farmer's daughter

Chapter 772 The Past 1

Chapter 772
Chapter 770 Three Past Events One
It didn't take long for old man Mo to arrive in the small town.There were a lot fewer people in the town, because soldiers were stationed not far away, fearing that there would be a fight, everyone left if they could.

Old man Mo in this small town will never forget it in his life!That year, I just came here to check on the enemy's situation, but I didn't want to meet a person dressed as a heroic girl when I was eating here.It happened that a ruffian wanted to tease her, and old man Mo couldn't see it at the time and wanted to make a move.As soon as he stretched out his hand, he didn't want the girl to dodge and kick him neatly, and restrained the ruffian.

Old man Mo was immediately attracted.It is rare to see a girl who is so brave. The girls I have seen are all pretentious. Prince Rong was the ideal man in the hearts of all girls, not only because of his status and money, but also because of his appearance. Top of the list!
Seeing the girl's behavior, Prince Rong applauded.The girl thought she was another playboy, but when she saw Prince Rong, she was also stunned, and then she came to her senses.Yan Ran smiled and said:

"Thank you, young master, for the applause, but the young master is ready to eat? Didn't you bother the young master to eat?"

"No, no. I've eaten it all."

I thought it was just such a person passing by, but when I returned to the inn at night, I found that the room they wanted was next door.To meet is to be destined, and both of them treat each other as people from the rivers and lakes.It is natural to act according to the affairs of the rivers and lakes.Then Prince Rong invited the woman to have dinner together, and the two talked about some things in the wine room. Many of their views coincided with each other, and they had a good impression of each other.

A meal of wine and dinner lasted until midnight, and Xiao Er urged him to close up.Then the two of them still had something to say, and they were going to chat again, but there was nowhere to go, so they brought some wine and meat and sat on the roof to chat.

People are afraid of meeting the right person all their lives. Once they meet the right person, even if the time is wrong, they will be together regardless.Originally, they were not two people who followed the rituals and the teachings, but when they felt right, they raised their glasses to the moon, and both of them worshiped at the church.That restaurant made their bridal night.

After three or four days, the two of them were selfless as glue, and when they were deeply in love, a message broke the peace between them.In the past few days, the two of them only talk about love and talk about the world, and they are deliberately avoiding the question of their identities.

But when Nangong's personal soldiers came to the inn and delivered an imperial decree from the emperor, Prince Rong also knew that this beloved woman was his opponent Nangong Lizhu!
For a while, Prince Rong didn't know what to do. He didn't tell her that he was Prince Rong, and he didn't know that she was the general of the Nangong family. How could he want to get that smart and intelligent woman, that straightforward and kind woman? The understanding woman is his opponent, no matter whether the two armies are victorious or defeated, any one will hurt the relationship between the two.

Prince Rong's silence was misunderstood by Nangong Lizhu as anger after the soldiers left.Thinking that he had concealed his identity, Prince Rong became angry.But she didn't want to get a piece of news that surprised her even more when she sat down to explain.The husband-in-law whom I married on my own initiative is actually my opponent, Prince Rong!

The girl who was smiling every day was stunned, and then she sat limply on the ground, not knowing what to do.

Both of them understood that it was impossible for them to get together!Those days of being in love with each other will never happen again in the future!
In the future, what should we do in the future?Nangong Lizhu held the imperial decree in her hand, looked at her lover opposite, and suddenly burst into tears!

How could Prince Rong see his lover crying uncontrollably like this, stepped forward and half-kneeled to hug her and said:

"Don't cry, we, let's go. We leave them, we don't care about them! Let's live our own lives! Don't care about anything!"

Lai cried bitterly in Prince Rong's arms.Nangong Lizhu raised her head and said:

"You can, I can't, I still have parents, brothers and nephews. If I abandon them, I will take a lot of lives! I can't afford it!"

Prince Rong also knew that he was a member of the royal family and a prince, so it was impossible for him to cause trouble for his nine clans, and his mother was gone.If he wants to leave the royal family, his father will be furious at most.And the Nangong family is just a courtier.And this Nangong family is now the most attention-grabbing family in their dynasty.If Nangong Lizhu left with herself.The Nangong family will definitely be ransacked and beheaded.In this way, no matter where Nangong Lizhu and herself went, it was impossible for them to seek a peaceful life!

Prince Rong could only hold him tightly in his arms. For a moment, the two young men who were called God of War didn't know what to do.We can only hug each other and cry bitterly!
Afterwards, Nangong Lizhu seemed to have made some decision, and pestered Prince Rong to stay in the house for three days.Then he took out a pack of medicine and put it in the tea, and said to Prince Rong:
"I drugged this water. As you can see, there is no future for the two of us. You drank this glass of water. Since then, we have forgotten each other. I swear, in my lifetime, I will never bring Soldiers entering the Eastern Dynasty or doing something harmful to the Eastern Dynasty!"

Prince Rong laughed at that time and said:

"Dynasty belongs to them, I'm just yours. If you give me a drink, I'll drink it. I only ask you to do the same. After I drink the medicine, you promise me to take good care of yourself! Live every day well." , just love me for a day!"

Nangong Lizhu nodded and agreed with tears in her eyes.Prince Rong kissed Nangong Lizhu again, raised his head and drank the drugged water.No hesitation at all!
It was four days later that Prince Rong woke up again. When he woke up, he found that nothing had changed except Nangong Lizhu was gone.I thought it was only for a while, not four days.

Get out of the inn.I found that everyone was talking about it, saying that General Nangong's squadron had returned to the court.Prince Rong was shocked and wanted to chase after him, but found that he had no internal strength.

Only then did I realize that four days had passed, and the person had already gone far away.

Disappointed, Prince Rong returned to the border town of the Eastern Dynasty, and then took people back to the capital. On the way, he realized that his internal strength had slowly returned.It seemed that the medicine she gave herself was to stabilize herself.

After returning to Beijing this time, Prince Rong's temperament changed drastically. After talking to his father directly, he abandoned the palace and left the capital, wandering around the rivers and lakes.Don't care about the things in the court anymore.Everyone thought that Prince Rong was missing.But the royal family did not find it, and it is difficult for others to mention it.

Two months later, there was also news that the Lord Wuli had punished the general because of Nangong's arbitrariness, and the general handed over his military power and everyone guarantied her, so she saved her life. She sealed off her own yard, and she couldn't see anyone except the Patriarch!

(End of this chapter)

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