farmer's daughter

Chapter 791 Appointing a Horse Breeder

Chapter 791 Appointing a Horse Breeder

Chapter 790 Appointment of a Horse Breeder
Shi Chun was stunned for a moment.This was the first time that Xue Jian spoke so harshly in front of her since she followed Xue Jian.After a short pause, he put on his coat and went out.

The sound of Shi Chun opening the door awakened Xue Jian.It was only then that I thought about what I had just said.Xue Jian lowered her head and buried her hands in her palms.After waiting for a while, Shi Chun came back again and said softly:

"Miss, I sent a message. Manager Cheng is also arranging someone. Come on, let me change your clothes first. The clothes are sweaty. It's not comfortable to wear and it's easy to get cold."

Xue Jian rushed over to hug Shi Chun, buried her head in Shi Chun's arms, and said softly:
"I'm sorry, Aunt Shi, I, I just had a nightmare!"

"Miss, I'm sorry, okay, it's all right."

Shi Chun patted Xuejian on the back, and helped Xuejian change her clothes without any hassle.Although it was not dawn, Xue Jian didn't want to sleep anymore.That dream was too real, if I hadn't lost my martial arts.I was afraid that I rushed towards it.

Xuejian got up and got dressed.Simply move to the study and open the map to have a look.It seems that everyone feels that Xilin Kingdom is too important, and it should be taken down for real entertainment.But I don't know if what Fu Jinghao said about Brother Chengqiang and the others going to mess with the prince of the Xilin Kingdom will succeed.But the map here does not have the situation on their side, and I don't know what it looks like there.Xuejian was thinking about it alone in the study.

At dawn, Gu Chun came over and reminded:
"Miss, you are going to the racecourse today. Do you want to change your clothes first?"

Yes, it was arranged yesterday, and today I will go to see the horses brought back with the people from the Ministry of War.I don't know horses myself, but I brought back a person who knows horses very well, that is, Tuo Ri.

In order to come back with Xue Jian, Tuo Ri swore an oath with their most revered god, to be loyal to Xue Jian for the rest of his life.Xuejian took him away.

The selected horses were also selected by Tuo Ri.In addition to Batuo sending Xuejian two bloody BMWs, Xuejian also asked Tuo Ri to pick a few good horses and prepare to take them back to Qingyang.But the other horses are ready to be sent to the Ministry of War.

When Xuejian took Gu Gonggong and Shi Chun to the racecourse in a carriage, some generals, large and small, from the Ministry of War came.These are horse lovers.

People who love horses have their own skills of matching horses.But when they came to the racecourse and saw the horses brought back by Xue Jian, everyone became restless.They all want to give themselves two horses!That's a BMW!
Seeing Xue Jian's carriage arrived, everyone stepped forward and said:

"Meet the Prince. The horse."

Xue Jian stood on the carriage and said with a smile:

"Have you seen these horses?"

Seeing that all the elders nodded excitedly.Xue Jian said with a smile:
"But no way! No one is allowed to touch the horses here. I was only here today to hand over to the Ministry of War, but now I have to warn you. If you want the horses here, you have to wait two or three years. Because the horses here are brought back for breeding. In two or three years, we will have a batch of good horses!"

When Xue Jian said this, everyone was embarrassed to say that they wanted a horse.This is for a stallion.

"Prince, please order me to raise horses here!"

Everyone turned their heads to look at the sound.He is a general from the third rank.When there was no fighting, these generals took turns to go to the border town to guard, but when it was really their turn to fight, the emperor did not arrange for them to go.So one by one is idle in this capital.

Once the emperor and the courtiers, the first embodiment is the person in charge of the military!Every emperor will hand over military power to people he trusts.Even if you have made great achievements, when the emperor is changed, you may be replaced.

These middle-aged and middle-aged generals are now the kind of people who have been replaced, and they can get close to things related to the army. These are the horses.So, the general called out: he would like to raise horses.

Seeing that everyone turned their heads to look at him, the general came forward seriously and half-kneeled to ask Xue Jian:

"Prince Rui, Hu Dayong asked for orders to raise horses. I didn't ask for orders indiscriminately. You can ask Lord Shangshu. My family raises horses. Seeing these fine horses, I can't help but want to serve them myself."

Xuejian turned her head to look at the Shangshu of the Ministry of War. Although the Lord Shangshu frowned, he still said:
"Returning to the prince, General Hu's family is really good at raising horses. Especially for delivering horses, they have their own way. It is said that the horses in his father's hands have never died. They have all survived."

It has to be said that Shang Shu's words moved Xue Jian.Xue Jian looked at Shang Shu and said:

"Is it feasible, my lord?"

Shang Shu nodded and said:
"It's a good thing, but I'm afraid I still have to tell the emperor about it. Otherwise, it seems a bit nondescript for a third-rank general to raise horses."

"I do not care!"

Then Hu Dayong shouted immediately.Xue Jian looked amused and said:
"Okay! Sun Wukong can be a Bi Mawen, and you can also be a horse breeder. I will go to the emperor and tell the emperor that you have raised these horses. Now there are twelve of them with foals. .There are about [-] mares. If you raise us [-] ponies next year, then I will give you a credit. Change your rank from the third rank to the third rank. "


"When did I ever tell a lie?"

In front of everyone, everyone heard Xue Jian's words, and the matter was settled like this.As for raising horses, the chief officer is Hu Dayong, and the deputy is Tuo Ri brought back by Xue Jian.

Dealt with the racecourse.Go back to the palace and tell about the racecourse.The emperor didn't care about raising horses for a general he no longer valued, but if he really could raise good horses as Xue Jian said.That's good too.

As soon as Xuejian returned home, Manager Cheng brought a person in, saying he was looking for Xuejian, and Xuejian took a look.It was my cousin Liang Junxiao.

When Yantian was discovered the year before last, Liang Junxiao and his brothers divided up the work, and Liang Junxiao was always stationed in the capital.Responsible for investigating the attitudes of various households in Beijing towards Xuejian and Yan, and responsible for reporting some situations back to Qinglin in a timely manner.

Liang Shengyue is responsible for some things in the court, but someone has to be responsible for some things outside the court. Xuejian thinks that Liang Junxiao is good because Liang Junxiao is careful and usually looks like a silent person, but In fact, he is very popular, and it is easy for others to take the initiative to make friends with him.

It's just that Liang Junxiao is a young man now.Xue Jian heard her eldest aunt saying last time that her eldest cousin had to establish a career first before starting a family. Cousin Jun Xiao said that it would be his turn only after his eldest brother started a family.These two brothers gave my aunt a headache.

Xue Jian didn't expect that this little cousin would come to the Prince's Mansion to look for her knowing her identity. Thinking about the eyeliners around her mansion, it seems that there is something important or urgent.Therefore, Xuejian hurriedly brought the little cousin into the main hall.

(End of this chapter)

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