farmer's daughter

Chapter 771 The Messenger

Chapter 771 The Messenger
Chapter 770 The second messenger

Old man Mo heard that Fu Jinghao was living in the barracks now, so he said:
"The prince, don't move him first, you should check some things before you move. You and that boy from the Shen family should be careful, I'll go and see what's going on with your elder brother first."

Now the two armies are constantly making some small team transfers, and there are some small frictions, but there is no official battle, and everyone is waiting for it.Old man Mo sneaked in here for the past few days, but he saw some of Nangong's methods of arranging troops, and he secretly approved of them.This person is indeed from the Nangong family.It is very unique in the use of troops.

Fu Jinghao had no choice but to go back to the barracks again, pretending to be the old man who delivered hot water and continuing to deliver water.Old man Mo sneaked back to the Eastern Dynasty's position.Looking at the general's formation and Lian Chen's formation, they are obviously not as mature as the Nangong family's. If he launches an attack, then this side will be vulnerable.

Reluctantly, old man Mo appeared in Lian Quchen's barracks, and talked with Lian Quchen about how to arrange troops.It shows the demeanor of the God of War back then!
Old man Mo didn't say anything, and even Qu Chen didn't know that General Nangong was looking for Old Man Mo.In order to encourage the soldiers, Lian Quchen announced the return of the God of War during a morning training session.As soon as this kind of thing was announced, it spread throughout the army. Of course, some people in Nangong also found out about it.

The news was sent back to Nangong's tent.

Nangong was discussing with the lieutenant general how to arrange troops, because the opponent's troops had been transferred in the past few days, which seemed to be unintentional, but in fact there was a hidden danger.And this danger was seen by Nangong, so he had to find a way to deal with it.And some of the lieutenants below couldn't understand it. Obviously, the situation a few days ago was very beneficial to their side.Why didn't the general order an attack!But now that they have re-arranged their troops, the situation will not be very favorable for their own side.But I saw the general's excited expression.

These people who followed Nangong were all old generals of the Nangong family.What they pursue is a command: follow the command.This is the simplest and strictest military order for the Nangong family to lead troops.So, before announcing the attack, everyone is waiting.No one disputes these things.

Naturally, the prince knew about some of Nangong's actions, so the prince asked Nangong to attack two days ago, but Nangong didn't give the order. Yesterday, the prince got a message that the Prince Rui he wanted to find was not in the Eastern Dynasty. .Instead, he went to Hu State.

This made the crown prince frown a little. Could it be that Dongfang Dynasty and Hu Guo joined forces?Hu Guo has never been in the eyes of the prince. In his view, it is an uncivilized place full of barbarians.But I heard that Prince Rui was invited by the emperor of Hu State to go.How things are now is unknown.I have to ask someone to find out what's going on.

The prince was busy arranging this matter again.I didn't urge Nangong any more today, but reminded Nangong that Dongfang Guo and Hu Guo seem to be connected, will they join forces?

Nangong still stood still, but secretly sent two more cronies, hoping that they could meet Prince Rong.

After Lian Quchen's arrangement was completed, old man Mo appeared again at the General's place, and naturally pointed out some flaws in the arrangement.The general respectfully made some revisions.Moreover, after being pointed out by old man Mo, he also saw his own shortcomings.

Old man Mo went around to check around once he had nothing to do.Then go back to Lian Quchen, explain some things and say:
"I'm going to look at Dian Jinghao. You should pay attention to your own safety and don't need to rush by yourself. Think about it, the princess is about to give birth."

Even Quchen nodded, knowing in his heart that it was because Master hurt him that he said that. As a person who is like a God of War, when he is on the battlefield, how can he tell others not to be too aggressive.

The scout of the Nangong family is also a really capable person.When old man Mo was about to sneak into Xilin country, he heard a person shout:

"Prince Rong, please wait, Prince Rong."

Old Man Mo's eyes darkened!Was he discovered when he was a little slow?
Old man Mo stopped his figure, but he could hear the man still shouting:
"Prince Rong, please wait, Prince Rong."

After thinking about it for a while, old man Mo was a little dumbfounded. It seems that this person didn't find him, but he couldn't find him, so he called here in this way, hoping that he would come out on his own initiative.

Old man Mo flew up to a tree farther away to hide, and then said in a voice:

"What do you want from me, who are you?"

The man finally stopped calling, and said with great joy:
"Prince Rong, is that you? I am the chief follower of General Nangong of Wuli Kingdom. I am here to bring a letter to you, Prince. It is an old friend of the Nangong family who wants to see you."

Old man Mo paused and didn't speak for a long time.The man thought that old man Mo had left, so he shouted anxiously:
"Prince Rong, Prince Rong, go and meet him, the old man may not live long!"

There was still no answer, and he called again:

"Prince Rong"

"where is she?"

"Thank you, Prince! It's in a small town forty miles ahead. The general can't bring her into the barracks. The prince is in the barracks."

The man actually had something to say.Even the secrets in the army were told truthfully.It seems that this matter is urgent.

Old man Mo didn't reply anymore, he just flew away.The man waited for a long time but did not respond, so he yelled twice, only a few birds were chirping, and everyone probably left.But I had to tell the general the news quickly, so I hurried back again.

Old man Mo was in a very complicated mood at this time.Old man Qin said to let him fulfill his wish.Only then did he know what old man Qin was talking about.In this life, if you want to say that you are sorry for one person, old man Mo can only be sorry for this one person, who is not yet daring to face it by himself.

Old man Mo left the forest and walked up the official road, stopped again to calm down his turbulent mood, and then set out on the road resolutely.Go straight to that small town.There, he knew, that was where he met that strong girl back then.The two got along sweetly for several days before they knew each other's identities, one was the prince of the Eastern Dynasty, and the other was the great general of Wuli Kingdom!No matter what, it is impossible for a general who has made great achievements to be agreed to marry into the Eastern Dynasty.And with the status of old man Mo, it is impossible to go to Wuli country.

The two could only look at each other with tears in their eyes, and then had to separate.It's just that the two sides stopped fighting for the person they loved each other at that time.This surprised the monarchs of the two countries, but they had no one else to fight instead of them, so they had to avoid fighting each other, and a battle did not start.But since then, there has been no general in Wuli country, and the God of War of the Eastern Dynasty also disappeared without a sound after returning to the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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