farmer's daughter

Chapter 784 Accountability

Chapter 784 Accountability
Chapter 780 Five Accountability

When he saw Ba Tuo again, Fu Jinghao punched him twice.Ba Tuo didn't fight back, because he knew that Fu Jinghao was angry because Prince Rui was not protected here, and it was his people who hurt Prince Rui!

If it weren't for Shi Chun pulling.Fu Jinghao wanted to go forward and beat Batuo.

Three days later, old man Mo said that Xue Jian could take the carriage.In this way, the people here were all ready to go, and headed towards Linda City together, leaving only one son of Rag Shepherd to be in charge of the planting progress here.Because from the time they planted the first batch until now, the trees in the first row have also begun to look alive.Needless to say, the grass all have new leaves.That means the planting was successful.Just keep planting.One day, the desert here will turn into a green state!
Back to Linda City, five days later.When she arrived in Linda City, Xue Jian went directly to arrange a tent for her. After a short rest, someone came to report that several Mu Kings had come to ask for an interview.

Accompanied by Fu Jinghao, Xuejian came out to meet these Mu Wangs. These people were naturally some supporters of Batuo. Come and visit.

The assailant who was brought back by Xuejian was also specially detained by Xuejian's people.Xue Jian planned to interrogate this man after meeting the king.But go all the way.This person was almost tortured, Fu Jinghao meant to leak the news that this person was still alive, to see if anyone wanted to take action.

So, when they arrived, they took the man, hooded and masked, into a tent in public.And sent someone to watch and detain him.

There are three more days until the Muda Meeting in Linda City.At this time, it is the most crowded and happiest time in the whole city. After celebrating the Muda meeting, the pastors will bring their own people and their territories.Then another year of grazing began.

Therefore, the entire Linda city is full of joyous songs and laughter.Everyone I met was beaming, but when I entered the king's golden tent, I met a man with a low face, who was the Ulazi shepherd of the Gele tribe.

When Xuejian, who was dressed in formal attire but still pale, entered the golden tent accompanied by Fu Jinghao, who was also in formal attire, everyone looked over.This is a pair of golden boy and jade girl.

"Fu Jinghao of the Eastern Dynasty has met the king."

Although Fu Jinghao and Batuo came here to meet the king, they still made a big gift here.The king laughed happily and said:

"Master Fu, please sit down!"

Fu Jinghao saw that the left and right seats were full.Just before the vacancy left for him and Xuejian on the upper left, Fu Jinghao clasped his fists and said to the surrounding shepherds:

"Hello pastors!"

Then he helped Xue Jian to sit down, but he didn't sit down himself.He got up again and stood in the middle and said:
"My lord, all herdsmen, everyone must have heard that Prince Rui went to the sandy land and was seriously injured by a sneak attack. I believe that the people sent by all the herdsmen will have a report for you. This time, I will follow Prince Rong came here. I just want to know who is dissatisfied with my Eastern Dynasty or who has our Prince Rui offended? After being diagnosed by Prince Rong himself, Prince Rui can barely walk on the ground now. But since our Prince Rui came to your China, I brought some good things to your country, and went to the sandy land to check it myself. It’s just for sand control. Is there anything not enough?”

The Rag pastor who came back together stood up and said with a face of shame:

"Back to Your Majesty, the situation at that time was like this."

After Lager pastor told, because he is a person who experienced it, what he said is naturally the most true.But when I heard that Prince Rui was saving their clansmen one after another in the sand, but was attacked by someone while saving them.Hearing that the Naxi herdsman got angry, he slapped the table beside him with a 'slap', and the tea bowl on the table jumped up at once.

"Who did such a thing that is not as good as a third-rate! It's a shame on our grassland! Find out. No mercy!"

It is this kind of behavior that the prairie men look down on the most. They worship warriors and respect heroes.Very disrespectful to this kind of villain's behavior.

"That's what we wanted to know. So, we brought out the man who survived. Along the way, people were thinking of various ways to get rid of him. I thought we didn't want him to come to Linda City alive, but they were very disappointed. , we brought people here. I just want to ask in front of everyone, who wants Prince Rui to die so much!"

Fu Jinghao said solemnly.

Although the king who sat on the throne had received a detailed report before, he was still a little bit hesitant to be asked face to face here, so he said angrily:
"Okay then, let's ask in person."

Fu Jinghao said:
"Everyone sitting here may be behind the scenes. Don't stare at me, and don't rush to explain. I would like to ask everyone to move over here. Everyone sit behind this curtain. Let's take a look and listen. Who gave the order to do this? First of all, we, the Eastern Dynasty, are very angry about this and will definitely investigate to the end!"

"Why should we go behind that curtain?"

Shepherd Tengsheng is also a rough person, and he is not happy to hear that he is going to act under cover like this.

Fu Jinghao said:

"If there's someone in the seat who's behind the scenes. Then it's going to stare at the person I brought in, or give some hint or something. Can you still hear the truth?"

Although the king who sat up was not very happy to be listening from behind the scenes, he also stood up and said:
"Okay, my king will go too."

So, the king led people out of the golden tent and went to another tent, where a tent was hung in the middle, but there were holes in the tent.I just want to see and see what's going on here.

Everyone stood up.The curtain of the tent over there was opened, and someone pushed in a person. This person covered his head, but was tied up tightly.

Fu Jinghao called out:
"Take the head off the person."

When the hood was removed, everyone saw a tall man with a beard. Everyone behind the scenes looked at the same man, a leader of a small tribe.The man also looked at the tied person in surprise.Because it was his nephew who was tied up.He is a well-known person in their tribe, and everyone praises him for his work and conduct.It’s just that he’s not here recently, and everyone thought he was going to study sand control.Did not expect him to be the murderer.

Now that this person has been caught, he has been angered by many of Xue Jian's guards.But he still stood there straight, with a dissatisfied expression on his face.Even Fu Jinghao sighed secretly after seeing his expression, what a pity for such a good man!

"Now, can you tell me your name? Which tribe are you from?"

"My name is Tuo Ri. What I do is my own business and has nothing to do with my tribe. Don't involve irrelevant people."

Tuo Ri replied righteously.

Fu Jinghao smiled lightly and said:

"It's irrelevant if you say it's irrelevant. Do you know where this is? This is Linda City. You hurt our Prince Rui. Naturally, we have to question the grassland. Is the grassland an enemy of the Eastern Dynasty? No! Even if you don’t tell me which tribe you belong to. If I hang you out, within half an hour, I will know which tribe you belong to, don’t you believe it?”

(End of this chapter)

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