Chapter 802

Chapter [-]: Interrogation of Spies

The man failed to commit suicide, and the other two were subsequently taken down.It didn't attract the attention of many people outside.

If someone is caught, they will naturally be interrogated first.Shen Chengqiang didn't care about that, he had to deal with Fu Jinghao's injury first.Fu Jinghao said calmly:
"Don't worry, my injury is not serious, it doesn't matter if I don't deal with it first. I'm still useful."

What's the use of being hurt?

Although Shen Chengqiang obeyed Fu Jinghao's wishes, he still took out a medicine from his bosom and gave Fu Jinghao to swallow it.This is the medicine prepared by old man Mo.Very useful.

This Fu Jinghao did not object.Fortunately, the general was only slightly injured.Not even Quchen was injured at all, only one of his coats was scratched.

First, grab the long follower.Shen Chengqiang reached out and took the medicine he had hidden in his mouth.Then he also picked up a writing brush that had been knocked off the ground, put it across Chang Sui's mouth and tied it to the back of his head with a belt, so that he could not bite his tongue to kill himself, but could still speak.Then he unbuttoned his jaw.Return him to his original position.

The general sat down, even Quchen sat down and asked:
"Tell me, which country are you from? How many years have you been sneaking here?"

Speaking of how many years, Chang Sui glanced at the general, his eyes were too complicated.It seems that they have been together for more than ten years, and it is not true that they have no feelings at all.

Now that they're all caught, what else is there to say?The long follower lowered his head.Fu Jinghao said coldly on the side:

"He has been able to hide for so many years, and he is also a very scheming person. Didn't he learn a lot from us? Then I will teach you a little more. How to make people speak. Cheng Qiang, remove the hair on his head! Then Make a small opening. Pick up the hide. Then fill it with sand. Take your time. Put a layer of sand in all his hides!"


Without saying a word, Shen Chengqiang stepped forward and drew out a small knife that he had with him.Go shave first.The long follower didn't say wait for Shen Chengqiang to do it, even after hearing Fu Jinghao's words, his scalp would tingle.After a while of tightness, I actually spit out urine in fright.But he still stiffened his neck and said:

"If you want to kill, give me a happy one?"

Fu Jinghao said with a cold smile:

"I'm happy for you, I don't want to be happy! Want to be happy? It depends on how much you say, otherwise. I can do a lot of things on you that you don't know. You can't die!"


"I what me!"

"You, go and bring me a bucket of sand. By the way, bring me a wooden spoon. I didn't use a wooden spoon last time, and it made me covered in sand and looked imperfect."

While ordering a soldier, Shen Chengqiang stretched out his hand to pat Chang Sui's cheek with the knife, and said:

"Don't worry, for the sake of you setting up tents for us after we came here, I promise to add a perfect and beautiful sand jacket for you! The one I made last time survived a few years later. Holy shit. It was a success."

Listening to it makes people panic!

The long follower was silent for a while and said:

"Okay, I say, but don't touch me. Give me a good time later!"

"I'm from Wuli Country. I've never done anything wrong to the Eastern Dynasty during the years I've been here. In these years, I've been taking care of the general seriously, until Prince Qiu Nanxing came to the Eastern Dynasty the year before last. It was only when he came on an envoy that he gave me an order. I started to collect all the relevant things, including the establishment of a small team, and I reported it back. It is said that Prince Qiunanxing was able to win this time because of the small team he established. I have made meritorious deeds by controlling the ministers, but if I want to go back, I have to make another meritorious service. I have to kill you all."

"So, I even had people kill those who reported it."

"Then how many of your people are still in our army?"

Fu Jinghao asked again.

"I have eight people with me, and there seem to be others. But I don't know, we all recognize tokens but not people."

"Which eight?"

Chang followed the pain and said:
"These two in the room, I can't say anything about the others. Really, if I die, they will no longer be from Wuli Kingdom, and they have been seriously serving as members of the Eastern Dynasty all these years." , there is no one who is sorry for Dongfang Dynasty's killing of the messenger this time, it was the three of us who did it. The others don't know that we are doing this. Let them go?"

"Whether to spare them or not, we have the final say. What you say doesn't count. You just tell me the list of eight people. I will consider whether to spare them."

Chang Sui really didn't speak this time.He intends to save the lives of the other six people with his own death!He didn't say anything, even if Fu Jinghao tortured him now, he really planned to die.

But the general had a gloomy face and said:
"You'd better tell those eight people out, otherwise, I know where you have a son."

Chang Sui suddenly raised his head and stared at the general!
"Should you be five years old this year? Born on March [-]?"

This time, there was a slight fluctuation in Chang Sui's eyes.Some pain!This is a tough choice!While everyone was waiting for him to make a choice, one of the two tied up behind shouted:,

"I know, I know, just let me go!"

Chang Sui suddenly looked up at the person behind him.The man burst into tears and said:

"It's not that I don't keep secrets, my mother, my mother is going to die! I thought I could go back and do my filial piety to my mother after I succeed this time. My mother will die with regret! Wow."

Well, it's really not good for a big man to cry.But at this time, who would sympathize with him?
Fu Jinghao said lightly:

"It's a big man's acupoints. It's shameful to cry like this! I still want to hear from you and give you a chance!"

Fu Jinghao turned his head to look at Chang Sui again.Then he said:
"Look, now not only you know it, but he also knows it. If you don't say it, he will say it too. If you say it, your chances will be even greater. I will give you a good time!"

Chang Sui smiled.road:

"Sure enough, he is the son of General Fu. If General Fu hadn't had an accident, he might be the one sitting here now?"

Fu Jinghao replied coldly:

"You don't have to say something so divisive. It's useless!"

"It's not sowing discord. It's just that I miss General Fu a little bit!"

After sighing, Chang Sui still said a few names, and Shen Chengqiang wrote them down one by one.Then he personally took people to invite those people out.tied up and locked in a room.

And this long follower also got the pleasure from Fu Jinghao!The moth has been found out, and the next thing is how to deal with the opponent's [-] soldiers.

No, I have to send someone back to post the letter again.This comes back and forth.It was delayed for a few days, and then reported back and forth, even if it took about ten days.

So, when Fu Jinghao's report letter was delivered to the capital, another thirteen days had passed here.Thirteen days, you can do a lot of things.For Wuli and Ula, it will take less than thirteen days to take down the border town!
(End of this chapter)

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