farmer's daughter

Chapter 785 Rebellion

Chapter 785 Rebellion
Chapter 780 Rebellion
Fu Jinghao's series of words stunned Tuo Ri for a while.Then said:

"My tribe has nothing to do with me. My tribe is mostly old people now. You can't hurt them!"

"It's not that I want to hurt them, it's you who hurt them. You made a mistake, but you have to let them bear it. If it has nothing to do with them, then tell me, who is it with? We can't find anyone involved, We will count you as a whole, a grassland!"

Tuo Ri was silent for a long time, then raised his head and said:

"I don't want to hurt Prince Rui, but they kidnapped my woman and child. If I don't help them, they will kill my woman and child! Besides, if I want to put the prince in Damn, I won't hit his stomach with that palm, but hit her chest."

So he was forced?
"You can hurt my woman just because of your woman? Who took your woman away? Who are you going to go to?"

Fu Jinghao became angry when he heard this!
"Gerle's. Quintiles took my woman and child. My woman is pregnant."

"Who is Quintyx?"

A deep voice came from outside the tent, and it was old man Mo who came in.Old man Mo's face was dark.Tuo Ri knew this person, he had met him along the way, and he had heard from them.This person is the legendary undefeated god of war.Tuo Ri looked at old man Mo with bright eyes, and said softly:

"Kuntai is the son of the Ulazi herdsman!"

Just as Tuo Ri made a mistake, old man Mo flew up, passed through the curtain directly, and reached out to grab a person. This person was the shepherd Ulaqi who wanted to leave from the tent behind!

Old Mo's hand grabbed him and wouldn't let go. The other shepherds didn't know how to react when they saw this change. Only the shepherd Lager stepped forward and saluted:

"Lager has seen God of War!"

The people behind the curtain know that this white-haired old man is the God of War!

The others looked at each other, and someone said doubtfully:


Lager turned to the king and said:

"King Batu, this is Prince Rong of the Eastern Dynasty, who was also the undefeated God of War back then. He is Prince Rui's master. This time he learned that Prince Rui's internal organs were injured. That's why he hurried over to treat Prince Rui. "

As soon as everyone knew that this was the god of war in their hearts, they all came to greet him.However, Prince Rong brought Ulaqi over without losing face.Facing Tuo Ri, he said:
"Who is he?"

Although Tuo Ri sensed Wu Laqi's gaze, he still said obediently:

"This is Ulazi, the shepherd of Gerle, and Kuntai is his son! Our tribe is small, and his son often comes to our tribe to snatch girls."

Speaking of the fact that people from the Ulaqi tribe came to hurt people from his own tribe, Tuo Ri, a tall man, also had red eyes. It's not that he can't resist, but he is only one person's energy, and there are too many people in other people's tribes!
But those things are not within the scope of old man Mo.Old man Mo just carried the Ulazi and said:

"You want to kill my Prince Rui?"

Wu Laqi was also considered a tall man, but in front of old man Mo, he had no chance to resist unless he bowed his head.Regarding old man Mo's question, Wu Laqi had a dark face but had to reply:
"God of War, it's not me! I didn't do these things either!"

"It's not you, why are you running away?"

It was only then that everyone realized that old man Mo had caught Wu Laqi at the back door of the tent.Urazi said cheekily:
"No, it's not escaping, it's just that people have three urgencies, and people have three urgencies."

No matter what, you can't say in front of this person that you want to be a subordinate.

Old man Mo didn't expect a shepherd to be so shameless?In front of everyone so relaxed, old man Mo looked down on him, snorted and said:

"Well, you take us to find your son. I'm a reasonable person, and there is a wrong and a debt. Let's go!"

Urazzi lowered his head and thought for a moment:

"Okay! But you have to let the people of my tribe go."

Old man Mo is not the kind of person who pulls anger.Naturally, he didn't want to hurt the people.The bottom line is still there.

Wu Laqi led everyone to his king's tent. Apart from the king, several other shepherds also followed, all wanting to see how embarrassing this always domineering Ulaqi would be when he was dealt with by the god of war. .

Ulaqi's king's tent is a little on the side of Nuo Da's square. Although it is close to the side, because of its large area, there are some small tents of his subordinates around his king's tent.Urazzi went ahead.Old Man Mo followed behind him, and Fu Jinghao followed Old Man Mo a little more.Several other shepherds also followed behind.Everyone walked to the king's tent together.Ulazi shouted to a guard guarding the gate of the king's tent:
"Go get me all of Kuntai!"

Although he was talking angrily, he made a movement while waving his hand, which did not attract the attention of old man Mo and others. It was just that another soldier opened the door curtain and followed Wu Laqi into the tent.

Urazzi's king's tent is simple, one is not as magnificent as the golden tent, but it looks too simple.

There is a king sitting on the top, and there are no seats on both sides.It seems that everyone can only stand and talk.Wu Laqi stepped forward and sat on his king's seat, and then said:

"I'm sorry everyone!"

Then he slammed down the armrest of his throne, and with a click, an iron plate like a wall was erected in front of the throne.When everyone hesitated, a big iron cage fell from the top of the tent, just covering everyone inside.

Fortunately, old man Mo was well-informed and daring. When Ulaqi was taking pictures of the throne, old man Mo grabbed Fu Jinghao and jumped out of the tent.It's just that they didn't expect to come out of the tent.It's not like they got away with it.Layers of soldiers had long surrounded the tent.Everyone had bows and arrows pointed at them in their hands.

It seems that people have been prepared for a long time.Maybe they will be ready to go before Xuejian and his party come back.Know that sooner or later there will be such a day.

Old man Mo looked at a young man standing among the soldiers.Old man Mo and Fu Jinghao didn't recognize each other, but it was obvious that he was the leader of these people.And there were some soldiers surrounding them.But it is surrounded by the king's tent.

As for the king's tent, except for the old man Mo who rushed out with Fu Jinghao, no one else came out.It was really locked in that iron cage.

The scene suddenly changed.So it seems.The Gele tribe originally wanted to rebel.I don't know where so many of his soldiers come from, I have said it all.Every herdsman can only bring his own bodyguards back to Linda City.It seems.It is not without reason that they have left their tents on the edge of the city.

Old man Mo glanced at these people coldly, thinking that he would be able to surround himself with this?
(End of this chapter)

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