, this picture is very good, well drawn. This mountain has a bend here and there. That's right, that's what we want. In the future, we will be soldiers, and we don't have to go over there and look again and again to make a picture. Go on, you can plan here first and then arrange it.”

After that, he sighed again:

"Hey, if there is a picture like this on their side, I know how they will deploy troops."

Fu Jinghao and Lian Quchen looked at each other and said:

"You, you have a good idea. I still want someone else's. It would be nice to have this. But your suggestion is very interesting. In the future, we will find a way to get out all around."

Then the three buried their heads there and made some arrangements.From one night to the next morning, the three of them stayed awake until they finally agreed on how to deploy troops.

Raising their heads, everyone moved their stiff necks.The general reached out to pat Fu Jinghao and said:

"You are better than your father, better than the rest of us! Your father and I learned from your grandpa. Really, some of our styles of play are very similar, but some of your new suggestions are very good. I like it Some suggestions you put forward. Jing Hao, I will call you Jing Hao. Learn a little bit, but I will give you a suggestion, don’t work too hard like your father. You have to protect yourself, you have to I think you still have family members. Of course, it is not appropriate for me to say such things before the war, but I still think that you are your father's only son now!"

Even Quchen nodded and said:

"Yes, you are now engaged to my little junior sister. You have to think about it, she is now a prince, if you have something wrong, she will miss it forever."

Fu Jinghao nodded and said:
"Don't worry, I won't be radical. I will take it step by step and arrange things first."

Because they had been busy all night, the two of them went to sleep under the arrangement of the general, and when they woke up, someone came to report that the army had arrived.

When the army arrived, Lian Quchen would follow.And that squad.Fu Jinghao took it to a small camp in the outskirts. Not many people knew that this team was also coming.Fu Jinghao and the others decided now that the general and Lian Quchen would take care of the border town alone, and then Fu Jinghao would lead the team to make some special arrangements and some flexible cooperation.

Fu Jinghao didn't care about the large army, but after reuniting with a small team led by Ren Fei.There are hundreds of people in this had to find a way to divide into three teams, and one team was led by Shen Chengqiang.One is Ren Fei, and the other one is less, and Fu Jinghao takes it with him.

The team led by Shen Chengqiang went to check what the enemy's arrangement was like, how many people there were, how much food and grass there were, and so on.As for Ren Fei, he was going to go directly to the edge of the opponent to see where their team was.Then mark some of their checkpoints.It is best to find out who their generals are.

The few people brought by Fu Jinghao were going to go directly to the Xilin country behind the opponent, and they were going to find out the situation of Xilin country.Of course, it would be a great achievement if we could mess up Xilin Kingdom.

Their team is only suitable for night operations.Therefore, when they sneaked out of the barracks, even the people in the next tent didn't notice.

In the tent of the central army of the Wuli Kingdom, a man is also looking at a picture in his hand, but his picture is not a map, but a picture of a woman. If Fu Jinghao came close to look at it, he would know that it was a painting See you soon.

And the person looking at the picture is the prince of Wuli Kingdom.It was his uncle who led the troops this time.And he also came to the forefront in order to gain some military merit for himself.Anyway, he just sat in the back and waited for the magnetic card, he was not needed in battle.

The prince's uncle is a good general, and he is good at fighting.The one who has always been revered the most is Prince Rong, the god of war of the Eastern Dynasty. Maybe the generals of the surrounding countries all like this god of war the most.Because they grew up listening to the stories of God of War.

And this General Nangong also wants to find this Prince Rong.Wanted to meet him in person.Therefore, General Nangong is currently in a large tent on the other side, carefully planning how to deploy troops.

The portrait the crown prince looked at was obtained from Qiu Nanxing.Because Qiu Nanxing has been banned by him now, he was able to take the picture that Qiu Nanxing had been hiding all this time and slowly look at it.

Look around, and think about hearing the story of this woman told by the people they sneaked here. This woman is enough to be his queen!Although he already had a princess, everyone knew that that woman was the one he married to strengthen his position.If it weren't for her having a good family, I wouldn't want that kind of stupid woman.

The prince reached out and gently touched the face of the person in the painting.This face, from the first time he saw the portrait, he was deeply fascinated.Otherwise, as a prince, he didn't need to come to this border.He wanted to be the first to see her.He will definitely welcome her to be his queen!
(End of this chapter)

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