Chapter 767

Chapter 760: A Latent Lamp

In the other big tent, General Nangong also frowned and listened to the news from the scout who came down, saying that the Eastern Dynasty had increased its troops, but not many, only about [-].And the soldiers were taken to the barracks as soon as they arrived.Nothing has happened yet.

"Have you found out who brought the soldiers here?"

"Found it. The coach is named Lian, one of their Marquis. His name is Lian Quchen. The deputy coach is named Fu Jinghao, who is the youngest Marquis that was rumored last time."

"Fu Jinghao? I heard that he has a powerful soldier in his hand?"

"Yes, the year before last, a Marquis from Xilin Kingdom led troops to attack him, but he was captured alive by this Fu Jinghao. It is said that he was only twelve or thirteen years old at that time. He should be fifteen or sixteen now."

"Oh? Why haven't I heard of this? Tell me well!"

When General Nangong heard about this, he really had some problems. How could a boy in his teens capture a Marquis alive and destroy the granary!A lieutenant beside Nangong looked at Nangong in surprise and said:
"Why don't you know? We all know about this, and it's spread all over the place!"

As soon as this sentence was added, General Nangong also frowned and said:

"Is there something wrong with our letter transmission? Has the letter been intercepted?"

Nangong also thought, the people on his side, such news will definitely be passed on to him, why there is no news?It can only be that the chain fell in the middle.The more he thought about it, the darker Nangong's face became, and he said something to one of his followers, asking him to ask someone to check where the line was broken.

Nangong now has 20 soldiers in his hands, and to lead this soldier, he also issued a military order in front of the emperor.No matter what it is, it can be regarded as a fight for face for his eldest sister, as well as the prince and nephew who is a bit cautious.If it wasn't for the eldest sister, Nangong would really not want to do things for this nephew, and I don't know why, the elder sister is so kind, but this nephew is a person who can be used in real conspiracies and schemes.

The current opponents are all brought out by Old General Fu, and that Lian Quchen, I heard that he is the eldest disciple of Prince Rong, and he must be a master of formation, so he has to be careful now.Especially the prince's nephew now, I don't know which nerve is deranged.He actually ran to such a dangerous place.If something happens here, I don't know how to explain it.The eldest sister has only such a son!
Nangong is very annoying, these things are not as annoying as the secret in my heart!
Fu Jinghao led the people and ran all night, and entered Xilin directly.Fu Jinghao was bold this time, because he knew that there were very few people who knew him here.He was going to enter the Xilin country blatantly, and when he arrived at a small town, it was already daylight.

The people brought by Fu Jinghao were already tired and hungry. They tidied up each other and put some things that could not be brought into the town in a place on the mountain.Then go down the mountain into the town.He went to a restaurant and ordered some food. As soon as the door of the private room was closed, several people started to eat hungrily.All the dishes on the table were eaten clean, so Fu Jinghao rolled his eyes and said:
"How many days have you guys been hungry?"

Xiao Zeng, the leader, said:

"Grandpa, you don't know. We are training for four days without food. Just two days later, we received this and followed you."

"Go, just tell the truth. Lord, I'll tell you."

Xiao Deng on the side took the conversation and said:

"The main reason is that we feel that we haven't had your guest for a long time. So we accidentally ate more!"

Fu Jinghao stared.It is better not to say this!Fu Jinghao said angrily:

"I'll pay now, and I'll bill you later."

Several people suddenly withered.Blaming each other, Fu Jinghao is used to being free with people like them.Everyone didn't regard Fu Jinghao as a marquis, but just got along like a small captain.It made Fu Jinghao like being with them even more.

All joking aside, Fu Jinghao went to pay after eating, and asked the shopkeeper:

"Why are there so many soldiers walking around this town? What happened here?"

The shopkeeper looked up at Fu Jinghao who was dressed in a brocade robe, and knew that he was a young man, so he whispered:
"Young master, don't ask too much. Go home early. There is a war going on now. Thirty miles east of here is the border town. There may be a fight. I don't think you belong to ordinary people, so you should go back early."

Fu Jinghao pretended to be a little panicked and said:

"Then what should I do? I came from the capital, and I didn't know there was going to be a war here."

The shopkeeper repeatedly waved his hands and said:
"Go back quickly, maybe the country would be better off with the emperor here."

Xiao Zeng behind Fu Jinghao also said:
"Young master, how is this good? You ran away from home. If you just go back like this, the family will not force you to marry?"

The shopkeeper lowered his face and said:
"Young master, you can't listen to you little boy. Think about it, is life more important than getting married or not? Go back quickly. If you don't want to get married, go back and find a way. It's really not peaceful here. We They're all going to close the door."

Fu Jinghao still looked a little hesitant.Xiao Deng also immediately stepped forward to answer:

"Master, our carriage is broken, why don't we buy a new carriage and go. Otherwise, if we keep walking back, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it, Master."

Fu Jinghao looked difficult to make a decision.When the shopkeeper heard this, he immediately said:
"We have carriages in our store. If you want them, young master, we'll sell you one. Who wants more carriages now? When you leave, bring something soft and leave."

Fu Jinghao was a little confused:

"I originally wanted to find an old relative, so I didn't bring much money when I came out. How much do you want to sell this carriage for?"

When the shopkeeper heard this, he was taken aback and said:

"Then why don't you give me some taels of silver?"

"Okay, then ten taels. Let's go back in the carriage. Remember, the nameplate of this shop should still be hung on the carriage. Otherwise, I will be caught by the people sent by my father, and it will be difficult."

As soon as Fu Jinghao gave the order, he really acted like a son-in-law, he didn't care about anything, and let Xiao Zeng and Xiao Deng do things.And these two people still pretended to be jealous of each other, but they came like that vying to please the master, which made the shopkeeper very worried about this young master, how could such a servant be used.

I bought a carriage here from the shopkeeper, because I thought it would be a sign for inspecting carriages when passing through the city gate.If you ask again, there is an excuse to lie.So several people successfully bought a branded carriage from the shopkeeper.Go buy some food.Then he drove the carriage out of the town, went up the mountain to fetch things, and then went on the road to the capital of Xilin.

 I recommend a book to everyone, "Bitter Chrysanthemum", a true story!


(End of this chapter)

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