farmer's daughter

Chapter 768 Entering Xilin

Chapter 768 Entering Xilin
Chapter 760 IX Entering Xilin

These inspections in this Xilin country are not so strict, just look at the car and recognize the brand.But their brand is not easy to get.So with the license plate, you can enter the city smoothly.

After two days, the carriage of Fu Jinghao and his party entered the capital of Xilin.The Xilin Kingdom is not big, but the capital is not small, because there are not many cities in the whole country, so it is necessary to expand the capital.

Fu Jinghao and his party entered the capital smoothly, and first of all they looked for a place to eat.Then Xiao Deng went to have a relationship with a junior, saying that he was going to buy a yard here, but he didn't know where it was sold, and his master came here to do business.

After giving Xiao Er some copper coins, Xiao Er nodded and said:

"Guest officer eat first, I'll go and call my uncle. He happens to have a yard to sell, you can go and have a look."

Xiao Deng nodded.After everyone had finished eating, Xiao Zeng laughed at Xiao Deng for not being able to handle affairs well before anyone came.Xiao Deng opened the door of the private room a little bit angrily, and there was a middle-aged man standing respectfully outside the door. Seeing the door open, he asked kindly:
"Master, you want to buy a house."

Xiao Deng looked at this man, he was dressed cleanly, and replied angrily:

"Yeah, you're the one called by Xiao Er? Why don't you come in? I thought you wouldn't come in."

The man bowed and said:

"No, Grandpa, the little one has been here for a while, just to see Grandpa eating, just following the trend here, etc., it doesn't matter."

Xiao Deng didn't want to listen to his nonsense, so he opened the door and said:
"Come in."

Then he said to Xiao Zeng:
"Look, he came early, just saw us eating, so he waited outside the door."

I simply asked about the location, and then a few people paid for the meal and followed this person out. The person led them through a street and arrived at a small courtyard. He said it was small because there seemed to be only a double door in front There is a door, but after entering, I found that it is not small.It is also a courtyard with two entrances.It's not crowded for a few people to live in, because everyone is a man.

Everyone took a look and asked about the surrounding location. It was unexpected, this small courtyard is still very close to the imperial city, a little past here is the kitchen and laundry room at the back of the imperial city.It's just that this kitchen is not for the imperial dining room.It is a place for the servants in the palace to place is a little messy!
But it's this clutter that's a good place to start.

Therefore, this courtyard was exactly what they wanted.Xiao Zeng took out the money and bought the house.But when I heard that I had to go to the government to make some records.Xiao Zeng turned to look at Fu Jinghao.Fu Jinghao shook his head slightly.Xiao Zeng said:

"Well, do you want to rent out this yard? Our young master is here to do business. Although it is just a start, if it is done well, you may want to buy a bigger yard, and some people from your family will come over. You see, if there are female relatives in this yard It’s not very convenient to live in either. We’re in a hurry to get a place to live now, we’ll rent this yard for you, it doesn’t matter if the rent is a bit more expensive. What do you think?”

The homeowner thought about it and said:
"Indeed, I also think this yard is a bit small. It's because the people living around it are people from that palace, or I originally wanted to buy the adjacent place, but they are all from the palace, so I can't buy it. That’s it. If you want to rent it, you can do it, but don’t let me use up the things here, and I will sell them later.”

Xiao Zeng laughed again and again:

"That's that, we didn't bring anything when we first arrived, and we were expecting something to be available. Don't we need to buy it ourselves? When we hand over the house to you, we will hand it over to you as it is. Don't worry about that!"

The landlord nodded, and then everyone wrote a rental agreement casually, and delivered the money to the landlord directly according to the price the landlord said, without even talking about the price.

Because this place fit everyone's wishes, Fu Jinghao sat down first and said:
"Now arrange it here, pay attention, don't leave some special marks or things for us, use ordinary things for everything."

A few people just walked around the house and took a look at the surroundings. Xiao Zeng was still planning to buy something to cook and eat, and he had to cook by himself in the future. He couldn't always eat outside. It must be a bad thing if there are more opportunities to show up.

Xiao Zeng and Xiao Deng are a pair of sweethearts, and they are often heard bickering here, but they are like husbands and wives, and they will do everything together.Although they are talking about helping each other, they cooperate quite tacitly!So they were usually a little noisy, and Fu Jinghao endured it!
On the contrary, the two of them went out for a while and came back with the comprador.When I came back, I told Fu Jinghao the news.It was said that when buying meat, a palace official happened to be buying meat and wanted to ask the butcher to deliver it. The butcher said that his wife had given birth and no one was watching.The buyer is not happy to take it by himself.Xiao Zeng gave Xiao Deng a wink, and Xiao Deng stepped forward with a flattering smile and said:
"Master, the little one wants to earn two tea money, I can help you carry this meat, you just give the little one a reward."

Seeing that someone was willing to contribute, the butcher also helped to say good things.The purchaser saw that Xiao Deng was also tall and big, and looked honest, so he nodded and said:

"Okay, then you can carry that half of the meat on your shoulders and follow me. Remember, you can't look around when you get to the palace. I'm not responsible for anything that happens."

Little Deng repeatedly nodded in response:

"Yes, the young ones just follow the adults. They never dare to look around. The young ones just want to earn some money for tea. They just want money for tea."

While talking, Xiao Deng picked up the half of the pork.Then follow that procurement.Xiao Zeng quietly followed behind, to see where they entered from.Then wait outside for Xiao Deng.After a while, Xiao Deng came out from the small door at the back door of the palace.Then the two returned to the yard.

When he came back, Xiao Deng explained what he found when he went in.Little Deng said:

"Master, I found that the guards at the back door are really not strict, and it's easy to get in. I went in and followed the procurement carefully. When I came out, I wanted to go to the door and I turned back again, saying that I wanted to Go take a rest. The person ignored me, so I went for a while. I accidentally saw a court lady and a guard there. It’s just that they didn’t find me, and I came back again. There are no hidden guards there, only guards at the door, and there are patrols, but they are all loose."

Thinking about it, even though that side is also part of the palace, if you want to enter the harem and front hall inside, you have to pass through two gates. The inspection there may be stricter, but it is still the easiest to get in from here.

(End of this chapter)

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