farmer's daughter

Chapter 790 Nightmare

Chapter 790 Nightmare
Chapter 790 Nightmare

Liang Sheng frowned and said:

"Xue'er, I think you're fine, let's go back to Qingyang first. There are a lot of miscellaneous things here. Jing Hao is not here, and neither is your master. You have to pay attention to your safety, too?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I found that you two have stayed in this capital for a long time. It seems that you are getting more and more timid? What are you afraid of? By the way. Don't talk about safety, I will send you two people in a few days. In the future, you will still be here. You need some of your own guards, don't just rely on those sent by the palace."

Liang Shengyue didn't know if he wasn't a prime minister now, but being a prime minister was really tiring, and all kinds of official documents piled up like a mountain every day, one department was resolved, and another department made trouble again.I was thinking about everything for the government, and I wanted to do something for the people, thinking that since I was in a high position and had some power, I could really do some practical things, just like Xueer.If you do something for everyone, everyone will remember it in your heart.

But when I was really here, I realized how difficult this matter is. What I dealt with was not a specific thing for the people, but some problems between officials and the people, and between officials and officials.And some department vs. department questions!I feel that what I have done is something that is a little far away from the common people. It is better to be a government office in Qingyang before, and then lead people to control the water.

Whenever he thinks about it, Liang Shengyue also feels depressed, especially when he is here, he has done something, and he still has to suffer the emperor's suspicion. He also knows that part of the reason is that the emperor is also checking the matter of Xuejian, because he is with Xue Jian. Snow sees related people.

As far as the current servants in my mansion are concerned, there are people in every mansion here.Therefore, except for the study room, my long follower Pony has been in charge of watching. In other places, especially around Xiao Hu's, those people blatantly arranged for people to come. people.In fact, it was sent by the Wei family.

Mrs. Hu was originally a straightforward person, and he really couldn't change the thoughts and activities among these noble ladies in Beijing. There were two times when the county chief smoothed things over, so it was not embarrassing.After just two times, the Hu family generally stopped going out to socialize with those noble ladies.But now that she is pregnant again, there is even more reason not to go out.

Xue Jian hadn't been in the capital for a long time, so she didn't know about these things.Now that I heard about it, Xue Jian was furious.Staring at his uncle and aunt, he said:
"Why do you keep living and going back? You are a majestic prime minister, you are the prime minister's wife, what are you afraid of those people? It's sold. Who dares to stand out, ask why. I deal with the people in my house, who dares to stand up?"

Turning his eyes, he thought of it, Xue Jian's face sank and he said:
"Are you thinking that I am a prince and don't want to cause trouble for me?"

Liang Shengyue sighed and did not speak.Xue Jianqi laughed and said:

"Uncle, you are so smart that you have been confused for a while. You are in the court because of your ability, not because of me. Besides, if my aunt is unhappy, then your family will be unhappy. What else do you mean?"

"Ah! No, no, no. I have to stay at your house for a few days, and I'll clean it up. I can't stand this kind of thing. My eating, drinking, and messing up are watched one by one, and I have to report it to others."

Liang Sheng frowned and said:

"Don't worry! I'll take care of these things. With your thoughts, I have a solution. I really didn't want to accumulate too many grievances at first, which would be bad for you and my development. But now you say that, I Don’t think about it so much.”

While talking, someone outside came to report:

"My lord, Mr. Tang is here."

"Please come in!"

It was Liang Junlei who came. I didn't expect him to arrive so soon.Thought it would arrive tomorrow.Unexpectedly, Shen Chengye came in with Liang Junlei.The two saluted Xuejian and Liang Shengyue one after another, and then everyone sat down.

"Brother Chengye, do you want to take this exam too?"

Shen Chengye smiled and said:

"No, I met Brother Liang on the way. I came here for a study tour. I was thinking of getting Chunwei. There must be students from all over the world. I came to learn from you and ask for advice. I am preparing for the next session Take the test."

Liang Junlei said on the side:

"Uncle, Chengye can actually refer to it now. Talking with him along the way, I often find that I am not as good as him!"

Liang Shengyue had also come into contact with Shen Chengye, knew that this child had solid basic knowledge, and lived with Xuejian for a few days, and followed Xuejian to learn more when he had time. Therefore, Shen Chengye's knowledge is not limited to Books, but limited to the world!Come out and walk around to see if it's right.

Liang Sheng sighed more:
"You chose the best way to increase your knowledge. Going out for a while will allow you to accumulate a lot of knowledge. Back then, if I had walked around earlier, I wouldn't be able to see it now. In front of my eyes."

"Sir, it's amazing. It's the blessing of sister Xue'er that the students are able to come out and have a look. Since our Shen family was brought out by Xueer, the living conditions of our family have been greatly improved. Otherwise, what The conditions for coming here let me come out and wander like this. My father and mother often told the four of us that we must not forget the kindness of Xueer in this life."

"Not only your Shen family, but also our Liang family. Everyone will remember this."

Liang Shengyue also said the same.

Xue Jian looked around and said:

"You people who study, just flatter. I'm also involved. Don't stop, I can't stand it. It's better to say a few words less."

It was night, back to the Prince's Mansion, lying on the bed, but Xue Jian couldn't fall asleep.It has been two days since I arrived in the capital, plus the time I spent on the way back from Hu country.Why didn't they hear from Fu Jinghao and the others at all?It is agreed that people can send a message at any time!Could something be wrong?

It's a pity that in this era, communication is too underdeveloped.All news will be known long after the fact.But for the past two days, Xue Jian always felt a little uneasy, wondering if something would happen?
She didn't sleep well all night, and Xue Jian, who was still waking up from a nightmare, was covered in cold sweat.She dreamed that Fu Jinghao was walking towards her covered in blood.Then he laughed and fell down.

Xue Jian who was awakened was really frightened.That look was too real, Xue Jian raised his voice and shouted:
"Director Stone!"

Although Shi Chun has his own room, but since Xue Jian was attacked, Shi Chun no longer leaves Xue Jian very far away, and even sleeps on a low couch laid out behind a screen in Xue Jian's bedroom.

During these years of getting along, Shi Chuntuo said that he treated this master as his own daughter, so when he heard Xue Jian calling for someone, he immediately came over and said:
"Miss, what's the matter?"

"Shi Chun, spread the word immediately and ask Director Cheng to send someone to the border town to find out about Fu Jinghao. I had a bad dream, it was so real!"

Shi Chun didn't tell the lady, but when he saw the lady, she had a nightmare, and the sweat was protruding from her head!I have to change the young lady's clothes first, so that the young lady does not catch a cold.While listening, Shi Chun quickly found out a suit of clothes.Just as I was about to change it for the lady, I heard Xuejian shout:
"Didn't you hear me? Go pass the order first!"

(End of this chapter)

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